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This is not the way to get your career as a superstar started.
Yeah, Laurence Fishburne's daughter, Montana did a couple of porn films, big deal. We still love Kim Kardashian after she did hers and tolerate Paris Hilton to an extent, so I'm cutting her some slack on that.
But how in the hell do you leave the club with ashy a** knees? I doubt she went in that way, assuming she has lotion and a mirror at home.
Come on, Chippy D, we're expecting more than this now that you're in the spotlight you so desperately craved.
This kind of hood ratness can't happen if you're going to ascend to the heights of the Kardashians like you say you want to.
There's so many possibilities I could think of on why her knees look like chalkboards, but I think it would be better if yall left your comments on how this could have happened.
Oh and in case you're wondering. The little elf next to her is her boyfriend/pimp,
Jeremy Steele aka "J-Pipes".
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