
CHICAGO (AP) — A popular actor steps out onto the street and is brutally reminded that, despite his fame & wealth, places still exist where the color of his skin & sexual orientation put him in danger.

That was the story that ricocheted around the world after Jussie Smollett, a Black & openly gay actor, reported to Chicago police that he was the victim of a hate crime.

Nearly 3 years later, Smollett is about to stand trial on charges that he staged the whole thing.

He was charged with felony disorderly conduct after law enforcement and prosecutors said he lied to police about what happened in the early morning hours of Jan. 29, 2019, in downtown Chicago. He has pleaded not guilty. Jury selection is scheduled to begin Monday. Disorderly conduct, a class 4 felony, carries a sentence of up to three years in prison but experts have said it is more likely that if Smollett is convicted he would be placed on probation & perhaps ordered to perform community service.

Smollett told police he was walking home from a Subway sandwich shop at 2 a.m. when two men he said recognized him from the TV show “Empire” began hurling racial & homophobic slurs at him. He said the men struck him, looped a makeshift noose around his neck & shouted, “This is MAGA country,” a reference to then-President Donald Trump’s campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again.”

Just weeks later came the stunning announcement that Smollett was charged with staging the attack to further his career & secure a higher salary. And, police said, he hired 2 brothers from Nigeria, to pretend to attack him for $3,500.

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BAGHDAD (AP) — Angered by deadly airstrikes targeting an Iran-backed militia, dozens of Iraqi Shiite militiamen and their supporters broke into the U.S. Embassy compound in Baghdad on Tuesday, smashing a main door and setting fire to a reception area in one of the worst attacks on the embassy in recent memory.

American guards fired tear gas, and palls of smoke rose over the embassy grounds.

An Associated Press reporter at the scene saw flames rising from inside the compound and U.S. soldiers on the roof of the main embassy building with their guns pointed at protesters.

A man on a loudspeaker urged the mob not to enter the compound, saying, “The message was delivered.”

There were no reports of casualties. The State Department said all American personnel were safe and that there were no plans to evacuate the embassy. The government planned to send more troops to protect the compound.

The breach followed U.S. airstrikes on Sunday that killed 25 fighters of the Iran-backed militia in Iraq, the Kataeb Hezbollah. The U.S. military said the strikes were in retaliation for last week’s killing of an American contractor in a rocket attack on an Iraqi military base that the U.S. blamed on the militia.

President Donald Trump blamed Iran for the embassy breach and called on Iraq to protect the diplomatic mission.

“Iran killed an American contractor, wounding many. We strongly responded, and always will. Now Iran is orchestrating an attack on the U.S. Embassy in Iraq. They will be held fully responsible. In addition, we expect Iraq to use its forces to protect the Embassy, and so notified!” he tweeted from his estate in Palm Beach, Florida.

By early evening, the protesters had retreated from the compound but set up several tents outside where they said they intended to stage a sit-in. Dozens of yellow flags belonging to Iran-backed Shiite militias fluttered atop the reception area and were plastered along the embassy’s concrete wall along with anti-U.S. graffiti. American Apache helicopters flew overhead and dropped flares over the area.

Trump, who is spending the holiday week at his Florida home, is in “close touch” and receiving regular updates from his national security team, said White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham. She echoed the sentiment contained in Trump’s tweet earlier Tuesday.

“As the president said, Iran is orchestrating this attack, and they will be held fully responsible,” Grisham said in an emailed statement. “It will be the president’s choice how and when we respond to their escalation.”

The developments also represent a major downturn in Iraq-U.S. relations that could further undermine U.S. influence in the region and American troops in Iraq and weaken Washington’s hand in its pressure campaign against Iran.

Iraq has long struggled to balance its ties with the U.S. and Iran, both allies of the Iraqi government. But the government’s angry reaction to the U.S. airstrikes and its apparent decision not to prevent the protesters from reaching the embassy signaled a sharp deterioration of U.S.-Iraq relations.

Iraqi security forces made no effort to stop the protesters as they marched to the heavily fortified Green Zone after a funeral for those killed in the airstrikes. The demonstrators were allowed to pass through a security checkpoint leading to the area.

The marchers, many of them in militia uniforms, shouted “Down, down USA!” and “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” outside the compound, hurling water and stones over its walls. The mob set fire to three trailers used by security guards along the wall. AP journalists saw some try to scale the walls.

Others then smashed the gates used by cars to enter, and dozens pushed into the compound. The protesters stopped in a corridor after about 5 meters (16 feet), and were only about 200 meters away from the main building.

The sprawling embassy compound enjoys a prominent position on the banks of the Tigris River in the heart of the Iraqi capital. Resembling a fortified college campus, the complex is rimmed with thick blast walls and cylindrical watch towers, lending it the look of a modern-day castle.

Gates visitors use to enter the complex consist of an airlock-like vestibule fortified with heavy doors and bulletproof glass. Even if protesters breached the first set of doors, they would have to force past heavily armed military contractors and U.S. Marine guards and a second set of heavy doors before entering the main compound.

Numerous buildings are inside the walls, including dormitories for staff, well-stocked dining and recreation facilities, and a power station.

The protesters taunted the embassy’s security staff, which remained behind glass windows in the gates’ reception area. They hung a poster on the wall declaring “America is an aggressor” and sprayed graffiti on the wall and windows reading, “Closed in the name of the resistance.”

“This is a victory in retaliation to the American airstrike. This is the initial retaliation, God willing, there will be more,” said Mahmoud, a fighter with the Imam Ali Brigades who was carrying a black bag filled with electricity cables that he said he took from the reception area.

A video obtained by the AP showed militiamen trashing the reception area and taking away paperwork.

The embassy, on its Facebook page, urged American citizens not to approach the compound and “to review their personal security and emergency preparedness.”

An Iraqi employee at the embassy told the AP that the embassy’s security team had evacuated some local staff from a rear gate while others left by helicopters and the rest remained inside “safe” areas within the embassy. The employee spoke on condition of anonymity because of not being authorized to speak to journalists.

The U.S. ambassador was traveling outside Iraq at the time of the attack and planned to return, the State Department said.

Some commanders of militia factions loyal to Iran joined the protesters outside the embassy in a strikingly bold move. Among them was Qais al-Khizali, the head of one of the most powerful Iranian-backed Shiite militias in Iraq who is on a U.S. terror list, and Hadi al-Amiri, the head of the state-sanctioned paramilitary Popular Mobilization Units, the umbrella group for the Iran-backed militias.

Jaafar al-Husseini, a spokesman for Kataeb Hezbollah, said the protesters had no intention of storming the embassy. He told the AP that the sit-in will continue “until American troops leave Iraq and the embassy is closed.”

The U.S. airstrikes — the largest targeting an Iraqi state-sanctioned militia in recent years — and the subsequent calls by the militia for retaliation, represent a new escalation in the proxy war between the U.S. and Iran playing out in the Middle East.

The attack also outraged the Iraqi government, which said it will reconsider its relationship with the U.S.-led coalition — the first time it has said it will do so since an agreement was struck to keep some U.S. troops in the country. It called the attack a “flagrant violation” of its sovereignty.


Associated Press writers Darlene Superville in West Palm Beach, Florida, Adam Schreck in Chicago, Samya Kullab in New York and Zeina Karam in Beirut contributed to this report

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Nick Wright and Bart Scott recap the New England Patriots vs. Houston Texans Week 13 matchup and discuss if the Pats loss proves that the team is worse than people thought or if the Texans are better than people thought. The duo also grades the performance of Texans quarterback Deshaun Watson. Texans beat the Patriots 28-22 on Sunday night.

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Three of the most thorough rappers in the game link up as Assholes By Nature (ABN) rapper and Houston native, Trae Tha Truth, connects Philadelphia's Original Block Hustlaz (OBH) representatives Ar-Ab and Dark Lo for a song titled "My Part of Town."

This is off of DJ Kay Slay's new mixtape titled "The Rap Attack," available now on Datpiff


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Longtime New York Yankees owner George Steinbrenner died Tuesday morning, his family confirmed in a statement.

"It is with profound sadness that the family of George M. Steinbrenner III announces his passing. He passed away this morning in Tampa, Fla., at age 80," the family said in a statement.

"He was an incredible and charitable man. First and foremost he was devoted to his entire family -- his beloved wife, Joan; his sisters, Susan Norpell and Judy Kamm, his children, Hank, Jennifer Jessica and Hal; and all of his grandchildren.

"He was a visionary and a giant in the world of sports. He took a great but struggling franchise and turned it into a champion again."

The Steinbrenner family said that funeral arrangements will be private, however details about an additional public service will be announced at a later date.

The New York Daily News reported that Steinbrenner died around 6:30 a.m. ET Tuesday in Tampa, Fla.

WABC-TV in New York reported that Steinbrenner, the Yankees' owner since 1973, suffered a massive heart attack.

Steinbrenner, who celebrated his 80th birthday on July 4, was taken to a Tampa hospital after emergency crews responded to his home Monday night.

Steinbrenner gave his sons, Hal and Hank, day-to-day control of the team in late 2007.

He told The Associated Press last week that he was "feeling good" after spending a couple hours in his office at the Yankees' spring training complex.

Under his ownership, the Yankees have won 11 AL pennants and seven World Series titles.


Source: ESPN

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Kevin Tavares, second from left, Stalin Felipe, center, and Rondell Bedward, right, talk to a reporter, left, after they were released from the Nassau County Jail in East Meadow, N.Y. NY Daily News Reports One of the five men falsely accused of gang-raping a Hofstra University student said Thursday he and his friends feared they would be attacked in jail. "In life and in jail, rapers and molesters are seen as the scum of the earth, the lowest of the low," said 20-year-old Kevin Taveras. "We were scared." Dressed in sweats and weary after his ordeal, Taveras said he doesn't even know the name of his accuser and hopes cops "file an investigation of that girl."

Kevin Tavares "I hope that other people see the truth that she lied, that we never lied," he said. "We could have all done long bids [in prison]. It could have cost us 25 years." Taveras' dad said what the 18-year-old Hofstra freshman did with her bogus charge will haunt his son forever. "This is not over," Ramiro Taveras, 44, said outside his Brentwood, L.I., home. "What's going to happen when somebody Googles his name?" Taveras spoke out a day after the woman recanted her story that five men raped her in a Hofstra dormitory bathroom early Sunday morning. Nassau County District Attorney Kathleen Rice said she changed her story after being shown cell-phone video footage of the sexual encounter. "Her actions and her demeanor depict a very troubled young woman in need of some help," said Rice, declining to identify her. "It's fair to say that at some point she felt she had to tell the truth and I am glad that she did." Rice left open the possibility she could be charged with a crime. "It is against the law to tell the police that a crime happened when a crime did not happen," she said. While Rice declined to say who shot the footage, Taveras' lawyer said it was filmed by one of the participants and that "it looks more like a porn movie." "It showed just the opposite of what the allegations were," said lawyer Victor Daly-Rivera. "There was no tying up, there was no bruising, there was no screaming." Danmell Ndonye has been suspended from school pending a disciplinary hearing, said Hofstra spokeswoman Melissa Connolly. Asked point blank if he had sex with the girl, Taveras told the News, "I don't want to talk about what happened." But he said he learned a lesson. "If you're at college and you're going to a party, do what your parents says - don't get caught up in things like this," he said. Taveras said he and Stalin Felipe, 19, drove out Saturday with their buddies to see Rondell Bedward, a 21-year-old Hofstra student from the Bronx, and to attend a party at a campus nightclub. The woman told cops later Sunday that one of them lured her out of the club by swiping her cell phone on the dance floor. Taveras, Felipe, Bedward and another buddy were quickly rounded up and charged with first-degree rape. Cops were looking for the fifth man when the woman changed her story. Behind bars, Taveras said, he stayed close to Felipe, who is his step-brother and lives in the Bronx. He said he was sprung Wednesday night and driven home by his dad. Taveras said now he has to exlain to his girlfriend what really happened. "I put her through hell," he said. "It's going to be hard to get through this." Felipe said he believes the accuser lied because she "felt guilty and ashamed of herself." "I did not touch her at all," Felipe added. "I know how to treat women."
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A young Muslim woman has been warned by police that her life is in danger after a male friend lost his tongue in an alleged assault using acid in an apparent “honor attack”. The Asian man is in a serious but stable condition in hospital after an incident in Leytonstone, East London, three weeks ago. Sulphuric acid is said to have been thrown in his face and he was stabbed twice in the back. The 24-year-old, being treated in a specialist unit in Essex, is now blind, his tongue has been destroyed and he suffered 90 per cent burns. The woman, who claims the relationship is an innocent friendship, and the man live in the Asian community of East London, where their relationship is said to have upset her family for bringing dishonor on them. Scotland Yard have issued what is known as an “Osman warning” — telling the woman that there is a threat to her life. A police source told The Times that she had not been moved into a safe house but police were in daily contact with her. Detectives believe that the man and woman were not in a sexual relationship but were just friends. Two men, aged 19 and 25, are due to appear before Waltham Forest Magistrates today, charged with the attempted murder of the 24-year-old man on July 2, 2009. Both men are said to be related to the woman, one is understood to be her brother. Five men have been arrested and bailed “pending further inquiries” by police. At the time of the attack a police source said: “It looks like this gang set out to deliberately target this man. They were dressed in masks and gloves so none of the acid would get on them.” An Osman warning system follows a legal ruling directing that police have a “duty of care" to issue alerts, not only to civilians but also to known criminals. It was introduced after a high-profile failure by officers to protect several individuals from Paul Paget-Lewis, a teacher suffering from psychotic tendencies. In 1988 Paget-Lewis wounded a former pupil, Ahmet Osman, to whom he had formed a disturbing attachment, and killed his father, Ali, as well as two others. Many people warned by police seek alternative accommodation with relatives or move abroad, while others can be taken into the witness protection programme.
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TimesOnline Reports A powerful Mexican drug cartel has unleashed a killing spree against the authorities in a challenge to the leadership of the President in his home state. The bodies of a dozen federal anti-drug agents were found on a mountain highway in Michoacán, the home state of Felipe Calderón, on Monday. The killing of the agents was the worst loss of life in a single attack since President Calderón took office in 2006, taking the war between the narcotics gangs and the Government into uncharted territory. Their murders were the boldest of at least ten reprisal attacks since Arnoldo Rueda Medina, nicknamed La Minsa, was arrested on Saturday. He is reputedly the second-in-command of La Familia cartel in Michoacán. The surge in violence marks a potential shift in Mexico’s drug wars, which have claimed 11,000 lives during the presidency of Mr Calderón, who ordered the army to intervene. Ciro Gomez Leyva, a columnist for the newspaper Milenio, described the killings as a Mexican version of the Tet offensive in Vietnam in 1968. “In the war against the narcos, Saturday, July 11, seems like a kind of Tet offensive, the synchronised action by South Vietnamese guerrillas and the North Vietnamese Army against US troops at the end of January 1968 that, despite being characterised as a military disaster, created the perception that the otherwise invincible US Army would never win in Vietnam,” he wrote. The perception that the war against drugs is being lost is pervasive. A poll published in Milenio said that only 28 per cent of Mexicans believed that the Government was winning, and more than half thought that it was losing. Mr Calderón said: “The criminals will not be able to intimidate the federal Government. In this battle we will not give up, we will not hesitate, because what is at stake is Mexico’s peace and safety.” Michoacán, on the Pacific coast, has become a battleground because it controls routes into the United States. It is also one of Mexico’s main producers of marijuana, opium poppies and synthetic drugs. Mr Rueda was arrested in the Michoacán capital, Morelia. He is allegedly the right-hand-man to the reputed boss, Nazario Moreno Gonzalez, known as El Mas Loco, or the Craziest One. Within hours of the arrest, gunmen from La Familia, armed with rifles and grenades, ambushed federal forces in seven cities. Some of the attacks took place near tourist sites such as the arts-and-crafts centre of Patzcuaro and Zitacuaro, which is famous for its monarch butterflies. In the most brutal attack, eleven men and one woman agent were abducted while off duty. Their bodies were found stacked on the highway with death threats that read: “La Familia, join its ranks or leave” and “Let’s see if you try to arrest another one”. La Familia has penetrated the power structure, allegedly obtaining protection from police and politicians. Seven mayors, one former mayor and a state prosecutor are being held after a federal police sweep of allegedly corrupt politicians in May. An arrest warrant has been issued for Julio Godoy, the half brother of a state Governor. Mr Godoy was elected to Congress last week as a member of the Democratic Revolution Party. Analysts said that the killings were not necessarily a sign of the cartel’s strength, but were an escalation of the battle to contain them. “This marks an important change in the drug war in that they are attacking federal forces directly,” Jorge Chabat, a drug expert, said. “It also suggests the capture of this person has affected the operations of the cartel. It was a major blow and this is a reaction out of weakness, not strength.” In separate Mexican drug violence, six gunmen were killed on Tuesday in the northern city of Monterrey. Gunmen killed the mayor of Namiquipa in Coahuila and four police officers were kidnapped in Piedras Negras. In Tabasco state on the Gulf coast, prosecutors charged five alleged Gulf cartel hitmen with allegedly killing two policemen and eighteen of their relatives in February and May. A drugs trade worth billions and severed heads on the dance floor • Every year Mexican cartels smuggle illegal drugs worth about $40 billion (£24 billion) into the United States, the world’s biggest market for narcotics. Mexico is a major source of heroin, methamphetamine and marijuana — and a key transit country for the vast amounts of cocaine that are transported over the border • In 2008, 6,000 people died in drug violence in Mexico, according to President Calderón — almost double the 3,042 deaths that were recorded in 2007 • About 95 per cent of the killings were carried out using firearms from the US. Most of the drug violence takes place in a few cities near the US border, with drugs and people being trafficked to the north, and weapons to the south • In December 2006, Mr Calderón announced the deployment of 36,000 troops to work with the federal police to fight the drug trade in nine states. The police are widely accused of corruption • 53 per cent of Mexicans think the Government is losing the war with the drug cartels, according to a 2008 poll in a Mexican newspaper • La Familia cartel achieved notoriety in 2006 when a member walked into a bar and threw five severed heads on to the dance floor Sources: Reuters, Council on Foreign Relations
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Cop Trying To Halt Attack Kills Victim

Police say they got to 26-year-old Jill Ulmer's Fayetteville apartment Friday night as the suspect was stabbing her. Officers said they were trying to stop 41-year-old Ricky Anderson from killing his ex-girlfriend when they opened fire into the apartment. Monday, the Fayetteville Police Department said one of those gunshots fired by an officer actually hit Ulmer and is listed as her cause of death, along with multiple stab wounds. Police also confirmed that Ulmer was pregnant. Some are running out of words to describe the situation. "It's absolutely horrible. Fayetteville is a small town, and it's a friendly town, and I feel safe. I just feel bad for her family, and my prayers go out to her," said neighbor Anne Kearney. Neighbors still dealing with Friday night's killing got even more troubling news Monday when they learned a shot fired by police officers hit Ulmer while she was being stabbed. "That's awful, but I don't think they had another choice," Kearney said. Neighbors said police did everything they could to stop what was happening. New information also surfaced about the suspect. "We've had a few run-ins with him. He has been the subject of some investigations and some arrests," said Fayetteville police Sgt. Bill Phelan. Police said Anderson is a suspect in an alleged rape earlier this month. He also violated a protective order that Ulmer had against him and had previously broken into her apartment. Domestic violence experts said Ulmer's killing is an eye-opener. "It's kind of like a wakeup call to all of us in the community to keep our eyes open and be caring about anybody, particularly young pregnant women who might have had a violent person in their lives.," said Judi Selle of the Peace At Home Family Shelter. In a statement, the fayetteville Police Department said it is saddened by Ulmer's tragic death and that it was unfortunate that the officers' best efforts to save her life were unsuccessful. Anderson has been charged with second degree murder. His arraignment is scheduled for July 27. Source : 4029TV
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Former Roc-A-Fella/Def Jam artist Tru Life turned himself in to authorities last night (June 23) to face a charge of 1st degree murder, according to reports. The charge is possibly tied to a brutal stabbing incident last week that left one man seriously injured, and an 18-year old teen dead. As reported by, police were initially investigating Tru Life’s brother for a retaliation attack in the non-fatal shooting of Michael Slater. The individual, whom police suspect is a drug dealer, was shot in the stomach outside of club Pacha. Several hours after the crime, police claim five gang members ambushed 30 year old Jason Black and the teen at a Manhattan apartment complex. Both men were stabbed repeatedly in the chest and face. Black survived the assault, while the unidentified teen succumbed to his wounds. At the time, police theorized that the back and forth violence was the result of a feud between Jason Black and Tru Life’s brother. 1st degree murder carries a maximum sentence of life in prison under New York law. If an official or witness is not the victim, the distinction can also be decreed for murders involving multiple parties or tortuous killings. Tru Life’s last music effort, “Wet ‘em Up,” was heard as a selection on the soundtrack to Grand Theft Auto IV. At press time, Tru Life could not be reached for comment. Source : ALLHIPHOP
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Michael Jackson suffered from crippling insomnia and pleaded for a powerful sedative in the days leading up to his death, according to a nutritionist who was working for the pop star. Cherilyn Lee said that she repeatedly rejected his demands for the drug, Diprivan, which is given intravenously. The singer told her that he had been given it in the past by an unnamed doctor. Several months ago, Jackson had begun badgering Ms Lee about Diprivan, also known as Propofol, she told the Associated Press. It is an anaesthetic drug widely used in operating rooms to induce unconsciousness, generally given through an IV needle in the hand. The powerful drug has a very narrow therapeutic window, meaning it does not take doses much larger than the medically recommended amount to stop a person's breathing, leading to cardiac arrest. The LA coroner's office performed an autopsy on the 50-year-old singer's body on Friday but deferred a decision on the cause of death, ordering toxicology tests. A second, private autopsy has been requested by the family, over concern about his final hours. Persistent reports claim that Jackson was addicted to painkillers and other prescription medicines. The Jackson family has questioned the role of the singer’s physician, Conrad Murray, who was with him when he collapsed. It took as long as 30 minutes for paramedics to be called after Dr Murray found Jackson with a faint pulse and performed CPR. Lawyers for Dr Murray, who had been treating Jackson for three years and who had recently moved into the rented mansion, have issued a categorical denial that the doctor had administered an injection of Demerol, a narcotic painkiller, to Jackson before his death. Ms Lee, 56, a registered nurse whose specialty includes nutritional counseling, said she received a frantic phone call from Jackson's staff on June 21 that the star needed her. She was in Florida at the time and told the staff member to take him to hospital. "At that point, I knew that somebody had given him something that hit the central nervous system," she said, adding, "He was in trouble Sunday and he was crying out." Jackson, 50, died on June 25 after suffering cardiac arrest, his family said. "I don't know what happened there. The only thing I can say is he was adamant about this drug," Ms Lee said. She said that previously she had warned Jackson against using Diprivan. "I said, 'Michael, the only problem with you taking this medication' — and I had a chill in my body and tears in my eyes three months ago — 'the only problem is you're going to take it and you're not going to wake up," she recalled. "He said, 'No, my doctor said it's safe. It works quick and it's safe as long as somebody's here to monitor me and wake me up. It's going to be OK,'" Ms Lee said. She said he did not give the doctor's name. Londell McMillan, attorney for Katherine and Joe Jackson, told CNN: "I wonder why anyone would make a comment about something that they don't have much knowledge about. They didn't see the drug administered. It's again because of the Michael Jackson factor." The Jackson family is planning to take the pop star's body to his Neverland ranch on Thursday. A public wake is planned for Friday and tens of thousands of fans are expected to attend. The family is said to be planning a private memorial service at the remote 2,500-acre ranch in Santa Barbara County on Sunday. Plans for Jackson's funeral remain unclear. Neverland, named after Peter Pan's island where boys never grew up, was dedicated to the pop legend's obsession with childhood. At its height, Neverland featured its own amusement park, a private zoo with giraffes and tigers and statues of children at play. Jackson left the estate after his acquittal on charges in 2005 that he molested a 13-year-old boy in 2003 at the estate. It had fallen into disrepair but recently has been partly refurbished by a real-estate investment company that took joint ownership with Jackson last year. Jackson left his multi-million pound estate to be held in trust for his children by his mother who is appointed as their guardian, according to reports. But the pop star left nothing to his father Joe whom he accused of abusing him as a child. The existence of the will drafted by Jackson in 2002, emerged as his parents swiftly moved to take control of his assets in court. The Jackson family have now received a copy of the will which will be verified in court. Jackson's former lawyer, John Branca, is named as an executor, as is veteran music executive John McClain, who was also a friend of Jackson. His parents have asked a judge to make Katherine Jackson, the star's mother, administrator of his estate. A judge has granted Mrs Jackson, 79, temporary guardianship of Michael Joseph Jackson Jr., known as Prince Michael, 12, Paris Michael Katherine Jackson, 11, and Prince Michael II, 7. Another hearing is scheduled for Monday July 6. Source: TimesOnline
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