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Eminem's new album 'Recovery' is hitting on all cylinders. It's been the number 1 album in the country for four weeks and almost every song is being well received by radio.
At the rate things are going Em might be able to put out singles from this cd for the next year.
The latest single, "Love The Way You Lie" featuring Rihanna is number one on the Billboard Hot 100. The video just wrapped shooting over the weekend according to director Joseph Kahn.
"And that's a wrap! Eminem/Rhianna premieres in a week!" the director tweeted on Saturday (July 24).
Also the worst kept secret in the business was confirmed as pictures leaked courtesy of Onlocationnews, showing Megan Fox on the set of the video.
In the pics Megan can be seen flirting and kissing co-star Dominic Monaghan.
Should be interesting to see how the entire video turned out when it debuts this week.
Trap-A-Holics Presents:Waka Flocka Flame-Keith Flocka Sweat won't be dropping anytime soon, Flockaveli won't be dropping until next year[Rumors]. DJ Ill Will, DJ Rockstar & Waka Flocka Flame - Flight To The Motherland is still coming soon along with DJ Holiday & Love Dinero Present: Waka Flocka Flame - America's Most Wanted[Dropping in May 2010]. How
many mixtape is he gonna drop??
Mixtape pics:
Unofficial cover
official cover
No cover yet
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Nipsey Hussle is one of the hottest mc's out, not just on the West Coast, but in the game period.
The Crenshaw, California native recently shot the video for his debut single, "Feelin' Myself" featuring Lloyd.
Nipsey says to expect his album 'South Central State Of Mind' to drop 4th quarter this year.
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ALHINDE WEEMS led a double life: He was a Philadelphia police officer and a drug dealer.
On Friday (July 23), he paid the price when he was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Joel Slomsky to 15 years - the mandatory minimum but within sentencing guidelines - in a federal lockup.
The sentencing of Weems came little more than a week after a federal indictment last week of three Philadelphia police officers who were accused of stealing 300 grams of heroin from a drug supplier in exchange for $10,000 cash from an accused drug dealer.
Weems is the latest in a cadre of ex-Philly cops - after Malik Snell and Rickie Durham - to be sentenced in the last year to federal prison on corruption and drug-related charges.
Snell received a 30-year sentence and Durham got a two-year sentence. (Federal prosecutors are appealing Durham's sentence.)
Weems, who pleaded guilty in January to distribution of crack, attempting to rob a drug dealer and related weapons offenses, had been a 5 1/2-year veteran of the force, working in West Philadelphia's 18th Police District and making $62,330 a year.
The married father of four was contrite. "I'm ashamed to stand before you today in this situation," he told Slomsky, adding that he had "embarrassed" his family, friends and fellow police officers.
Weems maintained - as did family and friends - that his criminal misdeeds were "totally out of character" and that he was a "good man."
But Assistant U.S. Attorney Maria Carrillo said Weems was a dirty cop.
"His badge was a means to commit crimes and not protect the public," she said.
When Slomsky asked how a cop who had no prior criminal record could suddenly go bad, defense attorney Jack J. McMahon Jr. offered a novel theory.
He said many police officers get "desensitized" to the "serious reality and danger" of the drug trade "because they see it every day. If they arrest 10 drug dealers one day, 10 more are back on the streets the next day."
But the explanation didn't wash with the judge. "When law-enforcement officers don't obey the law, nobody is safe," Slomsky said.
Earlier, the judge read portions of a letter submitted to the court by Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey.
Ramsey wrote that Weems "tarnished the badge he wore" and "put a mark on this department that the rest of us must now work hard to erase."
As with other corrupt police officers, Ramsey said Weems' badge will be destroyed and melted into a lump of metal.
Weems had been taken in by a federal informant in December 2008 who was working with the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
The informant passed along information that Weems was a drug dealer.
Court papers said the informant bought an ounce of crack from Weems on Dec. 17, 2008, for $1,300 and two ounces of crack on Jan. 14, 2009, for $2,400.
A few weeks later, Weems bought and transported what he thought was a $30,000 kilo of cocaine from Maryland for someone he thought was a drug dealer but was really an undercover agent. Weems was paid $500, and sham cocaine was used in the sting.
Weems subsequently began planning to rob a drug dealer's stash house, meeting four times with the informant and undercover agent, who taped the conversations.
During the meetings, Weems stated he would use his badge, uniform and service revolver to enter the house and subdue any occupants, court papers said.
The robbery never occurred because authorities arrested Weems on March 27, 2009, before the planned robbery.
Eminem and Rihanna have already hit the top of the Billboard Hot 100 with "Love the Way You Lie," the second single from Slim Shady's smash hit album Recovery. The song has managed to scale the chart without the benefit of a music video, but one is on the way soon. Photos of Eminem and Rihanna on set surfaced last week, and over the weekend director Joseph Kahn announced that the clip would be premiering sometime in the coming week.
"And that's a wrap! Eminem/Rhianna premieres in a week!" the director tweeted on Saturday (July 24). (A few minutes later, he corrected himself on a crucial point: "Oops Rihanna," he added. "That's what I get for typing while feeding my white Siberian tiger. More caviar, slave!")
Little is currently known about the clip, although "Lost" actor Dominic Monaghan will appear alongside Em and Rihanna. The video was filmed in Los Angeles last week.
"Love the Way You Lie" will be the third video Kahn has directed for Eminem. He previously took the lead on the clips for "Without Me" and "We Made You." During Kahn's 20-year career, he has directed videos for the likes of Britney Spears ("Womanizer"), U2 ("Elevation") and Lady Gaga ("LoveGame")
Kahn sounds extremely satisfied with the final version of his latest project. "My director's edit of Love the Way You Lie is done," he tweeted on Sunday (July 25). "I love this video."
Source: MTV
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SAN DIEGO — It's only been six and a half months since the world was introduced to the idea of Blake Lively as Carol Ferris, the romantic interest of Ryan Reynolds' Hal Jordan in "Green Lantern." But Lively used her time well, becoming well-versed in her character's mythology and backstory. Her enthusiasm over her role shone through at San Diego Comic-Con, where she shared some details about her character with MTV News.
"She's [Jordan's] boss and she's also a fighter pilot," Lively said. "She's only second to him. They're the [top] two pilots in the world. So she's also his rival, and so it creates a really interesting dynamic and a cool tension."
Lively, best known for her work on "Gossip Girl," is making her first foray into superhero films with the "Green Lantern" role. She has had Reynolds' support since she was cast, but her appearance at the "Green Lantern" panel on Saturday (July 24) should cement fan support as well.
One of the aspects of the film that most excited Lively was the way its setting moved between Earth and outer space. "That's what's so nice about it," she said. "Superhero movies, [you're] either in a specific city on planet Earth, or in space. But the fact that you get to go back and forth [in "Green Lantern"] is a unique thing that you haven't seen in many movies."
A MUM revealed in The Sun to be Britain's fattest woman at 45st (630 pounds) has died after secretly GORGING in hospital.
Sharon Mevsimler, 40, was on a strict diet in Chelmsford, Essex, but had family buckets of chicken and fish and chips smuggled in.
She died of a heart attack nine days after we told of the five-footer's grub addiction.
Sharon begged her family to sneak take-aways into the hospital where she was on a strict diet and horrified witnesses saw relatives smuggling fast food to the gorging mum of four.
And she was so huge that a trolley COLLAPSED as she was wheeled to the mortuary.
Last night an NHS source told The Sun less than two weeks after we revealed how Sharon was the UK's most overweight woman: "She simply would not stop eating.
"She obviously had a serious underlying problem with food, but did nothing to help herself.
"Those who came to visit her in hospital did her no favours.
"We saw them bringing in various fatty foods like fish and chips and huge portions of fried chicken when she should not have been eating these things.
"It was infuriating to see her literally eating herself to death."
Earlier this month The Sun told how devoted husband Bulent had been forced to give up his job to care for Sharon.
Before she was taken to hospital she had spent four years too fat to get out of bed in Chelmsford, Essex.
The mum - whose weight was NORMAL when she got married in her 20s - blamed post natal depression for her piling on the pounds as she became addicted to comfort eating.
She blasted the NHS, saying: "I have been left to die. If I was anorexic I would get proper help. But no one has sympathy for obese people."
Slim....Bride Sharon Mevslimer In Her 20's
Sharon's bulk put so much strain on her lungs she needed an oxygen tank to breathe.
She was repeatedly warned she was eating herself to death.
But she refused to stop bingeing - despite undergoing a £30,000 op on the NHS earlier this year to have a gastric band fitted. It was meant to have curbed her gargantuan appetite.
Broomfield Hospital in Chelmsford - where the mum had been a patient for two months - refused to comment yesterday.
But a source confirmed: "She died on Saturday. Because of her weight, hospital staff had to be very careful how she was moved." Sharon's grief-stricken loved-ones were yesterday preparing to make special funeral arrangements for the mum.
A supersize coffin big enough for her will have to be found.
The mum's death comes just months after Britain's biggest man - 70-stone (980 pounds) Paul Mason, from Ipswich - underwent surgery.
Yesterday one NHS worker said: "No one could believe how big Sharon was. She was so fat she could not walk."
Another told The Sun: "There is only so much the Health Service can do for someone with this kind of problem. In the past she begged the NHS for help.
"But in the end the patient turned around and threw it back in their face - by going back to her old ways.
"Many people are very angry about the fact food that was known to be bad for her was brought into the hospital.
"The matter was raised a number of times, but the problem persisted. By the end many staff were at their wits' end.
"It is tragic - what we would call truly a 21st century tragedy.
"This woman was only 40. But she literally ate herself into an early grave."
Source: The Sun
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Muhammad Ali's daughter was one hell of a fighter, so she knows a lot about boxing and it's history. She also has first hand knowledge of dealing with the issue of Parkinson's Disease since her dad suffers from it.
Elie Seckbach recently caught up with her at a Parkinson's Disease fundraiser being held by former NFL player Rodney Peete and his wife, actress Holly Peete-Robinson.
Elie asked her and the Peete's about the importance of raising public awareness for the disease.
"Well Holly and Rodney are friends of mine. I come to their event every's a great event. It's a high end, classy, sophisticated it, and the need to raise money for Parkinson's is so important. It's a wonderful cause, obviously with my dad having Parkinson's, this is very important and dear to my heart," Laila told him.
Rodney's son, Rodney Jr (RJ) suffers from autism. He's written a book titled 'Not My Boy!: A Father, a Son, and One Family's Journey with Autism'. He talked about how important for fathers to be involved with their special needs children.
"Well often times a father doesn't get the voice to share his feelings about the journey of dealing with a child with special needs," Rodney says. "And when our son got the diagnosis ten years ago, there really wasn't anything for me to go out and get and read and say ok I can understand it. I really felt it was my obligation to share my story with other fathers to let them know that there is hope...there's light at the end of the tunnel. And once you get the diagnosis there can be blessings along the way. So that's why I wrote it."
Elie asked Laila, besides her father who could be nominated for best fighter of all time.
"There's so many great fighters out there. It's hard for me, I'm not one of those people that tried to pick one that's the best," Laila said. "Obviously my dad will always be my favorite, just looking at his skills and the time era. Look at Floyd [Mayweather Jr] now he thinks he's better. Technically he might be...he's more advanced, but guess who he watched to learn some of the things he learned. You can never really just trying to start thinking you're the best."
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12. NYC
(The Night)
Drake has officially gone platinum status in both the United States and Canada with his debut album Thank Me Later. Congratulation Mr.Graham! He’s currently wrapping up the canadian leg of his tour and is preparing for the OVO fest, which is next weekend. Let’s make more history.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery -- but a Kim Kardashian fan might be going too far.
On Saturday, Kardashian re-tweeted -- prefacing it with an emphatic "NO" -- one woman's disturbing entry:
"I'm getting head 2 toe plastic surgery nxt week 2 look like @kimkardashian so my husband won't leave me. He worships her"
"Pls don't," Kardashian, 29, begged in response. "Ur husband should love u 4 who u are! Don't try 2 b someone else. Im sure u are beautiful inside and out! Just as u are."
The reality star continued, "Don't change yourself for anybody but happy with who u are! Someone will appreciate and adore u just as you are."
To be clear, Kardashian doesn't object to plastic surgery completely. "I'm totally not against plastic surgery," she told ABC News' Cynthia McFadden in May. "I've tried Botox before. That's the only thing that I've done."
"I've never had my nose done," she said. "What's funny about my nose, it's my biggest insecurity. I always want to get my nose done . . . I went to the doctor, I had them take the pictures, he showed me what it would look like and it just didn't -- I wouldn't look the same."
Source: US Magazine
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After four weeks and more than 200,000 votes, Wiz Khalifa is MTV News' "Hottest Breakthrough MC of 2010," beating out some 19 other candidates in a poll decided by you, the readers.
The Kush & Orange Juice star won a tough competition, beating other top-5 finalists Nicki Minaj, J. Cole, Travis Porter and Diggy Simmons. (Check back on Monday for the official poll results and rankings.)
The announcement was made Sunday (July 25) on MTV2's "Sucker Free Summit."
More than 200,000 votes were tallied, and Wiz's loyal "Taylor Gang" following was out in force, propelling the woozy-flowed rapper into the top spot.
Wiz broke onto the scene more than five years ago with his first mixtape, and his rise has been steady and deliberate, as he's gradually built a strong following and won over peers and DJs alike with his easygoing charm and laid-back rhymes.
"I'm digging Wiz. I'm digging what he's doing, especially coming from a place like Pittsburgh," DJ Drama told MTV News. "It's not necessarily that [Wiz] is a product of his environment, but it's always good to see someone put a city on the map [like Wiz has]."
To recap the rules, this poll was strictly limited to up-and-coming talent: artists could not have released a major-label album by June 21, 2010, or been voted into a previous "Hottest MCs in the Game" top 10, so MCs like Lil Wayne, Jay-Z, Andre 3000, Eminem, Kanye West and even Drake — our #3 Hottest MC last year - and chart-topper B.o.B were not eligible. (We'll have the 2010 "Hottest MCs" rollout later this year.) Voters were asked to base their decisions on the following factors: The MC's musical skill (rhyme ability, flow and songwriting) as well as their buzz on the street and the impact they've had on the game so far.
We'll have lots more from the "Hottest Breakthroughs" in the coming days — thanks to everyone who voted, tweeted and otherwise got involved! And keep an eye out for MTV News' "Hottest MCs in the Game" later this year!
Mixtape is dropping Tuesday @ 4:50 PM!
Elton John continues to help rap pal Eminem with his battle to stay sober by calling him once a week.
The rapper reached out to Elton, who he performed with at the 2001 Grammy Awards, and asked the British rocker to unofficially counsel him as he attempted to get clean after a four year hell of painkiller abuse.
The hip-hop star felt Elton's past battles to kick his drug habit would serve as lessons for him - and he was right. So much so that he still looks forward to his pal's weekly chats.
He tells Spin magazine, "Elton John calls me once a week. He used to tell me stuff like, 'You're going to start seeing certain things you've been overlooking'. And it came true.
"I'd walk around like, 'Damn, that tree does look crazy, look at all those leaves!' Things I didn't notice when I was f--ked up."
Source: Starpulse
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While Diddy has been sipping champagne and buying Lamborghini's for his son, Justin and singer Justin Bieber, he's forgotten to pay New York City what he owes.
Diddy's Bad Boy Entertainment owes $996,000 in fines for illegally putting up billboards around the city.
A spokesman described the bill as a "bureaucratic error," saying it was paid by a partner company three years ago but the city hasn't updated the record. A city spokesman said lawyers are reviewing the issue
Puffy's not alone, another notable on the city's scofflaw list include Hip Hop legend Dougie Fresh who owes $191,000 in business taxes.
Mickey Rourke's plastic surgeon and Remy Ma's defense lawyer also owe NYC. .
"We are going to find these people," vowed Finance Commissioner David David Frankel. "We're going to turn them upside down by their ankles and we're going to shake them until the money comes out of their pockets," Frankel Tells New York Daily News

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All boyfriends and husbands should make a note to themselves. If your wife/girlfriend is drunk beyond all comprehension, don't make videos with her in it of any kind.
This dude was filming for a couple's wedding reel when his lady can't hold it any longer and blows chunks all over herself.
I don't know if it was a coincidence or not, but when he said the words "love and understanding" she really cut loose, lol.
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At least 19 people have been killed in a stampede at the Love Parade dance music festival in the German city of Duisburg, police have said.
Police had been trying to stop people reaching the parade area because of overcrowding.
But the revellers panicked at a tunnel entrance. About 100 people were also injured, dozens seriously.
Police and city officials have launched an investigation into what sparked off the disaster.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has sent her condolences to the family and friends of the victims.
"Young people came to party. Instead, there was death and injury. I am aghast and saddened by the sorrow and the pain," she said.
Duisburg Mayor Adolf Sauerland defended security measures for the festival and vowed to hold a full inquiry.
"In the run-up to the event, we worked out a solid security plan with the organisers and everyone involved," he said.
"The investigations that have already been launched must uncover the precise course of events."
'Way too full'
More than one million people were believed to have attended the event.
The stampede occurred at about 1700 local time (1500 GMT).
Duisburg police initially reported 10 deaths but the toll later increased to 19.
At least 10 people were resuscitated at the scene.
Reuters news agency quoted police commissioner Juergen Kieskemper as saying the situation had become "very chaotic".
He said police closed the parade area due to overcrowding. Those trying to get in were told via loudhailer to turn around, but panic broke out.
A number of eyewitnesses say police were warned of a huge crowd build-up and some report seeing dozens of people piled up on one another, the BBC's Tristana Moore in Germany says.
Emergency workers reportedly had difficulty reaching those crushed.
One festival-goer, named Marius, told the Bild newspaper: "There was no escape. People were pressed into the wall. I was afraid I'd die."
Another man told local television: "The pressure from behind become so high that... we couldn't do anything any more. People were just pushed together until they fell over."
Another participant, Isabel Schloesser, told Reuters: "There were piles of injured on the ground, some being resuscitated, others dead and covered with sheets. It was way too full in the afternoon, everybody wanted to get in."
A young woman told Die Welt: "Everywhere you looked, there were people with blue faces.
"My boyfriend pulled me out over the bodies, otherwise we would both have died in there. How can I ever forget those faces? The faces of the dead."
Police closed off an elevated motorway bridge to allow helicopters to land and evacuate victims.
City officials were said to have chosen not to evacuate the grounds of the day-long festival immediately, fearing it might spark more panic.
City spokesman Frank Kopatschek said: "The crisis meeting determined not to stop the event because at the moment there are too many people on the grounds."
Many of those attending appeared unaware of what had happened.
German President Christian Wulff issued a statement saying: "It is terrible that such a catastrophe brought death, suffering and pain to a peaceful festival full of happy young people from many countries."
The event attracts music fans from all over the world, with floats from Brazil, Russia, the Netherlands, Spain and Australia among other nations.
The floats had been expected to parade through the city for 10 hours. Many top international DJs also perform.
The event began in Berlin in 1989 as a peace demonstration and developed into a huge open-air music festival.