Aura is a word for some as for YUNG AURA it's a lifestyle. Queen's Bridge Native Aura Land representative Yung Aura brings you " REAL Aura". A story about Aura, The person the lifestyle. How can you tell what's Real without the Fake? Everyone wants a great movie or a powerful story but who wants to tell it?
Ha Phuong, a petite dynamo with a huge heart and a big name in her native Vietnam, now a deeply entrenched New Yorker!! An accomplished actress, singer, philanthropist and movie producer. She is more determined than ever to help make the world a better place, inspired by her not only her daughters but her childhood in Vietnam.
Ha Phuong is one of three daughters in a musical family. Ha Phuong discovered the power of using her talents as a singer, dancer and entertainer to express herself and connect with people around the world. To date she has released 12 solo albums and numerous CDs in Vietnam and the US.
In April 4, 2008 Ha Phuong unveiled the Ha Phuong Foundation. The Foundation is the culmination of Ha Phuong’s passion for music and her fierce devotion to supporting children’s causes. In an extraordinary demonstration of her commitment to helping others, Ha Phuong pledged 100% of her future earnings including DVD/CD sales, concert revenue and royalties from her music and acting career to the Foundation.
Ha Phuong is also an integral part of the Vietnam Relief Effort, a non-profit organization that her husband, Chinh Chu, formed with his sister in 1999 which is dedicated to giving back to Vietnam and some of its poorest citizens.
The couple returns regularly to Vietnam to personally deliver money and supplies to deserving recipients. Everywhere you look, Ha Phuong is leaving her mark. Last year she added “top donor to UNICEF” to her list of good works.
Check out Ha Phuong’s current single “Memories of Love” today on Soundcloud!!
Recently we covered a story about Haitian voodoo priests being lynched by angry mobs accusing them of spreading cholera in the earthquake ravaged country.
Another voodoo related story has just emerged, this time involving an American relief worker.
32-year old Paul Waggoner, the co-founder of Materials Management Relief Corps has been accused of turning a 15-month old dead baby boy into a zombie for the purpose of selling it’s organs.
Paul Waggoner being transported to a Haitian prison.
Waggoner is being held in prison pending further investigation after a judge ruled there was enough evidence to look into the charges further.
The accusation was made by the child’s father Frantz Philistin, who brought the sick child to a hospital in February. Philistin handed the child over to Waggoner, who then took the child to doctors. The child died, but wasn’t treated by Waggoner.
When the father came back the next day doctors say he saw the baby and confirmed his death. He refused to take the child with him, insisting he didn’t have the money for a burial, and the child was cremated by the hospital. But now Philistin is accusing Waggoner of performing voodoo on the child to keep him alive.
“My son is not dead, when I tried to close his eyes they wouldn’t close. When I tried to close his mouth it wouldn’t close,” Philistin told AOL news.
Frantz Philistin has accused Waggoner of using voodoo to turn his 15-month old baby into a zombie for the purpose of selling it's organs
Doctors on call at the time of the child’s death dispute Philistin’s claims.
“I listened to the baby’s chest for at least two minutes,” Dr Kenneth Adams said. “And there were neither breath sounds nor heartbeat. Rigor mortis had set it, the baby’s lips and skin were bluish gray and there was corneal clouding of the eyes. I always take very seriously pronouncing the death of any patient.”
Waggoner’s friends are concerned or his safety.
Paul Sebring came to Haiti with Waggoner, he says the prison conditions are horrible.
We’ve literally given up everything in our lives to come help, and then this happens, we need help,” Sebring told MyFoxPhoenix. “The conditions he‘s in now I‘ve been to the prison. I wouldn’t even put an animal through that.”
The U.S. State Department is monitoring the case closely according to spokesman P.J. Crowley.
What’s uncertain is how long Waggoner will remain jailed and if the U.S. can do anything to get him released.
Fidel Castro has said Osama bin Laden is in the pay of the CIA and was summoned up whenever George W Bush needed to scare the world"Any time Bush would stir up fear and make a big speech, bin Laden would appear threatening people with a story about what he was going to do," Mr Castro said.
"Bush never lacked for bin Laden's support. He was a subordinate."
Mr Castro made his remarks during a meeting with Lithuanian-born writer Daniel Estulin known for advancing conspiracy theories about world domination.
He said documents posted on, the website that released thousands of classified US documents about the war in Afghanistan, "effectively proved he was a CIA agent".
However, the former Cuban president - who himself became America's enemy no.1 and survived multiple assassination attempts by the CIA - did not further elaborate.
During the meeting, Mr Estulin told Mr Castro that the real voice of bin Laden was last heard in late 2001, not long after the September 11 attacks.
He said the person heard making warnings about terror attacks after that was a "bad actor".
Mr Castro did take exception with one of Mr Estulin's major theses - that the human race must move to another habitable planet or face extinction.
The 84-year-old revolutionary said it would be better to fix things on Earth then abandon the planet altogether.
"Humanity ought to take care of itself if it wants to live thousands more years," Mr Castro told the writer.
Mr Castro stepped down due to ill health in 2006 - first temporarily, then permanently - and handed power over to his younger brother Raul.
He has remained head of the Cuban Communist party but stayed out of view for four years after falling sick before returning to the spotlight in July.
His comments about the al Qeada leader are the latest in a series of provocative statements.
Recently he warned that the planet is on the brink of nuclear war.
Mr Castro even predicted the threat of global conflict would mean that the final rounds of the World Cup would be cancelled last month.
He later apologised for jumping the gun.
Source: SkyNewsRead more…
More Pics After The JumpShakira took her sexy hips to Barcelona to shoot a brand new video and we have quite a few pics to share from the set.
The singer will be quite busy over the next several months. She will be starting her World 'Tour Of Earthly Delights' in support of her new album, 'Sale El Sol', in Montreal on September 15. The tour winds its way through the U.S., Latin America, Asia and Europe before wrapping December 20 in London.
The U.S. leg of has 21 dates starting on September 21 in New York's Madison Square Garden.
Shakira told Ace Showbiz, the show will be like no other:
"It's going to have themes and there'll be a lot of audience interaction. My live show will have a lot of that - a lot of dancing, a joie de vivre," she said. "I feel such freedom on stage. It's such a rush to be performing. I like to see everybody's faces on stage, to see the reaction. Normally, you can only see the front row because of the lights. So you'll see a lot of (my) energy... but there are also going to be other moments that I hope are artistically energetic. I want people to feel things up close."
'Sole El Sol' hits stores September 2 and has features from Pitbull and Calle 13.
Jasonville, Indiana (CNN) -- Last Christmas, Stacey Chapman hung a stocking, anxiously awaiting the homecoming of the all-American soldier she had met online and planned to marry.
But he never came home. After some research, Chapman discovered the 20-year-old blond in fatigues pictured in the online dating profile, Spc. Brian Browning, had died in Iraq three years ago.
And the man she had been e-mailing and chatting with for the last six months, who went by the name "Christain Browning," was really a scammer posing as an American soldier.
"He made me believe he was falling for me, that he was completely in love with me, that he was a soldier over there defending our country," said Chapman, a recently separated mother of two. "I think I had a big red flag on me that said, 'very lonely, very vulnerable.'"
Chris Grey, a spokesman for the Army's Criminal Investigation Command, told CNN his division has received hundreds of complaints of scammers using the photos of U.S. soldiers in dating and social websites in the last year. CNN has learned the scammers have used photos of both living and dead troops, including high-ranking Army officials and even generals assigned to the Pentagon.
Many of the soldiers are fighting overseas, unaware that their photos -- stolen off the web -- are being used unless they're contacted by the duped victims. But often, as in the case of Stacey Chapman, the impostor uses a variation on the soldier's name, making the real soldier hard to find.
A broken-hearted Chapman lost more than $1,200 that she sent via Western Union for what she thought was his plane ticket home. And while the financial hit hurt, it didn't compare to the emotional toll.
"What a lowlife he was, trying to actually portray a soldier that had died in the war," Chapman said. "I had fallen for him, and he had ran with it and taken me for not only my money, (but) my heart."
Grey said the military can't do anything to stop the scam because U.S. soldiers aren't the perpetrators. The best solution, he said, is to get the word out.
Master Sgt. C.J. Grisham, a military blogger and active-duty soldier, is doing just that. Grisham receives up to 10 emails a day from victims duped by the scammers. Through his blog,, he warns unsuspecting victims and soldiers and tracks the scammers, who he said are likely based in western Africa.
Grisham said the scheme often starts out small. After capturing the attention of a woman online with a fake profile of a man in uniform, the scam artist teases the victim with chocolates, flowers and teddy bears. Soon after sending the gifts, the impostor starts asking for money to pay for Internet or phone service. From there, the money requests grow.
"Love is such a powerful emotion. Loyalty or patriotism is a very powerful emotion. And people do a lot of stupid stuff in the name of love and in the name of patriotism," Grisham said.
CNN contacted the Browning family in Astoria, Oregon, after learning that the photo of their fallen son had been used in the online romance scam. Spc. Brian Browning's father, Perry Browning, didn't take the news lightly.
"It makes me madder now more than anything, because some scumbag is using my son's good name and honor to pillage women," Browning said.
Browning's father had a message for Stacey Chapman, the woman who planned to marry his "son." The real Brian Browning was a loving son and a caring and funny character, he said.
"She fell in love with a nice picture of a young man. My son was a worthy person. He was worth falling in love with," Browning said. Chapman is "every much a victim in this as my son Brian was," he added.
"This guy is just trying to make a buck off of everybody's heart. Crappy bastard," he said.