The newest addition to the Cash Money family, Bow Wow had an in depth interview with Ozone Magazine recently.
Seems he wants to once and for all shed the 'Lil Bow Wow' image and show his fans he's indeed getting his grown man on.
Check out an excerpt from the interview where he talks about his love life.
Do you have a preference as far as different races of women?
I love them all. I don’t discriminate. I love white women, black women, light skinned black women, Oriental women, Japanese, I love them all. I’ve had my share of just about all races so I never discriminate. I just love women. That’s my only weakness. That’s the only thing that could ever distract me from anything is a woman. I love all women. Women are my only weakness. It’s like kryptonite is to Superman. If a woman comes around me it could just throw my shit all off, in a good way. Like, if she’s in the studio I might not get any work done.
Have you ever paid a woman for sex, directly or indirectly? What’s your opinion on breaking females off? Do you pay their rent or car notes?
I’ve never in my life paid a girl’s bills or rent. I’ve never been a trick. Never. I think that’s terrible. If you’ve got to do that, that means you’re lacking and slacking in your conversation skills or you’re not confident with yourself. Paying for sex is cheating. You get no respect from me if you do that. But if it’s your girl and you’ve established that she’s your woman and she holds you down, that’s a different thing. You trick off on your woman because you want to make sure she’s lookin’ fly, but other than that, the closest thing I’ll ever get to trickin’ is throwing ones at the strip club. Don’t ask me to pay your phone bill or nothin’ like that unless you’re my woman To read the full interview go
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