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HipHopWired Reports The United States Supreme Court has granted Troy Davis' request to postpone his execution in yet another attempt to clear his name and prove his innocence. Davis is an inmate that was sentenced to death after the 1989 murder of a Savannah, GA police officer. Since his incarceration, Davis has gained international support behind his claims of innocence. Justice John Paul Stevens ordered a federal judge to "receive testimony and make findings of fact as to whether evidence that could not have been obtained at trial clearly establishes petitioner's innocence." Among the supporters of the motion were Justices Ruth Bader and Stephen Breyer. The newest member of the high court Sonia Sotomayor, however, did not participate in the petition. "Brother" Clarence Thomas did however and was one of two judges that dissented their reasons for not taking another look at the case and going ahead and killing Davis. In the last year or so, Davis' case has been quite turbulent, even being granted a stay of execution just two hours before he was to be put to death. Despite the execution delay, Davis will continue to sit on death row, reports CNN. Davis insists that he is innocent of the charges brought upon him in the murder of Officer Mark MacPhail. Witnesses claimed they saw Davis, then 19, and two other men harassing a homeless man in a Burger King parking lot when officer MacPhail arrived to the help the man. Witnesses identified Davis as the shooter claiming he shot MacPhail twice and fled on foot. Since the 1991 conviction, however, seven of the nine witnesses have recanted their testimonies. In addition to the witnesses reneging, no physical evidence was ever presented to the trial jury or court. In recent years and months, world leaders and celebrities, including former president Jimmy Carter and Harry Belafonte have extended their support and have asked that Davis be granted a new trial. Hip-Hop artist Killer Mike has been vocal about the execution and has appeared at rallies for Davis. Killer Mike, whose father was a police officer stated, “I don't just have a fuck the police mentality. It really is a question with me if true justice isn't being served. If it's really a question that a man could be innocent or not guilty of killing that police officer, I can't stand there silent and see Black blood just bleed. I can't allow myself to do that and that's coming from the son of a police officer. So I sympathize with a family that lost a father, a brother and husband and with a police department that lost a officer. I sympathize but if there's even a question that this man could be innocent, I don't see how the State of Georgia or The Supreme Court of these United States can allow more Black blood to run. I can't support that in no way, not state sponsored murder.” Boyce Watkins also commented on the case and how it's not fair to not consider all the evidence but still try to condemn a man to die. “Well it certainly blows a hole in the idea of American justice if this man does not get some type of objective review of that situation. It's completely non physical to even have all this evidence out here and to ignore it. Why do you stay with a decision when you have strong reason to believe that the decision is fraud? At the very least, they should go back and do the investigation to ensure that you're executing the right man so I do think that if he is executed and nobody else does a thorough review of what happened, then justice was not served. And justice not being served does not mean that he's innocent, justice not being served means that he did not have a fair hearing by the American public by the judicial system and again it's also reflective of a broader problem in our system and we all know the statistics for Black men in terms of incarceration and execution. We know that the prison system is modern day slavery. So as Black people I think we should all be offended by Troy Davis's execution and also we must remember that there are many, many cases of individuals who are not as well known as Troy Davis who are also not having justice served. So the whole justice system really needs an overhaul and I don't know how that's going to get done but that needs to happen.” Watch below as Killer Mike goes into detail about the Troy Davis case:
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HipHopWired Reports While C-Murder begins his life sentence in a New Orleans prison, one man is coming forward to promote a more positive image of the convicted killer. Cyrus A. Webb, president of the Shadow Play Entertainment/Conversations Book Club and host of Conversations LIVE! Radio plans to release exclusive interviews and memoirs from his friend, Corey Miller. He released a statement saying: “Cee has managed to do something that few in Hip Hop have accomplished. He made it cool to read and to believe that no matter what you have done in your life, it's never too late for you to make a difference." The pair first began corresponding in 2006 via his Myspace, after Miller released his book, “Death Around The Corner.” The pair hit it off and Webb ended up joining him on his book tour. “I was so impressed by how he shared parts of his life and the lessons he had learned in the book while also writing a story that people of all walks of life could appreciate,” said Webb. With the help from the president of the book club, Miller went on to sell hundreds of copies of his book and was even named the Most Fascinating Author of 2008 by Webb's Conversations Book Club. Now that he finds his friend and colleague away for life, President Webb is working to make sure that Corey Miller's voice will still be heard through exclusive interviews and discussions. “Because of a gag order, Cee wasn't able to speak much to the public, but in the videos and radio interviews we are sharing, you get to hear him talk about himself, his work and his convictions. One of the things I have learned from Cee is that he has no problem taking responsibility for what he has done wrong in his life. He has never made excuses, and tries to use his skills as an artist and author to show a better way than what he chose at times. If he says he is not guilty of something he is accused of, I have no reason to doubt him. I just want people to know the man that I got to know through these events and discussions”
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NY Daily News Reports The Notorious B.I.G. didn't live to see his baby girl turn 16, but T'yanna Wallace made sure he was there for her Sweet Sixteen party last night. Dolled up in a pink dress and Nikes to match, the hip-hop princess wore a button over her heart emblazoned with her slain father's face. "I needed to have him here with me," she said, standing outside of Taj, an upscale lounge in the Flatiron District. "I feel like I'm all grown up now," the teenager added. T'yanna showed off her custom-made dress by Bronx designer Walter Steele. Lollipops and Jolly Ranchers were scattered across the dress, in keeping with the party's theme of candy. "It was a combination of a magical candy land meets rock star," Steele explained. The hit "Candy Girl" by New Edition played as she skipped down a red carpet outside the club and greeted friends. "You guys look so cute," she said. T'yanna's father, whose real name was Christopher Wallace, was shot dead in a drive-by shooting in Los Angeles in 1997. He was 24. T'yanna was only 3 years old when her famous dad was killed.

Kid Cudi, her favorite rapper, was scheduled to perform at her birthday party.

"I'm excited," she said, hoping to hear the up-and-coming rapper's hits, "Day 'n' Nite" and "Make Her Say." "I dressed up for him," she said, smiling from ear to ear. "I got this little pretty dress just for him."
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XXL Reports Elmo and friends are about to get a hip-hop remix. Production duo Poke and Tone are set to unveil an original, six-years-in-the-making children’s TV show, titled Kids Block. “In a nutshell, it’s the new hip-hop Sesame Street,” Tone told “It’s very authentic, all real music, all real hip-hop tracks, R&B tracks.” The show uses hip-hop music to promote education. Artists will regularly close out the show with the concluding staple segment, “Block Party.” “We used real writers, real rappers,” Tone said, “all the way to the point where the… puppeteers had to take hip-hop dance class to learn how to move the puppets authentically.” Currently writing scripts and beginning filming, the show is set for a January release on an as-yet-undisclosed major network. On the music side, the Trackmasters are focused on upcoming albums by Red Café and Lil Kim.
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New York Post Reports Superstar rapper 50 Cent is secretly planning to stage a free concert in a schoolyard near the Queens projects where he grew up, and where he was nearly fatally shot -- sparking a wave of fear in the community and prompting cops to prepare for the worst. "We can't control the area," warned one law-enforcement source, noting that the performance on the grounds of PS 40 in Jamaica will be part of "an outdoor event -- people could walk in from anywhere." "Someone's gonna try to make a name for themselves," another worried source added. "They're gonna take a shot at him, and they're either gonna hit him or they're gonna miss him and hit some poor, innocent kid or grandmother." The sources said an army of cops is planning to shut down a massive, 20-block area around the South Jamaica Houses for the "surprise" Aug. 30 concert, which is expected to draw about 10,000 people. Fitty, who is scheduled to perform at Six Flags Great Adventure in New Jersey the night before, is set to make at an appearance at the neighborhood's "Family Day" on the school's grounds at around 5:30 p.m. He plans to bring celebrity pals with him, the sources said. The school's yard will be packed with children and their families. There will be a stage set up for Fitty and other acts, and a DJ will be there with a mike and equipment. The day is being sponsored by the New York Restoration Project, a nonprofit founded by Bette Midler and the G-Unity Foundation, the rapper's charity that supports low-income communities. But the prospect of massive turnout and the violence that could ensue -- given the bulletproof-vest-sporting rapper's past run-in with gunfire -- already has some families heading for the hills. Word has leaked out in the community that Fitty is appearing. "When I heard that . . . I wanted to avoid it, so I planned a trip to get away from here that day," said Debbie Lucas, 30, who has two young children. Although her 11-year-old nephew, Corey, desperately wants to see the Grammy nominee perform, Lucas is shuttling her loved ones to an amusement park for the day. "I haven't heard anything about any protection or security," she said. "I'm not gonna go, no way." Fitty, a former crack dealer born Curtis Jackson, was shot nine times in 2000 in front of his grandmother's house blocks away from the proposed show's site. He has also been stabbed. The South Jamaica Houses, also known as the 40 Projects, have a notoriously bloody history that peaked in the late '80s and early '90s. In January, a city bus driver, who moonlighted as a rap producer, and another man were fatally gunned down just steps away from where the rapper is set to take the stage. Hundreds of officers -- including cops from the gang and intelligence units -- are expected to descend on the area both in uniform and in plainclothes. "There's concern because [50 Cent] has already been shot," one source said. "He has a lot of enemies and is very controversial." And while an NYPD spokesman said there would be "adequate police presence," some local officials fear it won't be enough. "The concern is the manpower," said Community Board 12 manager Yvonne Reddick. "That's a lot of people . . . The park is surrounded by a residential community." Organizers deny that 50 Cent will take the stage, but his publicist, Keesha Johnson, said he would make an appearance. A spokesman from the Parks Department said a permit for the event was expected to be finalized this week but that the paperwork did not indicate there would be a performance. Meanwhile, even some teens are vowing to stay away. "There's word out there that there's going to be some shootings," said Mike Terrients, 15. "Some of my friends' parents are saying that they don't want them to go because something is going to happen." Freddy Fredito, 58, who lives in a two-story home near PS 40, said, "I'm scared already. 50 Cent
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CNN Reports (CNN) -- An African-American man has pleaded guilty after being accused of impersonating a white supremacist in a fictitious Facebook account to make death threats against an African-American university student. A Mississippi man admitted creating a false Facebook profile in November. Dyron L. Hart, 20, of Poplarville, Mississippi, pleaded guilty Wednesday before U.S. District Judge Kurt D. Engelhardt to one count of communicating threats in interstate commerce, according to a Department of Justice statement. Hart admitted creating the fictitious account in November, pretending to be a white supremacist outraged by the election of Barack Obama as the nation's first African-American president, the statement said. He then transmitted a death threat via Facebook to an African-American student at Nicholls State University in Louisiana, saying he wanted to kill African-Americans because of Obama's election, according to the statement. A court document provided by the U.S. attorney's office said Hart told an FBI interviewer that he intended the threat to be a prank "to get a reaction." The document said Hart admitted creating the Facebook profile under the name "Colten Brodoux" and used a photo of a Caucasian man that he found on a white supremacist Web site. "This is an extremely odd case, a very unusual case," said U.S. Attorney Jim Letten of the Eastern District of Louisiana. "The contents of the messages were extremely troubling and provocative and very threatening." Hart will face a maximum sentence of five years in prison and a $250,000 fine when sentenced November 18, the statement said.
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Beef Has Ended With Budden and Raekwon

HipHopWired Reports Although swords were drawn and strikes were made, the forces have decided to put their guns down, metaphorically speaking, as Raekwon has confirmed his wish to put an end to their on-going beef. Recently, the Chef stated that he was ready to finally put the nail in the coffin and withdraw from the current issue with the Jersey rapper that seemed to escalate and was heading for the worse after an associate of Raekwon allegedly struck Budden and left him with an ice pack and his arm in a sling. Through a discussion with Charlamagne on radio station 100.3 The Beat in Philadelphia, the Wu Tang member elaborated his reasons for stepping away from the war: "My thing is this, it's like, enough is enough. You know what I mean? Enough is enough. I'm on the road swallowing a lot you know, 'cause I'm a business man. I'm really trying to escape that negativity world. Because at the end of the day I'ma lose.” Budden, who had issued a challenge for the two to have a square dance also stated that he was no longer entangling himself with this ongoing feud and stated that he only wants to move forward from here on a positive note. He added that his group, Slaughterhouse, is built to promoting peace and a handshake between the two was meant for business purposes and looking into the future. Raekwon is still in the kitchen prepping the finishing touches on his sequel to his 1995 classic, Only Built 4 Cuban Linx, which is set for release on September 8. Along with this, fellow member Ghostface confirmed a joint effort and album between the two along with Method Man. Budden has recently released his group album, Slaughterhouse along with his solo EP, The Escape Route. He is currently working on his third official album, The Great Escape, which should hit shelves before the close of 2009. This is both a positive and a negative in the realm of Hip-Hop. On one side of the fence, it is good to see that things did not become violent to the point where a life could have been potentially taken. On the other hand, this just goes to show and prove the purpose of beef nowadays and the promotion of oneself. At the end of the day, this was utterly pointless and fans weren't even left with diss tracks to go back to, just a whole bunch of video with dudes trying to further establish how tough they were.
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President Of Don Diva Magazine Gunned Down

HipHopWired Reports A Friday afternoon in Miami rang off abruptly as the sound of bullets left a man dead. Sam Ferguson, President of Don Diva Magazine was the victim as shots were fired upon his car while he was driving. Ferguson, 47, was driving north near Griffin Road when bullets rang off onto his vehicle. He then crashed his car into the highway median, where he was pronounced dead at the scene. Authorities are currently on the search for suspects connected with the crime as their only clue has lead them on the hunt for a black car with clear tail-light lenses. This, however, is the only trail as there are no suspects in the shooting. No additional information has been released as it pertains to the death and an autopsy will discover whether the man was indeed killed by the bullets that stained his car or the actual blunt trauma that could have been caused by the crash. Tiffany Chiles, editor-in-chief of Don Diva Magazine stated that Ferguson was involved in all aspects of the operation in relation to their publication. She had brought him in close to nine months ago in order to help leave a lasting influence on the Southern Florida region as he was musically and socially connected. Having a troubled past, Chiles added that the magazine was meant to bring something positive into his life and help direct him into a better future. Ferguson was also a Miami Hip-Hop pioneer and helped bring the bass scene to the forefront. Ferguson, also known as P-Man Sam, received some heat last year from rapper Rick Ross after interviewing him once it was discovered he was a correctional officer prior to becoming a rapper. Ross brought Ferguson with him into his neighborhood for an interview as they were associated before him joining the magazine. Ross became infuriated with Ferguson after seeing an interview with Hip-Hop Weekly as well as a Q & A that was issued in the magazine that was entitled, “Would The Real Rick Ross Stand Up.” Ross was cited as saying that he was offended by what was written and issued a challenge for him to meet him in the streets as it would become deeper than rap.

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Flo Rida Says He 'Looks Up To' His VMA Rivals

The Best Hip-Hop Video category for this year's MTV Video Music Awards is stacked with heavy-hitters like Jay-Z and an impressive upstart in Asher Roth. But Flo Rida is just looking forward to being in the building September 13. The rapper was nominated for his clip "Right Round," alongside Jay's "D.O.A. (Death of Auto-Tune)", Roth's "I Love College," Kanye West's "Love Lockdown" and Eminem's "We Made You." "I look forward to going [to the VMAs] and just enjoying myself," Flo said of his nomination. "It means a lot to me. I can recall being in Las Vegas [where he once lived] and watching the music awards [in Miami] and seeing Jay-Z up for an award, and now here I am in the same category. I definitely look up to these guys. And even the newcomers you can learn from." The clip was directed by Malcolm Jones (Lil Mama, Ray J) and features Flo Rida being digitally imported to clubs across the world. The throwback track was inspired by a sample from Dead or Alive's "You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)." Earlier this year, Flo told MTV News how his sisters listened to pop music from the 1980s and the Dead or Alive song caught his ear. When he went to work on his sophomore album, the song was at the forefront of the project's foundation. Now it's his second blockbuster digital download following the breakout hit "Low," featuring T-Pain. "I just wanted to show the growth, show people I'm very well in tune with the '80s music," he explained of the track and his album, R.O.O.T.S. "Growing up in my household with seven women, I'd hear all types of music." The 2009 MTV Video Music Awards will take place September 13 at 9 p.m. ET.
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MINNEAPOLIS - A Minneapolis man is claiming he's the victim of police brutality after a traffic stop put him in the hospital. Derryl Jenkins, 42, was stopped for speeding in February. A criminal complaint obtained by FOX 9 says Jenkins was driving 15 mph over the speed limit in the area of Dowling Ave. and Penn Ave. in north Minneapolis. At the time, Minneapolis police said Jenkins smelled of alcohol, refused to give his license and became irate. When Jenkins attempted to get out of the car, an officer pushed him back in. The two then started fighting, before several more officers arrived on the scene. The officer statements obtained by FOX 9, say several police officers kicked him and punched him because he was resisting. A Taser was also used to subdue Jenkins. Both Jenkins and an officer involved in the altercation were taken to North Memorial Medical Center for their injuries, which included a split lip and bloody nose. Jenkins' attorney says charges in that case where eventually dropped, but he's now considering a lawsuit against the Minneapolis Police Department. Source : MyFoxTwinCities
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Beyonce Talks About Her ‘Butt’

MTV UK Reports Beyoncé has said she works hard to keep her famous bottom in shape and said she sometimes doesn’t like her curves. The gorgeous singer explained: “I guess my butt is natural. But I go through stages like every woman. I like being curvy but sometimes I get curvy in the wrong places.” “After New Year I do stairs - they are the best thing for butt cheeks. Every January I'll start working out. I'll do that for three months and then stop again!" And B also revealed she hates being put in ‘Most Sexy’ lists. She said: “Some people think one thing is beautiful, some think another is. When people say that I am 'most beautiful' or 'most sexy', it bothers me. “I like fashion and I like to look good. I like to try at least, but everyone has their own opinion.” And MTV’s opinion is that you definitely look good Ms Knowles!
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TRACKLIST : 1. Intro 2. Two Hitter Quitter 3. Realest To Run It 4. Pay Homage 5. Knock Em Down 6. Will To Survive 7. So Much More ft. Joel Ortiz 8. Show & Prove 9. The Return Of The God 10. Power Cipher ft. Sheek Louch, Busta Rhymes, Young Chris & Raekwon 11. B.E.T. Freestyle 12. Swaggacation 13. I Just Want The Paper 14. Foolish 15. Rule 16. Goin Back Home 17. In Da Kitchen ft. Thug-A-Cation 18. Fellin Some Way 19. TKO 20. Trophy Girl 21. Amnesia 22. Test 23. Military Grind 24. Pillow Talk DOWNLOAD HERE
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Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett is recovering at an area hospital today after being attacked by a man wielding a metal pipe last night outside the Wisconsin State Fair in West Allis. According to police, Barrett was leaving State Fair Park with family members when he heard a woman crying for help in the 8800 block of W. Orchard St. Barrett began calling 911 when a man who had been attacking the woman charged at the mayor and began battering him with a metal pipe. The 20-year-old suspect, who has a criminal record, fled the scene and was arrested this morning at a residence near 17th and State Streets. Barrett, who was alert and talking when transported to a local hospital after the incident, was listed in stable condition. Gov. Jim Doyle visited Barrett in the hospital Sunday morning and released a statement: "The Mayor's heroic actions clearly saved a woman and others from harm. Jessica (Doyle's wife) and I, along with all the people of Wisconsin, are wishing him speedy recovery." Doyle is expected to announce on Monday that he will not pursue another term as governor. Barrett, who also is a Democrat, is considered a potential candidate to to replace him. State Fair spokesperson Patrice Harris also issued a statement. "The management of Wisconsin State Fair Park commends Mayor Barrett for his actions as a good Samaritan after his departure from Wisconsin State Fair last night. His efforts to aid a citizen's cries for help should be praised and applauded." Source
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