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Lil Kim doesn't waste any time as she hops on Beyonce's "Flawless" remix and replaces Nicki Minaj's verse with her own. 

The Queen Bee throws shots at the YMCMB rapper and lets her know that she doesn't plan on relinquishing her crown anytime soon. Check it out up top.

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Superstar tennis player, Serena Williams fresh off her break up with rapper Common and singer Christina Milian,on the mend from her marriage ending to The-Dream went out for a much needed good time together Monday (July 26).

The two beauties were spotted at Madeo restaurant in Beverly Hills, California enjoying a girls night out.

Serena was sporting braces on her wrist and foot, but looked great nonetheless.

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Kelis is moving on from the drama of the last year.

With her divorce from rapper Nas behind her, a new label home and new album, the singer feels like she has a new lease on life.

Because of the bitterness of the divorce, some people might expect her to pass on any anger she still feels towards Nas to their young son Knight, but Kelis insists that's not the case.

"He'll [Knight] never read anywhere that I said anything negative about his father," she says. "It doesn't matter whether it's true or not. He's not gonna see that because at the end of the day he needs to know that he did come from love. My opinion of him [Nas] is irrelevant because whoever he was with me is not who he's gonna be with him and that's like you know, childish."

Kelis' new album 'Flesh Tone' is out now.

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Bo Drain is like most typical 2nd graders in that he likes to play kids games and do most normal things a child his age should. However his way of thinking is anything but normal.

Bo says that all "gays, f*gs and hundreds of jews are going to hell." He has come to believe this because the church he attends, Westboro Baptist Church teaches that because America tolerates homosexuality, abortion and divorce we are doomed.

The church even takes kids to picket funerals for fallen soldiers where they thank God for the troops deaths for defending America.

"Military people mostly do the nastiest stuff," Bo says "And they let their kids be raped and stuff."

This is really terrible, but don't blame the kids, blame the parents. Bo's father Steve Drain is off camera coaching him on what to say.

"Remember what we always say," Steve tells Bo. "No God fearing man or woman would fight for a country awash in sin like this."

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Nas's baby mama Kelis had a show at the Film Lounge during the 2010 Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah, on Friday (January 22). Looking like a cross between the Statue Of Liberty a Hawaiian Hula Girl and an Exotic Dancer. She mingled with guests while getting her drink on. She certainly seemed to be in good spirits. Those $51,000 a month spousal and child supports payments from Nas must be rolling in again.

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Kelis has just filed her financials with the court, making her case to get support and baby expenses from estranged hubby Nas. Kelis says from 11/08 to 4/09, her average monthly income was $21,616. Hardly poor, but way less than what she and Nas were pulling in while she was with him. Kelis, who is ready to give birth, has some pretty hefty expenses -- $80,831 a month ... way more than she says she makes. Kelis says she hasn't toured in a year and most of her income comes from her concerts. Kelis says she spends $14,861 on her mortgage. Her nanny costs $3,500 a month. She spends $15,000 a month on entertainment, gifts and vacations -- not too shabby. And she says it cost $175 to have the "baby rug dry cleaned." And there's this ... Kelis says she wants to buy "storage to bank the baby's blood when he is born. The banking is the collection and storage of the stem cells found in the baby's umbilical cord." It's used to treat 70 life-threatening diseases. It all costs $$$. Source: TMZ
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Kelis Wants Nas To Ante Up Plenty Money

Kelis claims estranged hubby Nas has left her high and dry ... not offering her a penny in the wake of her impending birth ... and she says she's broke -- "I have run out of money." Kelis filed legal papers claiming Nas isn't paying her support, pre-natal expenses -- nothing, even though she claims he is filthy rich. Kelis is asking the judge to order Nas to pay spousal support, child support, all pregnancy-related expenses, and one-half of all medical expenses after the child is born. She also wants $3,500 for the baby nurse after the child's birth, and $20,000 for strollers, cribs and other baby supplies. Kelis says, "My survival is based on [Nas'] will at this time. If he does not want to pay for an expense, it does not get paid." The couple was married in 2003. The baby is due this month. Kelis says she's entitled to maintain the lifestyle to which she became accustomed during their marriage -- they have five homes, fly first class, go to fancy restaurants, and on and on. Most interesting -- "There were many expensive pieces [of jewelry] such as a princess-cut diamond tennis bracelet that was recently appraised for $190,000. My engagement ring is an approximately nine-carat cushion-cut diamond solitaire. I have numerous watches...such as Cartier, Rolex, Frank Muller and Chopard." Her lawyer, disso-queen Laura Wasser, says in a separate declaration she's asked Nas to ante up some $$$ for Kelis and the unborn baby but he hasn't responded. Source : TMZ
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Disgraced slugger Barry Bonds has fouled out with second wife, Liz Watson. Watson, married to Bonds since 1998, has filed for legal separation in Los Angeles County Superior Court, a court officer confirmed. The legal papers cite "irreconcilable differences" and request spousal support and joint custody of daughter Aisha Lynn, 10. The former San Francisco Giant touted the strength of his marriage in a People magazine interview just weeks after his 2007 indictment on charges he lied to a federal grand jury investigating steroid use among athletes. "She has to know your entire résumé," said Bonds. "We both know each other's flaws and are committed." Bonds, 44, and Watson, 39, got together after Bonds' nasty divorce from first wife Susann (Sun) Branco in 1994. It took six years for California courts to rule in Bonds' favor over a prenuptial agreement that denied Branco a share of her ex's fortune. Branco, a Swedish immigrant, argued she did not understand the contract, signed a day before their 1988 wedding. It's unclear whether Bonds and Watson have a prenup. Watson's lawyer did not return a call seeking comment. Source: New York Daily News
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