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Najeebat Sule, a former Nigerian beauty queen and PhD student, was shot and killed while sitting in her car in front of her family’s home on March 12. She was 24.

According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, Sule, who was known by her loved ones as Najee, was killed shortly before 6 pm. Her parents are now in hiding out of fear for their lives.

Nearly three weeks have passed and police say they have not found a motive and have made no arrests.

“I can’t think of anything that would make anyone want to kill her,” Sule's close friend Habibat Magaji told the newspaper.

Magaji was one of the last people to have seen Sule alive before she was gunned down. The two spent the night at her home, watching Netflix and eating snacks.

Less than a full day later, Sule was sitting in her vehicle texting Magaji, when an unidentified man walked up to the vehicle and shot her several times.

Adewale Sule, Najeebat father, said he heard the gunfire and bolted out of the house just in time to see the suspect fire the last shots at his daughter.

“I saw the guy shooting my daughter,” he said to the Enquirerer. “He shot the last round and I pursued him. He ran back to his car.”

Najeebat was rushed to Jefferson Torresdale Hospital, where she was pronounced dead shortly after arrival.

Sule had recently earned a Master’s degree in public health from West Chester University and was pursuing a doctorate. In 2019, she was crowned second runner-up at the Miss Nigeria International pageant.

Sule and her family immigrated to Philadelphia from their native Nigeria in the early 2000s.

Source: BET

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The official music video for Smoke DZA "Tradition" feat. Jim Jones. "Tradition" is from Smoke DZA's new album 'Homegrown'

"Traditon" is directed by @rookdirector

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Former Mannford, Okla., police officer Michael Nealey has been found guilty of the second-degree murder of Mannford Police Chief Lucky Miller.

Nealey killed Miller inside a Florida hotel room in November 2019 while they were in the state for a law enforcement conference in Pensacola.

Court documents obtained by KFOR state that other hotel guests complained about the noise coming from the room that Nealey and Miller were in; one witness reported hearing a man yell, “Stop it, Mike!”

A maintenance worker who went inside the room told deputies he saw Nealey on top of Miller, who was laying on the floor.

Prosecutors said the murder was the result of an alcohol-fueled night on November 10, 2019. The state says the medical examiner determined Miller was beaten and strangled or suffocated to death.

The medical examiner said Miller was internally decapitated, which would require the same force one would face in a car crash.

Nealey is set to return back in court on April 29th for his sentencing.

Source: KFOR

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That time Lloyd Banks and Eminem ripped the 2010 song "Where I'm At." Produced by Boi-1da and Matthew Burnett.

The original edit of this fan made music video had the explicit lyrics censored. This one does not.

Oscar Reflect + Damian Ciancio

Animation & Post Production
Feedback + Linterna Magica

This track appears on the special iTunes Deluxe version of Banks' new album 'The Hunger For More 2"

Download Link Here:

Lloyd Banks Ft. Eminem - Where I'm At (Animated Music Video) (Explicit Lyrics)

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Check out the official music video for "Julia Lang" from Griselda Records CEO, Westside Gunn.



'Sincerely Adolf' (#HWH8​) Coming Soon

Guest appearance by Julia Lang
Filmed and Edited by Revenxnt

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The little boy is standing in the kitchen, balanced on one leg, both arms raised above his head.

The child in the video is shirtless & painfully thin, his entire rib cage protruding from his skin. His black hair hangs into his face as he wobbles to keep his balance. His arms shake. He is staring straight ahead.

Emrik Osuna has one day left to live.

A judge on Wednesday ruled that there is enough probable cause to bind the Meridian 9-year-old's father & stepmother, Erik & Monique Osuna, up to district court on first-degree murder charges in Emrik's death.

The pair is accused of abusing Emrik for months leading up to his Sept. 1. death through forced exercise, starvation & physical beatings: "torture" that continued until the boy's body gave out & he died, prosecutors say.

Crucial to the case is video footage of the abuse that was captured on nanny cameras that were installed inside the suspects' Meridian apartment & later recovered by police. Meridian Police Det. Eric Stoffle and Det. Matthew Ferronato said they were able to review more than two weeks of footage leading up to the evening when police found Emrik - bruised, covered in vomit, and without a heartbeat - on the living room floor.

The videos, played in court Wednesday, display the misery, hunger, and fear in which the 9-year-old spent his final days. Viewed together, they present a portrait of a child dying.

In one, recorded on Aug. 21, Emrik can be seen sleeping in the fetal position on the floor when Monique Osuna grabs him by the hair, swinging him through the air like a ragdoll.

She drags him into the kitchen, and screams at him to begin doing jumping jacks, then slaps him violently, over & over & over. Monique later switches to smashing a spoon down onto Emrik's head repeatedly as he shrieks, cries & tries to shield himself from the blows.

Ferronato testified that the attack was apparently punishment for Emrik getting up in the night & drinking from cups that had been left out.

Other videos show Monique Osuna kicking Emrik across the room, yanking his hair & hitting him repeatedly with a frying pan. She can be heard calling her stepson "a f---- loser" and "a piece of sh--," as well as telling him that she was going to make him eat his own feces & drink his own urine.

Erik Osuna is seen once in the footage hitting Emrik with a belt. He did not physically or verbally abuse the boy as often as Monique, Ferronato said, but often ignored his son & did not intervene when Monique was beating or screaming at him.

The child was also forced to do grueling physical exercises for long periods of time, including wall-sits, one-legged stands & "inch-worms" - an exercise in which the boy was forced to walk out his hands from a standing position to a plank, then back to a standing position, raising his arms at the end & starting over.

"Each day, I would say over 12 hours a day, or thereabouts," Ferronato said. "Sometimes it would go on, 20-plus hours of constant exercise."

In the two weeks of footage detectives watched, Ferronato said, not once does a member of the family show affection or positive attention to Emrik. Not once does he play with a toy or a game. When his siblings, father and stepmother eat fast food for dinner, he gets none. When they head to their bedrooms for the night, he curls up on the living room floor or is forced to sleep in a hallway closet.

Erik Osuna told the police later that the morning of Sept. 1, Monique Osuna hit the boy twice with a dog leash, then gave him some rice and water, which he threw up. After a shower, Emrik was forced again to do a one-legged stand, but was eventually permitted to lie down on the floor.

By 5 p.m. that evening, it was clear something was wrong with the 9-year-old. In a text to his wife, Erik wrote that they needed to take Emrik to the emergency room and "face it."

"If you don't want to that's fine I'll go," he wrote. "I know you're scared, I am too."

According to testimony, Monique Osuna at about the same time texted her coworker and friend Hannah Berry, relaying that Emrik was unwell.

Berry testified that Monique had spoken to her previously about problems with Emrik's behavior - complaints that ramped up in the months before the boy's death.

Berry said she shared an opinion with her friend that the 9-year-old might have Reactive Attachment Disorder, a condition that can affect infants and children who have been neglected or abused.

Monique Osuna took Emrik to doctors, but they told her "he was a fine kid," Berry testified. At that point, she said, Berry suggested Monique install the nanny cameras to capture the boy's behavior, so she would have something to show medical professionals.

Berry also told her friend to make Emrik do exercise as punishment for acting out, although she said on the stand that she had not told Monique to force the child to do them for extended periods of time.

Berry eventually drove to the couple's apartment, arriving at about 8:30 p.m. to find Emrik lying motionless on the floor in the living room.

"He was laying down and he was covered in blankets - I mean, it looked like he was sleeping," she said.

Berry testified that she held Emrik's hand, and discovered that it was cold to the touch.

At some point, she said, she advised Emrik's stepmother and father to put Pedialyte into his mouth with a syringe, which they did. Later, she suggested trying to stand him up to see if he would wake up. But as they lifted the boy up, Berry said, he took his "last breath."

"It was a deep breath, and then it was just silent," she testified.

At that point, for the first time, someone in the apartment called 911 - a call police say came in at about 9:40 p.m. Monique began performing CPR, causing Emrik to spew a milky liquid from his nose and mouth, Berry said.

Berry said Erik made the 911 call on Monique's phone, placed it on speaker, then handed her a bundle of nanny cams and told her to take them downstairs and put them in her car.

Erik Osuna's attorney Edwina Elcox questioned why that statement was not picked up on the speakerphone call to dispatch, and asked why she agreed to hide those devices.

Berry responded that Erik Osuna was not speaking loudly and said that she did not realize what the bundle of cameras and cords was, testifying that she believed it was marijuana or drug paraphernalia belonging to Erik. She said that she did not immediately tell police what she had put in her car because she was "in shock" and could not recall what she had removed from the apartment.

Nine-year-old Emrik Osuna was found not breathing and covered in bruises in this apartment complex Tuesday. He was pronounced dead hours later at St. Luke's.

Meridian Police Officer Scott Frazier said that when he arrived at the apartment shortly after the call to 911, he saw the 9-year-old lying on the carpet with his head towards the door. Monique was "frantic" and in tears, Frazier said, while both Berry and Erik Osuna seemed more "stoic."

At first, Frazier said, he thought the child must have been suffering from a serious long-term illness.

"He was very emaciated, he appeared ill, his eyes were sunk into his head. He was pale," he said.

Frazier asked Monique what the boy's diagnosis was; she replied that he had ADHD, he testified. Frazier and another officer traded off performing CPR until paramedics arrived and took over.

The paramedics stripped off Emrik's clothes as they treated him, Frazier said, revealing dark bruises from his inner thighs that stretched over his buttocks all the way up to his lower back. Emrik also had trauma to his penis, which the officer described as appearing as if someone had left a tightened rubber band around it.

Jana Reed, with the Ada County Paramedics, testified that Emrik was wearing a diaper, which she thought was unusual for a 9-year-old.

"When I asked why he was in a diaper, I was told 'he kept wetting himself so I put a diaper on him,'" she testified.

Emrik had no pulse and was not breathing, Reed said. Vomit was caked in his hair and around his face.

Paramedics were able to get his heart beating again after about 20 minutes, and rushed him to St. Luke's in Meridian. Emrik was later transferred to the pediatric ICU at St. Luke's Children's Hospital in downtown Boise, where he died.

A later report found the boy weighed 44 pounds at the time of his death.

Meridian Police Detective Joseph Miller, said that Monique Osuna first claimed that her stepson had been injured while "playing rough" with a group of neighborhood boys, who had hit him with a dog leash. Under questioning, however, she admitted that she had been abusing Emrik since the beginning of the year, Miller testified, with violence toward the boy escalating after the birth of her infant daughter four months prior.

Monique Osuna told Miller that she had hit the 9-year-old with a wetted belt, leash, backscratcher, wooden spoon, and frying pan, sometimes beating the boy with the pan "every other day" for months, he said.

"She said she thought it would teach him a lesson," Miller said. "She said she was harder on him. She said she lashed out at him - hitting him with a pan and making him exercise while she worked, and that he only took a break when she took a break."

Both defendants are set to enter a plea in district court April 26. First-degree murder is punishable by up to life in prison or the death penalty.

Source: KTVB 7

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Philly heavy hitter Wyise is back with a new single titled "Movin How I Move." Produced By Arkay Beats.

Available now on all streaming platforms!

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Griselda Records CEO, Westside Gunn drops off a new single titled "TV Boy." Produced By Daringer and Beat Butcha.

Available now on all streaming platforms:


iTunes/Apple Music:


© 2021 Griselda Records

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Bronx, New York native and BottomLyne Music CEO, BeenOfficial, drops official visuals for "Hustle Addiction" featuring FINA. The Adwerdz-produced song is off of BeenOfficial's new album titled "A.O.D. (America's on Drugs)."

"A.O.D. (America's on Drugs)" now available:

"Hustle Addiction" directed by AK 40 Devin

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A witness who watched George Floyd die in the street was left sobbing on the stand after having to relive the nightmare moment again in court.

Charles McMillian broke down while giving testimony Wednesday about the events he says he witnessed on May 25, 2020 ... as one of the early bystanders who watched Chauvin pin George down just feet away while standing on a curb.

As prosecutors played back body cam video from one of the officers on top of George -- as he shouted out repeatedly he couldn't breathe & calling for his mother -- McMillian started bawling ... which prompted the court to recess as he collected himself.

The prosecution asked what he was feeling right then watching it anew, & McMillian gave a telling response ... saying he felt helpless & sympathized with George's call for his mom. It was pretty heartbreaking to watch & made for a compelling moment in the trial, which is on its third day.

Like we said, McMillian was one of the first civilians on the scene as police began to struggle with George while trying to get him into their squad car. He told George before the man was laid down on his stomach that he should stop fighting & that he couldn't win.

Also in court Wednesday, surveillance footage from inside the Cup Foods store was played showing the minutes leading up to Floyd's death. Floyd can be seen using the alleged fake $20 bill at the root of police being called.

In other video played during his testimony, you can hear McMillian talk directly to Chauvin at the time ... whom he called a "maggot" as the police finally dispersed. McMillian confirmed the "maggot" remark to prosecutors & was excused without cross-examination.

Source: TMZ 

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WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz, a prominent conservative in Congress & a close ally of former President Donald Trump, said Tuesday he is being investigated by the Justice Department over a former relationship but denied any criminal wrongdoing.

Gaetz, who represents parts of western Florida, is accused of having a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old girl & paying her to travel with him, & he is under investigation to determine if he violated federal sex trafficking laws.

The probe has been underway for nearly a year and Gaetz has been aware for months that he was under investigation. The Justice Department has also been looking into whether Gaetz, 38, may have also been involved in relationships with other underage girls, a source told the Associated Press.

The person could not publicly discuss the details of an ongoing investigation & spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity.

Gaetz told Axios that his lawyers were informed that he was the subject of an investigation “regarding sexual conduct with women” but that he was not a target of the probe. He denied that he ever had a relationship with any underage girls & said the allegations against him were “as searing as they are false.”

A subject is conventionally thought of as someone whose actions fall within the scope of a criminal investigation, whereas a target is someone whom prosecutors have gathered evidence linking to a crime. But during the course of an investigation, a subject can become a target.

Gaetz’s comments came shortly after The New York Times first reported the investigation. It is a federal crime to transport a minor over state lines for sex.

Gaetz said that the allegations were part of an extortion plot by a former Justice Department official.

“Over the past several weeks my family & I have been victims of an organized criminal extortion involving a former DOJ official seeking $25 million while threatening to smear my name,” Gaetz said in a statement.

Gaetz said his family has been cooperating with the FBI & said his father was wearing a recording device, at the FBI’s direction, “to catch these criminals.” He demanded the Justice Department release the recordings.

“No part of the allegations against me are true, & the people pushing these lies are targets of the ongoing extortion investigation,” he said.

The Times cited three people familiar with the matter, saying the scrutiny was part of a broader Justice Department probe into one of his political allies & fellow Florida politician, Joel Greenberg, who was indicted last summer on sex trafficking and other charges that he stalked a political opponent. A judge ordered the former tax collector back to jail earlier this month for violating the conditions of his release.

“I believe that there are people at the Department of Justice who are trying to criminalize my sexual conduct, you know, when I was a single guy,” Gaetz told Axios.

“I have definitely, in my single days, provided for women I’ve dated,” Gaetz said. “You know, I’ve paid for flights, for hotel rooms. I’ve been, you know, generous as a partner. I think someone is trying to make that look criminal when it is not.”

Gaetz has not been charged with a crime. The Justice Department did not immediately comment.

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The legal teams representing Deshaun Watson & the women accusing him of sexual misconduct continued their public posturing Tuesday night & early Wednesday, as 2 more women filed lawsuits against the Houston Texans quarterback.

Watson's team, led by Rusty Hardin, issued a news release with on-the-record statements from 18 women who say they have previously had massage sessions with Watson & he never acted inappropriately.

Hardin pointed to the 18 statements in support of Watson as evidence that "the other side to this story that has been so lacking in the flurry of anonymous complaints filed by opposing counsel." He added that the women in the news release, most of whom are massage therapists, have collectively worked with Watson more than 130 times.

"Deshaun never made me feel uncomfortable or intimidated," massage therapist Masako Jones said in one of the statements. "... I am just completely floored by these lawsuits. The behavior described in them doesn’t sound like him at all."

Watson, 25, is now facing civil lawsuits in Harris County District Court from a total of 21 unnamed women – including 2 complaints that became publicly available Wednesday morning. The women have accused Watson of inappropriate conduct or sexual assault during separate massage sessions over the span of more than a year.

A 22nd woman came forward with similar allegations in a Sports Illustrated article this week, but she said she has not filed a lawsuit.

Watson has not been charged with a crime & broadly denied wrongdoing.

The NFL is investigating the allegations against Watson under the auspices of its personal conduct policy. 

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Source: USA Today

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Check out the official music video for "Mansion in the Ghetto" from Super Producer DJ Muggs of Cypress Hill and Flee Lord featuring CRIMEAPPLE.

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On Stephen A's World, Stephen A. tells fans to "Get @ Me," and takes questions on the Boston Celtics, LA Clippers, Zion Williamson vs. LaMelo Ball, and Allen Iverson vs. Dwyane Wade.

0:00​ Will the Celtics make an impact in the playoffs?
2:01​ Should the Clippers be the favorites in the West with Rajon Rondo?
3:33​ Would you rather start a franchise around Zion Williamson or LaMelo Ball?
4:49​ Who was better: Allen Iverson or Dwyane Wade?

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In his first one on one with Comedy Hype, Bill Bellamy opens up on why people may have started seeing him less at one point in his career. The now owner of the, explains his Hollywood disappearance.

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The KJZ discusses Stephen Curry's future with the Golden State Warriors and react to Brian Windhorst's comments that Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron James started recruiting Curry during the NBA All-Star break.


0:00​ Brian Windhorst said LeBron James started recruiting Steph Curry during the All-Star break.
2:20​ Nick Friedell said he is confident that Curry will extend his contract with the Warriors.
3:52​ Jay Williams wants Curry to do whatever he needs to do for his legacy.

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Pre-order "Burn Everything That Bears Your Name"

Video Directed and Edited by Jimmy Giambrone
Shot by Jimmy Giambrone and Brandan Giehl
Song produced by Stu Bangas

Connect with Vinnie Paz

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Ponzo Houdini is another artist that is a part of the Upstate, New York wave that is heavily influencing the rap game right now. The Buffalo native and Cake Boss Life Entertainment CEO, drops an official music video for "Bad Guy" off of his new album titled "You Know the Vibes II."

Produced by Coach Hilson

Directed by Always Risk Things @directedbyart_

"You Know the Vibes II" is available now everywhere music is streamed and sold!

iTunes/Apple Music:



© 2021 Cake Boss Life Entertainment

Buy Exclusive "Hustlers Dreams" Merch Now:

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Music Video for the "Intro" off of Fred the Godson's 2011 "City of God" Grangsta Grillz mixtape, hosted by DJ Drama.

Grab a free copy from Datpiff:

R.I.P. Bronx, New York legend, Fred the Godson

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#FredTheGodson #CityOfGod #Intro

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Black Soprano artist Vino La Mano is on a hell of run as he continues to drop one project after another." The latest is an EP titled "Without Conscience."

The six-track project is entirely produced by The Soul Monsters.

Available on all streaming platforms:


iTunes/Apple Music:


1. Jefe
2. 6 Figures Up
3. Close to Hell
4. Up Bright and Early
05. S560
6. Never

© 2021 Black Soprano Family, LLC

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