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Iconic singer/actress Janet Jackson has been named the new face of Blackglama's "What Becomes A Legend Most?" ad campaign.

Blackglama released a statement on their website announcing Janet's addition to the team.

Janet Jackson joins a roster of some of the world's most legendary entertainers who have starred in the popular Blackglama "What Becomes A Legend Most?" campaign. Since the campaign's inception four decades ago, Blackglama legends have included Sophia Loren, Lauren Bacall, Marlene Dietrich, Diana Ross, Audrey Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor, Lena Horne and Liza Minnelli.

"For decades, Blackglama has represented the finest, most exclusive mink in the world," says Joe Morelli, CEO of Blackglama. "Throughout it's illustrious history, Blackglama has remained a dynamic and powerful player in the fashion industry. Much like Blackglama, Janet Jackson has occupied a similar position in her respective industry. Janet is an icon in the world of music and entertainment, a true legend. She represents everything that this storied campaign embodies. Janet is to entertainment what Blackglama is to luxury."

Leave to the folks over at PETA (People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals) to try to throw dirt on Janet's new gig.

PETA Spokeswoman Amanda Schinke says, "It's amazing what celebrities will do when their careers are on a downslide, but we didn't think that Janet was this desperate."

"Surely she knows enough about suffering and unjustified death to recognize that both occur in the production of a fur coat. We are asking her to think again and to donate these stolen skins to be used as bedding for animals orphaned by other human-caused disasters, such as loss of habitat."

Damn PETA, let the woman handle her business.

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