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Omarion has to be wondering why certain people seem hell bent on ruining his career.

The singer has been dogged by rumors regarding his sexuality recently. First former B2K member Raz-B and his brother Ricky Romance declared the "Ice Box" singer was homosexual. Then on Saturday (January 8) a press release was sent out announcing Omarion was bisexual.

Omarion says the press release was fake, but here is what it said:
“I pride myself in being an honest, God Fearing, respectful man. I have kept my personal life private and wanted to keep it that way. Unfortunately, other’s are interested in profiting from my anguish; so before they can do that, i will clarify things. I am not at all what certain ex-band members are trying to paint me as, I am however a
respectable, mature, proud, bisexual man.”

Omarion, who was in Japan at the time immediately denied being responsible for the press release, he tweeted his 350,000 twitter followers assuring them the press release was fake.



Soon afterwards, O's PR team sent out an official press release.

"The previously released statement regarding Omarion is false and was generated for negative publicity by an unknown person. Omarion will not contribute to anything negative said or done against him. Omarion respects all of his fans, no matter religion, sexuality, or race."

The rumors got so out of hand, Omarion became a trending topic on Twitter. Frustrated, he called into Hot 97 from Japan to speak with Funkmaster Flex and once and for all clear up the rumors.

"First and foremost let me say I did not release that statement. Whatever people like is their business, but I'm not gay or bisexual, I love women and that's just what it is." Omarion told Flex.

At this point nobody knows who sent out the fake press release, but check out the rest of what Omarion had to say about the situation to Funk Flex below.


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MTVNEWS Reports OK, so Kanye West and Lady Gaga probably have not actually gotten married, as Gaga jokingly said. However, they are apparently working on their first baby. By "baby," we of course mean the super-ambitious set design they're collaborating on for their upcoming co-headlining tour, which, although it is yet to be officially confirmed, is reported to be kicking off on October 4 in Buffalo, New York. In an recent interview with the BBC, Gaga said that she and Kanye have been working together on the look and feel of their tour, and, from the sound of things, it's shaping up to be a big production — if not, as she says, one of the biggest of all time. "I love Kanye ... [he] is my very dear friend and we are creative kindreds," she said. "It's been fun to work on the design of the tour with him — we're finishing each other's sentences. "It's going to be one of the most groundbreaking moments in touring history," she continued. "I am sure of it." In another interview — this one in the September issue of Out magazine — Gaga made another claim. She said she told Kanye, "I just want to be clear before we decide to do this together: I'm gay. My music is gay. My show is gay. And I love that it's gay," she told the magazine. "And I love my gay fans and they're all going to be coming to our show. And it's going to remain gay." Before Gaga hits the road with West, she'll get the chance to work out the live show kinks at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards. She's up for nine Moonmen, and earlier this week, it was announced that she'll also be performing at the big show, alongside the likes of Jay-Z, Green Day, Taylor Swift, Pink and Muse.
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