Oscar-winning writer-director Steven Soderbergh isn't coy about his motive for casting Sasha Grey in his low-budget indie drama "The Girlfriend Experience." In a movie entirely populated by nonprofessional actors, who better to portray a $2,000-an-hour Manhattan call-girl than one of the most prolific and in-demand adult film stars working the so-called San Pornando Valley?
Still, he cops to a certain degree of exploitation. Soderbergh gave Grey the lead role in the film (which opens Friday) fully intending to milk her X-rated fame for all it is worth. "I was very much counting on the fact that the interest in her would be greater than the interest in the movie," Soderbergh said. "We would be drafting off her notoriety rather than vice versa. I needed her. That's no different than getting Brad Pitt to be in your movie, albeit in a different context."
In that regard, it probably helps that Grey, 21, can be considered a porn star only by the same reductive logic that would characterize Kobe Bryant as merely a "basketball player." The actress -- real name Marina Ann Hantzis -- is professionally distinguished by her take-no-prisoners attitude toward the hardest of hard-core sex scenes and consensual degradation. Aggressively staking a claim for herself in the industry from almost the moment she turned 18, Grey's porn oeuvre extends to more than 150 films -- "Sasha Grey's Anatomy," "House of Sex & Domination" and "Teenage Whores" (parts 2 and 3) being among the few titles printable in a family newspaper. For her ambitiousness, she took home the Adult Video News Awards' female performer of the year in 2008, becoming the youngest person to win.
Moreover, Grey is establishing herself as a burgeoning multimedia mogul. She calls herself a "performance artist," is filming a documentary, writing a graphic novel and a "sex philosophy" book and recently launched her own production company with the twin goals of changing the look of pornography and empowering women.
"Part of the reason I got into this business was to change it," Grey said. "I can take my fantasies and ideas and deliver those to an audience. It's all an extension of who I am."
Dan Miller, editor in chief of AVN magazine, explained what separates Grey from her industry's rank and file. "She brings it in her sex scenes," he said. "She means business. Sasha's been able to showcase a way of going about it, a fearlessness, that has resonated with adult critics and made producers take notice. She's in the top 10 in-demand female performers."
Over lunch in a Hollywood restaurant, picking at a salad she variously described as tasting "like ammonia" and later, wasabi, Grey made working with Soderbergh -- the force behind the blockbuster "Ocean's" franchise as well as more personal projects starring non-pro actors such as "Bubble" and the HBO series "K Street" -- seem like no biggie. Never mind that, outside of adult films, she had never professionally acted (despite having studied theater from age 12 to 18). And that working from a bare-bones plot "outline," she was responsible for improvising her own dialogue.
"Steven wanted a natural quality and for things to be spontaneous," Grey said. "So it was about trying to find a way to bring my training into the film and also leaving room for this open-ended, never-ending surprise that came into each scene."
Grey portrays Chelsea, a high-class escort whose upscale clients enlist her for more than just sexual encounters. She provides them a "GfE" -- the titular "girlfriend experience" -- of simulated romance and faux emotional intimacy. While operating in a high-gloss world of posh hotels, pricey restaurants and designer clothing, the men in her life -- customers, potential pimps, her boyfriend, a nosy journalist and a sleazy escort review blogger known as "the Erotic Connoisseur" -- attempt to control Chelsea as she plies her trade against the real-life backdrop of last fall's stock market crash and presidential election.
As Soderbergh sees it, Grey's day job and ambitiousness lent her portrayal the kind of verisimilitude you can't learn at drama school. He first hatched the idea to hire her for the film after reading a 2006 Los Angeles magazine profile of Grey's first few months in the adult movie business, "The Teenager & the Porn Star."
"I needed somebody who in a sexual situation could be in control and in command," he said. "Sasha has a macro vision of how she is going to conduct herself. She has a five-year plan. That was very similar to the escorts we interviewed before we made the film -- you hear a lot of GfE's talk like that. But it's very unusual in the porn world."
The actress' literary agent, Marc Gerald, is working with Grey on a coffee-table book featuring photos she took on porn sets over the last few years; it will function as a kind of "manifesto" for her singular outlook. The as-yet-untitled book from Vice/MTV Books has a tentative publication date of early next year.He pointed out that the actress operates "to the extreme" in both her business and creative pursuits. "She has an intellectual curiosity you can't force or manufacture," Gerald said.
For her part, Grey -- a petite Sacramento native who speaks with a kind of flat affect and still possesses the physique of a teenage girl -- seemed more interested in talking about her new production company Grey Art than "The Girlfriend Experience." The plan going forward is for her to act as her own manager, work exclusively for herself (rather than one of the big agencies that represent most porn performers) and even direct her own movies.
"All women have the right to be feminist whether you're pro-porn or anti-porn," she said. "But I think it's definitely about continuing to put the control in women's hands. And sending a positive message to our society that every girl in porn is not abused and cracked out."
Grey continued: "I have this brand, I have my name. And I'm going to do what I want because people will buy it. People will enjoy it. So don't tell me I have to follow this formula and sit inside the box. Because I don't."
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T.I. turned himself in Tuesday (May 26) at an Arkansas federal prison, where the rapper will begin serving a 366-day sentence stemming from his 2007 arrest for attempting to illegally attempting to purchase firearms in Atlanta.
According to several reports, Tip is now in custody at the low-security wing of the Forrest City Federal Correctional Complex, where the rapper will circulate with the rest of the inmates without preferential treatment.
There is some confusion over when T.I. actually arrived at the facility. TMZ first reported that the rapper had turned himself in before his scheduled noon deadline, citing confirmation from T.I.'s attorneys.
However, a report from an NBC affiliate in Georgia, 41 NBC, indicated T.I. was not in custody, citing a rep from the prison who claimed the rapper was not listed in custody shortly after his scheduled deadline, and an Associated Press report said T.I. arrived later than his scheduled deadline. The report said the rapper showed up approximately 29 minutes late, stating that a black van with Georgia license plates and tinted windows pulled up to the prison. Police had to rope off well wishers, reporters and others gathered down the road from the prison, according to the report.
This is not the first time confusion has arisen regarding T.I. and his sentencing. An Associated Press report earlier this month suggested T.I. would only serve up to two months of his scheduled jail time. However, MTV News later confirmed the rapper will have to serve at least 10 months of his time.
Inquiries made by MTV News on Tuesday to T.I.'s lawyers and record label, Atlantic Records, had not been returned at press time.
Last week, the rapper's lawyers had requested a two-week delay in the sentence, and hoped the rapper could serve his term at a facility closer to his home in Atlanta. That request was denied on Friday.
It is unclear if the rapper's tardiness on Tuesday will affect his plea deal. Under the terms of his arraignment, the rapper completed a number of community service hours and outreach, advising teens against making the type of mistake he made. In October 2007, Tip was arrested on the eve of the BET Hip-Hop Awards after attempting to purchase an array of guns, a crime for a previously convicted felon such as T.I.
T.I.'s then-impending prison term, of course, was the subject of MTV's recent "T.I.'s Road to Redemption" series.
Tip was scheduled to turn himself in on Tuesday after bidding his fans farewell during a going-away show Sunday night in Atlanta. Soulja Boy Tell'em, Main and members of T.I.'s Grand Hustle roster of artists feted the rapper at the performance, held in Atlanta's Philips Arena.
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NEW YORK — "Where amazing happens" doesn't just take place on the NBA courts — it also happens in Kanye West's studio. The Grammy winner says Jay-Z's long-percolating Blueprint 3 will be well worth the long wait the MC's fans have been enduring.
"Jay is in control of everything in his domain," Kanye, the album's producer, said last week during a promotional visit for his book, "Thank You and You're Welcome."
"He's just been working on it, and it's gonna be amazing when he drops it. I think it's good he's taking his time to give people the best product possible and not being rushed by this fast-food, media-outlet, Internet, everything-is-getting-leaked, people-stealing your-songs-before-you-can-mix-them-and-put-them-online world we're living in right now."
Kanye revealed that he and Jay went back in and made some alterations to B3 since they first started.
"We actually removed all the songs with Auto-Tune off of his album," West said, "to make the point that this is an anti-Auto-Tune album, even though I released an album that has all Auto-Tune!
"It doesn't matter to me," Kanye laughed about Jay not wanting to incorporate the sound that is featured so heavily on Kanye's 808s & Heartbreak. "It's music; it's just sonics. I like Auto-Tune so I do it, but you want the other thing — like you'll wear a suit to a wedding and gym shoes to a basketball game. I think it's a perfect moment for Jay to provide some gym shoes to a basketball game right now."
No release date has been set for Blueprint 3, however, last week, Jay-Z secured his release from Def Jam Records, which will allow the album to come out on his own Roc Nation label, presumably in partnership with Rock Nation (although the specifics of that deal have not been confirmed). Meanwhile, Kanye has been in the studio, grabbing inspiration for his own next album.
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Rick Ross may be celebrated for recently topping the Billboard album chart, but the rapper’s demeanor and image away from the mic has become fodder for a newly released book from one of the mothers of his children.
The page-turner, titled Tia's Diary: Deeper Than Rap, chronicles Tiallondra Kemp’s life as well as her relationship with Ross.
Kemp’s foray into literature came via the Miami-based rapper’s rival, 50 Cent, an ally who opened a door that would have remained closed had she remained with Ross.
“50 reached out to my attorney. I told him that I wanted to do a book and he made it happen,” Kemp shared with AllHipHop.com. “He got me my publishing deal and everything. He really helped me a lot. Rick Ross would’ve never gave me this opportunity.”
For Tia's Diary, Kemp revealed that Ross was less than an ideal person outside the world of music as she came to realize.
“I think that everybody know that he’s a fake and he’s a fraud and I think it’s a lot of things that’s in the book that would explain why he’s that type of person, you know,” Kemp said. “He was an abusive person, you know. And he’s a deadbeat dad. He’s battered his first baby mama and the only things that he’s done is put his hands on women…he’s never been arrested but for battery for on his baby mom. Right now, he has an open case for carrying a concealed firearm, but the firearm was registered to him. And the reason he caught the charge is because his concealed weapon license was revoked for the battery he had against his first baby mom."
The release of Tia's Diary comes after Ross sat atop the Billboard 200 chart after selling 158,000 copies of his latest album, also titled Deeper Than Rap, in its first week of release last month.
Ross’ former girlfriend commented on the rapper’s neglect of their child and went as far as labeling the rapper as “not a good father.”
“I wouldn’t consider him as a great father. I’m quite sure he loves his son, but he’s not supporting his son. He’s not in his son’s life. And that’s what it’s about,” she said. “You know, it’s not about money. It’s about being there for your child, you know, and showing them love.”
Tia's Diary: Deeper Than Rap is available now in bookstores .
Source : AllHipHop.com
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magnetics - mhz
Today is the one year anniversary of Camu Tao's death. He was one of the illest undergrounsd mc's with a unique flow and insane rhymes.Camu was part of The Weathermen and also formed the group Nighthawks with rapper Cage. He is truly missed
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Floyd Mayweather is the target of lawsuit from a company that claims the boxer stole their artist. Just for You Entertainment, a Long Island-based company, alleges that the Mayweather-owned Philthy Rich Records signed Freck Billionaire even though the rapper was signed to them in 2005.
Just for You claims the company spent $155,000 in recording studio time, travel expenses and other costs when Billionaire was an artist on their label.
Philthy Rich Records now must contend with a $600,000 civil claim from Just for You Entertainment, according to the New York Post.
Freck Billionaire hails from Philadelphia.
Floyd Mayweather, who retired for 17 months, has returned to boxing and has a fight set for July 18 with lightweight champ Juan Manuel Marquez
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Associated Press
ORLANDO, Fla. -- LeBron James had no shot.
Dwight Howard scored 24 points -- 14 on free throws -- and Rafer Alston added 18 as the Orlando Magic, sick of seeing replays of James' dramatic Game 2 buzzer-beater, downed the Cleveland Cavaliers 99-89 on Sunday night to take a 2-1 lead in an Eastern Conference finals getting nastier by the minute.
2009 NBA Playoffs
James scored 41 on just 11-of-26 shooting and missed five free throws in the fourth quarter. But once again, Cleveland's superstar didn't get enough help from his teammates. Mo Williams, who needed four stitches to close two gashes around his left eye after being elbowed in the first half, Delonte West and Zydrunas Ilgauskas shot a combined 13-of-37
Game 4 is Tuesday night.
The first two games of the series in Cleveland were each decided by one point. This one was resolved by elbows, shoves and hard fouls.
Howard, Ilgauskas and Cleveland's Anderson Varejao all fouled out as the officials called 58 personals, handed out two technicals, a flagrant and spent half the night stepping between players on both sides as tempers flared inside an overheated Amway Arena.
"We just kept fighting. That's what we got to do, we fight to the end," Howard said. "We can't worry about nothing, we can't worry about the calls, can't worry about nobody else. We just got to get out there and play."
When the referees weren't making peace, they were sending players to the free-throw line.
Unlike Games 1 and 2, the Magic didn't fall behind by double digits and need to rally. They got out fast, stayed close despite Howard's early foul trouble and put the Cavs away at the line.
Howard, a notoriously poor foul shooter, went 14-of-19 from the line and the Magic made 39 of 51 attempts. In the fourth quarter alone, Orlando made 19 of 23 to hold off the top-seeded Cavaliers, who began the playoffs with eight straight wins and have now dropped two of their last three.
Cleveland better figure out a way to win in steamy Florida fast. The Cavs, who were thumped here by 29 on April 3, have six lost six of their last seven in Orlando.
Copyright by STATS LLC and The Associated Press
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This is coming from inside the Chris Brown camp – no names. But, I am hearing there is a Rihanna sex tape…kinda. It is my understanding that there was a video taken by why of a mobile phone, possibly an iphone. From what I understand, Chris is not in there, but a there is a naked Rihanna talking very naughty on the footage. I was told that the quality is poor, but you can identify it as Rihanna and she is nude or semi-nude. I will say that this sourced didn’t indicate of there was any intention of releasing such a video…only that they saw some of it. I will get a copy, so they say, if it does come out. We’ll see! Glad there’s not Brownie in that piece. Don’t need that in my life.
Source : Illseed
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Gina Conway, ex-girlfriend of rapper Max B, has begun her testimony for the prosecution in the Harlemite’s murder trial.
Conway testified in Hackensack, New Jersey Superior Court that Max, real name Charly Wingate, masterminded the September 2006 murder of David Taylor in a botched robbery.
According to Conway, the real target was Taylor’s friend, Allan Plowden, who she had begun seeing shortly after splitting with Max.
She explained to jurors that Plowden drove a $120,000 Mercedes Benz and routinely carried around cash in excess of $35,000.
The two became romantically linked, and Plowden testified that he spent lavish sums of money on Conway at high-end department stores.
When she relayed this information to Max, she claimed the rapper became very jealous and promised “he was going to get him.”
Based on Conway’s testimony, the prosecution alleges that Max B began to plot the robbery, and recruited his step-brother Kelvin Leerdam to carry out the crime.
In between sobs, Gina Conway recounted how the robbery was botched from the beginning, as she and accomplice Leerdam got lost on the cab ride to New Jersey for several hours.
A cab driver corroborated the story, stating they stopped at two different Holiday Inn locations, one in Bergen County and one in New York before locating the correct establishment in Fort Lee, New Jersey.
Upon arrival, Conway and Leerdam duct-taped Plowden at gunpoint and demanded his money.
Plowden revealed that his funds were in the possession of friend David Taylor, who was staying a few floors down.
Plowden was forced to place a call, and when Taylor arrived he was shot in the head at point blank range, stated Conway.
Plowden freed himself and gave chase, and was able to strike Conway with a punch before both perpetrators escaped in a cab.
Plowden was able to make a positive ID of Conway, who was apprehended several days later and charged with murder.
After giving a 169 page statement and cooperating with authorities, her crime was reduced to armed robbery and manslaughter.
Even with her testimony, she will still serve 18 years for her role in the crime.
When asked about Max B’s reaction to the murder, Conway claimed he expressed regret and promised to support her.
“Charly told me that if I pulled it off, then he would love me forever,” she stated. “Charly said he was sorry for what happened and that he was going to take care of me.”
Next Tuesday (May 26), lawyers for Max B and Kelvin Leerdam will cross-examine Gina Conway.
Both camps have stated that Conway, a stripper at the time, was the one who planned the fatal robbery.
Max B and Leerdam face life sentences if convicted.
Source :AllHipHop.com
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