SYMMES TWP. – Authorities say two young girls entered 1st National Bank on busy Fields Ertel Road on Tuesday afternoon, handed a bank teller a note demanding money and made their getaway.
With helicopters flying overhead and at least one police canine on the ground, the two girls – who police believe are 14 to 15 years old and 12 years old – got away with cash. The Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office would not say how much.
The girls entered the bank at 9015 Fields Ertel Road at about 3:20 p.m., according to sheriff’s office spokesman Steve Barnett.
The older girl is described as black, heavyset, 5-feet 4-inches to 5-feet 5-inches tall, and wearing a dark knit cap, dark hooded sweat shirt and blue jeans. The younger girl is described as black with a thin build, and 5-feet tall to 5-feet 2-inches tall. She was reportedly wearing a baseball cap with the round tag still hanging from it.
Authorities say the girls implied they would harm bank employees, but did not appear to have any weapons. The sheriff’s office would not say whether surveillance equipment caught pictures of the girls and did not release any surveillance photos.
The bank is across the street from busy Symmes Square Shopping Center and Kings Auto Mall.