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A second man has come forward accusing Kevin Clash of having sex with him when he was underage. Amid the allegations Clash has resigned from Sesame Street, where he was employed as the voice of the popular children's puppet character Elmo.


The Sesame Workshop released a statement to Fox News regarding Clash's resignation.


"Sesame Workshop's mission is to harness the educational power of media to help all children the world over reach their highest potential. Kevin Clash has helped us achieve that mission for 28 years, and none of us, especially Kevin, want anything to divert our attention from our focus on serving as a leading educational organization. Unfortunately, the controversy surrounding Kevin's personal life has become a distraction that none of us wants, and he has concluded that he can no longer be effective in his job and has resigned from Sesame Street. This is a sad day for Sesame Street."

Cecil Singleton filed a lawsuit against Clash claiming the two had a sexual relationship when he was 15-years old and Clash was 32 according to TMZ.




"[Clash] trolled gay telephone chat line rooms to meet and have sex with underage boys," Singleton claims in the lawsuit. "[Clash] groomed [the accuser] to gain his trust by, among other things, taking him to nice dinners and giving him money."

The alleged incident happened in 1993. Singleton says he didn't file a lawsuit until now because he "did not become aware that he had suffered adverse psychological and emotional effects from Kevin Clash's sexual acts and conduct until 2012."

Singleton alleges Clash "preyed on teenage boys to satisfy his depraved sexual interests."

He is seeking $5 million from Clash.


Singleton, who is now in his 30's is the second man to accuse Clash of an inappropriate sexual relationship this month.



Sheldon Stephens

23-year old Sheldon Stephens accused Clash of having sex with him when he was 16-years old and Clash was 45. Stephens later recanted his claim after being paid $125,000 by Clash according to TMZ.


"Stephens agrees that immediately upon execution of this Agreement, his counsel, Andreozzi & Associates, P.C., shall release the [following] statement ... 'He [Stephens] wants it to be known that his sexual relationship with Mr. Clash was an adult consensual relationship.'"

Stephens later changed his story again by saying he was pressured into the agreement. He now says "he was literally crying during the final negotiations and repeatedly said he didn't want to sign." Stephens wants to return the $125,000 to restore his name.

Clash admitted to having sex with Stephens, but insisted it was after he was above the age of consent.





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