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MEMPHIS, Tenn. — FOX13 uncovered new information about the arrest of a woman in Cordova Sunday.

The arrest had many people talking on social media.

The Shelby County Sheriff’s Office said officers stopped Kesha Gray to talk her after witness described a woman being beaten up so badly they thought it was a kidnapping according to an incident report.

Shelby County Commissioner Tami Sawyer believed the arrest was unnecessary and all charges against Gray should be dropped.

“It took me back to the first time I saw Sandra Bland,” said Sawyer.

She immediately called for an investigation.

Shelby County Sheriff Floyd Bonner promised a probe will happen.

“I think the force and languages used and the lack of care was extreme,” said Sawyer.
The incident report from the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office details a witness who spotted a man putting a woman in a headlock “dragging the woman towards the vehicle, punching her and choking her.” That woman was later identified as Kesha Gray.

“It took me back to the first time I saw Sandra Bland,” said Shelby County Commissioner Tami Sawyer.

FOX13 dug into what happened before Gray’s arrest was captured on a cell phone video.
According to the affidavit, Gray’s fiance called deputies to report a case of domestic violence between the two of them. The affidavit never mentioned the violence a witness reported to deputies in the incident report.

A serious allegation retired county deputy and FOX13 law enforcement analyst Mike Collins insisted deputies had to investigate.

“This is one of the most serious calls a police officer can get in the line of duty,” said Collins.

Collins reviewed the video and believed deputies tried to question Gray but she refused.

“The officer did what was necessary to deescalate the situation,” Collins said. 

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