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Video After The Jump

Fox News thrives on being outrageous and at times ridiculous. The network that calls itself "fair and balanced" is usually anything but.

Glenn Beck and fellow republican pundit Bill O'Reilly are so often offensive it barely registers a blip on the radar anymore.

But on occasion, like yesterday (May 26), one of them says something that makes you just shake your head.

Bill's guest on the O'Reilly Factor was liberal African American, Columbia University professor Mark Lamont Hill. The two of them were discussing Obama's plan to send 1200 troops to the Mexican border to help protect against illegal aliens.

For some reason Bill decides to tell Hill he looks like a drug dealer.

"Say you're a cocaine dealer—and you kind of look like one a little bit," Bill said

Without hesitation, Hill replied "As do you... you know, you actually look like a cocaine user."

Perfect comeback to an offensive, racist remark, but it still amazes me O'Reilly can get away with saying almost anything he wants.

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