Cent (1509)

Polow Da Don and Timbaland were so excited about the project, they almost gave Fif tracks. But production from those two will more than likely pop up on Before I Self Destruct, due in September. The G-Unit General is warming the scene up before summer officially hits, dropping his new mixtape before the official product. If you're curious about the title, know that it's not about a beef with one person in particular — this war angel is fed up with the watered-down music in hip-hop right now. It's not what he adored growing up as a fan. "What I fell in love with initially ain't even in the mutha----in' art form anymore. It's cool because there's an opportunity for me to become [that] to a whole new generation ... because of their age group, they're not aware of it. "Now I gotta shift the energy," 50 added. "I gotta make them follow me. After they follow me, they'll be able to make real hip-hop records and make them successful. I have to have a successful project with really good hip-hop music to make these people go, 'OK, we can make [a real hip-hop album].' I have to be successful to make the record companies go, 'We can support this guy that wrote a rap album' instead of feeling like 'We need him to go on this record with Ne-Yo or Dream. Get somebody on there to do the hook.' That's the concept of what they feel they can present to the public and that's not what the f--- I was going on when I started." 50 is debuting the entire mixtape Tuesday (June 16) on Hot 97 with Funkmaster Flex then posting it on his ThisIs50 that night for free download. The Queens MC is also hiring new video directors — a different one for each clip — to come up with visuals for the mixtape. "When I start writing music to my core, I'm talking about the way I came up, the way I was raised," he explained. "That's easy to me. Tell me to make a commercial pop record, a commercial hit record and that's more difficult to me than to create concepts that people are excited about where I'm from." After War Angel, 50 says to look for Sincerely Southside, on which he'll be rapping over some '90s R&B hits, as well as a full G-Unit mixtape prior to the release of Before I Self Destruct. "I write at a rapid pace," he said. "I have binges. There's points I'll be in the studio ... I've met moments when I'm there and unmotivated by production. Just there and unexcited about the whole sh--. Then there's times when every beat that comes on, I have an idea." Source: MTVNEWS
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No fair; 50 Cent is cheating. Well, it's not really cheating when you have producers such as Dr. Dre, Timbaland and Polow Da Don working on your album. Fif is stacking the deck for his current incarnation of Before I Self Destruct. Fif is on his third different production of the album, and he said the third time's the charm. "I feel like my album is as close to perfect as it's gonna get," 50 told MTV News last week. "I'm reaching the point to where if I have to continue to write it, I'll be overkilling it. That's why I gave myself other writing assignments, like the War Angel [mixtape], like the '90s [tape] Sincerely Southside Part 2 and our actual G-Unit mixtape I'm doing with [Lloyd] Banks and [Tony] Yayo." Fif said reconnecting with Timbaland for Before I Self Destruct has been a unique experience. "When me and Timbaland go in, a lot of times it's a compromise," Fif said. "He's doing things that's a little different production-wise from what I would usually do. Like 'Ayo Technology' — you never heard me rap with that cadence. That beat was actually for Justin [Timberlake]. It was golden, some sh-- he had on the side, and he gave it to me. I went and did it. Justin laid the hook to it." Timbo will go in the studio and mumble a melody and tell Fif to pen lyrics with that flow, which 50 said is easy for him. "I could put lyrics to any melody," the G-Unit General said. "I can write a rap song, I can write an R&B song, I can write whatever type of song. If you put a note on it where I can hear it, man, I can write that. We did that, and that's how I came up with that new cadence for 'Ayo Technology.' We did that a couple of times while we was on there working [on Before I Self Destruct]. It's fun that way to have him participate with me. "Even if you ain't got the words," 50 added. "You're up there, 'Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.' Tim will be like, 'I can't believe that. He was able to make everything I just made a noise into a real cadence.' I seen him take pens or pencils into a cup and put it into a shaker. I'm sure nobody else has shaker sounds like that. ... I seen some interesting things from Timbaland." Polow also worked on the new album, but he had music prepared for 50 before the MC came to the studio. Before I Self Destruct drops in September. Source: MTVNEWS
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50 Cent Ready To Go To War !!

We were prepping a real ill Behind the Beats to land Friday morning, but everything got put on pause when 50 Cent decided to phone in. The G-Unit General is putting out a project of all-new material called War Angel LP on Tuesday via ThisIs50.com. He says it's more like a street album than a mixtape. Fif -- who's in L.A. right now recording Before I Self Destruct with Timbaland and Polow Da Don — said he's throwing heat rocks all summer long, then dropping his official LP in September (dare we dream he drops the same day as Jay?). "I'm feenin' to get on the street, you already know what time it is," he said via cell. The tagline for the project is "Prepare for Total Destruction." "You know what it is, it's a conflict," Fif described. "The exact opposite. I didn't want to write Angel Demon. It's not the contrast between good and bad. But ... if someone's at war, I'm sure they're saying their prayers. They believe they have angels around them. What would you call an angel around a soldier at war?" A War Angel, of course. "That's why I titled it that," he added. "Creatively, this is not even a mixtape. That's why I put LP next to it. ... My core audience will understand it immediately, and it's written specifically for that." With such a potent title, some people are obviously expecting him to go at his last known enemy: Rick Ross. Fif said that's not the case. He's done with the Miami MC. "You're gonna see," he promised, before explaining why the beef with Ross is over. "I think if you don't identify when you've won a race, you'll continue to run victory laps until you've exhausted yourself. There's nothing else to win in the Rick Ross situation. There's nothing else to do to that guy from my perspective." So who will 50 be firing missiles at? "It's not a specific target, a specific person, I'm writing about," he clarified. "When you hear it, out of all the material I put on the street, you're gonna say that's the best body of work I put out in the mixtape circuit, period. The way the mood of music is right now, when they hear what this is, they'll say, 'That's what we needed.' " More 50 Cent underground releases will follow in just a few short weeks. "I have two other tapes to follow it," he revealed. "Fourth of July, Sincerely Southside Part 2 coming out with mostly '90s music on it. Timeless music, classic hit records. Then, after that, there's a G-Unit mixtape. It's actually untitled. I'll be finished with it in the next day or so." The War Angel LP track list, according to 50 Cent: 1. "I Line N---as" 2. "Talking in Codes" 3. "OK, Alright" 4. "Redrum (Murder)" 5. "Cream 2009" 6. "I'll Do Anything" 7. "London Girl" 8. "AK" 9. "Get the Message" 10. "I Gotta Win"
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Young Buck just dropped his mixtape Back on My Buck Sh--, and his stance on his affiliation with the G-Unit (at least in this interview) has softened a bit. "Much respect to them dudes, but I'm doing my thing right now," Buck said. Like Lloyd Banks, Buck said he's officially off Interscope but still signed to the G-Unit. "To be honest, I'm trying to get away from that situation," he said in Atlanta. "No sooner than I get away from that situation, you'll be hearing from Young Buck." By that, he means a full album. He has secured distribution through Sony Red for his Cashville Records. C-Bo and the Outlaws are still down with him. If there's one thing Buck has learned from having his differences with 50 Cent and his pitfalls in the music industry, it's that the game is "90 percent business and 10 percent talent." Sticking with the business theme, he said fans should check for his track "Letter to the Labels." "That's letting the labels know I'mma do it with or without you," he said. "Cashville Records, we got this." Buck is shooting a movie called "No Warning" with Omar Gooding. Source:MTVNEWS
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