
ALEXANDRIA, La. (AP) — A woman outfitted with a tiny microphone & hidden camera walked up to a dilapidated drug house on a chilly afternoon last year looking to buy meth from a dealer known on the streets as “Mississippi.”

But as the informant disappeared inside with a career criminal with a rap sheet spanning 3 decades, her cop handlers left her undercover on her own — unprotected & unmonitored in real time. And the devices she carried passively recorded a crime far more horrific than any drug buy.

The dealer forced the woman to perform oral sex on him, twice & paused at one point to conduct a separate drug deal.

“It was one of the worst depictions of sexual abuse I have ever seen,” said an official who saw the footage. "Just the audio from it is enough to turn your stomach. It’s a female being sexually brutalized while she’s crying and whimpering.”

Even as the woman cried and her assailant threatened to put her “in the hospital,” narcotics deputies remained down the block in the blighted neighborhood, unaware of what was going on.

Antonio D. Jones, 48, was charged with second-degree rape, false imprisonment & distribution of meth after cops recovered 5 grams.

“We’ve always done it this way,” said Lt. Mark Parker. “She was an addict and we just used her as an informant like we’ve done a million times before.”

3 weeks after her recorded assault the woman was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia stemming from an arrest that happened about a month before the sting & she’s been booked on possession charges at least twice since then.

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