
In the latest chapter of Baton Rouge rap drama, two local rappers were arrested this week in Miami after federal agents searched a south Florida house belonging to Fredo Bang and arrested his associate Lit Yoshi, who was already out on $1.82 million bond & now faces additional charges stemming from yet another gang shooting.

The raid came after investigators linked Lit Yoshi, whose real name is Mieyoshi Edwards, to an April 2020 shooting in Slidell & several months after a Baton Rouge judge told him to stop treating his house arrest as a "paid vacation" in south Florida.

Edwards, 22, was already facing seven counts of attempted first-degree murder in Baton Rouge. His existing charges stemmed from two shootings that detectives attributed to a simmering feud between rival Baton Rouge record labels. Edwards moved to Florida after posting bond last August, a move the judge called prudent for his safety.

He was living in Miami with Fredo Bang, whose real name is Fredrick Givens. Both young men have established themselves as relatively successful rappers and are members of the Top Boy Gorilla gang, which goes by TBG.

Givens was on parole after pleading guilty to illegal use of weapons and simple criminal damage to property following a 2015 shooting outside a Baton Rouge apartment complex. He was arrested Thursday on a parole violation after police and federal agents found firearms inside his house and a stolen car outside, his attorney confirmed.

Law enforcement officials had previously announced they were investigating Givens & Edwards in connection with a May 2019 shooting in Miami targeting NBA YoungBoy, founder of a rival rap gang. Neither has been charged in that case, though a judge ruled in February that evidence from the Miami incident and the Slidell shooting could be used against Edwards in his ongoing attempted murder case.

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Source: The Advocate

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