Video And Pics After The Jump
Monday, August 18, the National Guard was called in to Ferguson, Missouri to assist in bringing peace back to a city that has been rocked by looting and clashes between protesters and police for more than a week.
At the heart of the protests is the shooting death of 18-year old Michael Brown by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson. An autopsy by Dr. Michael Baden indicated Brown was killed after being shot at least 6 times. The fatal shot hit him in the top of the head.
Darren Wilson
With the curfew lifted by Governor Jay Nixon, protesters were free to hit the streets en masse on Monday night/ Tuesday morning after 12 AM. News 4 reports 31 people were arrested, 2 shot and four officers injured after being hit by rocks and bottles during the night.
Looking tired and disppointed, Missouri Highway Patrol Captain Ron Johnson, a native of Ferguson, held a press conference.
He described small pockets of agitators who attempted to hide among the peaceful protesters, launching, rocks, bottles and molotov cocktails at police. Officers reportedly came under heavy gunfire. Two guns were confiscated during a traffic stop. Additionally, 2 fires were set, one to an abandoned house and another at a business.
Johnson praised the peaceful protesters for marching without violence.
“They are a part of the energy and goodness of this community,” Johnson said. “That energy can light up and inspire. It can help us move past violence.”
Michael Brown
The FBI investigation into Brown's death continues. A federal autopsy on his body will be conducted within the next few days.
An odd twist occurred on Monday when a friend of officer Wilson called into a radio station 97.1 to give a version of events that differed from eyewitnesses.
Identified only as Josie, claimed that Brown punched Wilson, tried to get his gun, taunted him then bum rushed the officer as he fired shots. "He seemed to be on something," she said. "Because he just kept coming, it was unbelievable."
A source with detailed knowledge of the investigation later told CNN the caller's account is "accurate," in that it matches what Wilson has told investigators.
Marijuana was found in Brown's system during the autopsy. It's unclear if that is the extent of the toxicology test results.
"Josie" tells officer Darren Wilson's version of events
31 People Arrested, 4 Cops Injured From Thrown Rocks & Bottles. (Ferguson, MO. Protests 8-19-2014)
2 People Shot During Michael Brown Protests In Ferguson, Missouri (8-19-2014)
G-Unit - Ahhh Sh!t (Justice 4 Michael Brown & Eric Garner)
J. Cole - Be Free (Michael Brown Tribute - Ferguson, Mo.)
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