Video After The Jump If you have ever made the mistake of cheating on your woman, you know it's hard to keep it a secret for long. That wasn't the case for Shigeo Tokuda. A 76 year old married grandfather, who just happened to moonlight as a porn star. Tokudo got his start as a man whore several years ago. He was approached by a man in a porn store who told him he would be perfect for XXX films because he had the face of a pervert. What started out as a few small cameo roles has turned into a full time job for the retired travel agent, who earns $400-$500 dollars a day starring in "elder porn." Don't get it twisted though, "elder porn" isn't just with older women. Tokudo is blowing the backs out of young twenty something year olds as well.

His family might not have ever found out his "side profession", had it not been for a mistake by a production company that faxed the script to 'Prohibited Elderly Care Vol. 20' to his home. His 35 year old daughter read it and his cover was blown. You might think Tokudo would have been kicked out of the house by his wife, but that wasn't the case. "My wife lets me do whatever I want now that I’m retired,” he says. “She’s just concerned about my health and tells me not to work too hard.” After having starred in over 350 skin flicks, including the ridiculously titled 'Maniac Training of Lolitas', Tokudo has no plans to retire anytime soon. twitter-5d.gif
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