In an intense 3-day 2014 trial in a Cape Cod courtroom, Justin Mustafa was accused of orchestrating a twisted week of drug-fueled torture in which he injected his girlfriend with heroin, repeatedly beat her with a belt & forced her to perform oral sex on his pit bull.
In June 2013, he picked her up from work & injected her with heroin. Over the next week, he did it several more times, she said. Rowland said when she was sick and high from the drugs, he would rape her and beat her with a belt. On one occasion, she said, he told her to undress then brought his pit bull in & forced her to give him oral sex.
"Based on what he has done to me & other women in my community, it's a matter of public safety," Gabbe Rowland told Insider.
In November, Rowland appeared by phone in Barnstable Probate and Family Court hearing objecting to the name change.
She told the court she believed that if Mustafa — now Justin Curtis — was allowed to change his name, women wouldn't be able to easily unearth his past.
Curtis, 33, testified that he converted to Christianity from Islam at the request of his mom & that Mustafa is a name with Islamic roots. His mother has since died & he wanted to change his name to avoid the "religious conflict."
On Tuesday, a judge ruled in his favor.
Because there were no formal sex-crime charges in her case against Curtis, he's not registered as a sex offender & so changing his name eliminates the most easily accessible link to the crimes he committed, Rowland said.
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