Download/Stream: https://instabio.cc/20712RyNTA4
Follow: Main Rugar https://www.instagram.com/main_rugar1200/
Download/Stream: https://instabio.cc/20712RyNTA4
Follow: Main Rugar https://www.instagram.com/main_rugar1200/
Born Airel Culver , better known as Young street nigga Juvy or “ YSN Juvy “ . I was born & raised in fort pierce fl , where the crime rate is high . Mostly unsolved murders & and robbing goes on , my dad was never around , leaving my mama to struggle every moment of my childhood which made me leave home and get in the streets . I was arrested numerous times as a juvenile in and out of trouble couldn’t stay in school , it was nobody to support me I had to get money . I started rappin at the age of 8 , found out I could sing at 12 but I never took music serious I would play around but I never took it serious , until I made a diss song about this nigga who was suppose to be my homeboy but he stole from me . I named it “fuck it” , the song started pickin up so much heat and everybody was fuckin with it so I kept going to by this time I was still in the streets but working too . I know it might sound crazy but I got a job at the Jail doing food service . I ended up running into my current manager ( Sean of absolute ent) brother “Tom Tom” and I was rapping for him one day then he linked me with Sean immediately. I’ll never forget he told me “ all you gotta do is stay out of trouble and rap , i got you” & We’ve been rocking ever since , I know for a fact we’re going to go far with this company and be very successful. I plan to come back to my city and change life’s , give these jits the opportunity Sean gave me . And with that being said , I feel there is nothing that can hold us back.
Follow YSN Juvy:
Instagram: https://instagram.com/ysn_juvy
YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCBM0yizSzjw2AOObmE3PGGQ
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/young_jaytakeover
Connect with Trippy Jay:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mwt.trippy/
YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC947YNqmKSpQMFW6Pzl1QZQ?app=desktop
Sound Cloud: https://soundcloud.com/itstrippyjay
Route Change Music Group presents Klass Money's new single Her Body! Fresh from riding the wave of Put In Work fast rising star Klass Money releases, in the words of DJ Khaled, another one! Entitled "Her Body". The rapper smoothly flows complimenting a beautiful woman in the club, the record features Astroid Musik on the hook with a crazy production to have you dancing in no time! Her Body is now available on Apple Music, iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, SoundCloud, YouTube and all other online music outlets! Check out the new record below!
Connect w/ Klass Money: