ELKE the STALLION after party @ Platinum City 2meet her twitter friend MACKHOLLYWOOD music Mr. Cap"R U Pimpin?" Press "CONTINUE" 2 C more Vidoes D CELEBS in vids B in D House Platinum City 4Life Posted by terri baby girl on November 11, 2010 at 12:48pm Find more videos like this on HipHopShortysPlatinum City 9629 Bissonnet Houston, Texas has the best in Entertainment all the major playas in the title will be in the House this weekend. MackHollywood says he will "4ever take it from the internet to the JET SET". Since he made his first appearance on his comeback trail meeting Montana Deleon at Link Lounge his activity and internet statistics have gone through the roof.From Slim Thug, to Rick Ross, to Papa Reu, when MackHollywoods hand is on it you know it's going to be hot. MackHollywood is the most popular bloger on the NING platform which includes sites like www.HipHopBeefs.com , www.ThisIs50.com , www.PaperChaserdotcom.com , and www.HipHopShortys.com to name a few. He is now promoting what is loosely called PaperChaserFam: www.PaperChaserdotcom.com , www.ThisIs50.com , and www.HipHopShortys.com . He is also been reunited with the Top Promoter in the Country DC 7up owner of Platinum City. They worked together on MackHollywood's "GHETTO FIGHT NIGHT" were strippers would box each other in a regulation size boxing ring. The below video is not the same as the first, it just starts with the same frame. WATCH MackHollywood LICK BOOTY to promote ELKE the STALLION Find more videos like this on HipHopShortysHere are a few pics from other events.Mr. Cap and MackHollywood went in the "LAB" special just to hook up the song and video for Str8 Pimpin (R U Pimpin?) for the Elke the Stallion After Party. 2011 should be a great year for all these "MAJOR PLAYAS. google MackHollywood and follow him on twitter. Read more…