dipsy (1)

Video After The Jump When I originally saw this video, the first thought that came to mind was, who in the hell thought of this sh*t in the first place?. I mean it had to start somewhere. Mules, named Dipsey Doodle and Smokey are made to high dive 22 feet from a platform into a six foot pool at the "All-American High Diving Aqua Mules" show in Pipe Creek, Texas. Crowds come and pay six bucks per person to watch and laugh at the spectacle. The show's owner, Bill Rivers thinks the mules love it. "All I can say, you know, is what's wrong with a mule diving in a pool on a hot day? I mean it sounds pretty good to me," Bill says. On one of the practice runs, Bill is heard yelling "yee haw" as Smokey hits the "pool". No joke, I only though they said that phrase in old western movies, haha. Police have ruled that the show isn't harming the animals and is legal. I can think of better ways to spend $6, but it's obvious some people like this kind of entertainment. But there are people who don't like it at all. AnimalsChange.org has started a petition to have the show stopped. Guess we'll see what happens. twitter-2d.png
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