2storyhouse (1)

Check Out ShadowDiGeneral - Switch Up


Switch Up


hip hop is constantly changing, and we as fans love to cheer on the latest underdog that we believe in. From DMX to Drake we seem to be cheering on those rappers that break barriers and surpass expectations. Shadow Di General is one of these underdogs...check out this excerpt (in his own words) At a very young age, I lost my life. Falling down the stairs of a 2 story house, not fully aware of what was going on because i was a little child. After being pronounced dead, my family did not give up on me. With a little bit of faith and prayers, i regained a pulse and was given a second chance at life.This experience has moved me to motivate others and to show them how fragile life can be through my music. that experience made me an the artist today.

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