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In a January 2011 interview with Rolling Stone, Lil Wayne vowed to never play another concert in New York City.


"They'd have to give me U2 money," he said at the time.


Since then his stance has softened. He even took part in Nicki Minaj's concert last week at the Roseland Ballroom, but his disdain for the city remains.


Wayne's 2007 gun arrest after a NYC show led to him spending 242 days in Rikers Island in 2010. It's a stint he remembers well. In a new interview with MTV at the Magic Convention in Las Vegas where he was introducing his new SUPRA sneaker line, Wayne talked about his recent show in NYC.


"Flat out I don't like New York," Wayne said. "But the whole Summer Jam/Nicki thing, I can't really remember the situation, but I know it was my call. As far as last week['s concert], last week was awesome. I think everything happens for a reason, and I think when people say that, you're not supposed to leave it at, 'Everything happens for a reason.' I believe everything happens for a reason and then you make the most of that reason. I think we made the most of it last week."





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