Kings of Convenience, Peacemakers for Our Souls

As a rule, I like energy and expressiveness in music. In other words, I cannot understand why I should spend my time on the things that do not catch my ear. However, everything is absolutely different with Kings of Convenience, a Norwegian band including two cute guys, Erlend Oye (Øye) and Eirik Glambek Boe (Bøe).ef46035b470d.jpg“What we build is bigger than a sum of two” (24-25, Declaration of Dependence) – oh, I even put it as an epigraph for my research paper about synergy effect. Indeed, two guitars and two voices create something exceeding calm guitar-accompanied compositions of singers-songwriters. Just imagine: they use neither electronics nor even drums. I will not say that they nevertheless give you energy and so on – no, this music is absolutely for relaxation and joy. But it is very sunny, charming and of high quality.09a0bf22d343.jpgThat is why I feel perpetual desire to recommend Kings of Convenience to other people. My colleague in writing college term paper answered me, “Oh, I won’t listen to those hipsters’ idols”. Well, I think that not a single cell of my body is about hipsters; however, I still admire them endlessly. It is time to make hipsters share such a lovely source of good mood and peace in soul. Try Kings of Convenience, I highly recommend them to you.The band’s albums (I recommend them all):Quiet is the New Loud (2001)Versus (remix album) (2001)Riot on an Empty Street (2004)Declaration of Dependence (2009)
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