Video After The JumpHigh School football players aren't allowed to slam the football after a touchdown, or have elaborate celebrations like the pros do. But since when can't you point a finger to the heavens as a way of saying thanks to God?Ronnie Hastie, a running back for Tumwater High School in Tacoma, Washington state scored a touchdown in the second quarter of a game Monday night. Afterwards he took to a knee, and briefly pointed to the heavens. The same thing he's done after scoring 16 other touchdowns this season.
This time though, the referee threw a flag, saying it was unsportsmanlike conduct.
"I do that to give glory to my heavenly father, Jesus. He's the one that gives me the strength and the abilities to do this in the first place," says Ronnie.
I think this is a ridiculous rule.
Do you guys think making a simple gesture to God after scoring a touchdown is excessive?