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George Zimmerman has been taken into custody today by police in Apopka, Florida for a domestic violence incident involving his girlfriend, according to WESH-Channel 2.
It's the latest run in with the law for the former neighborhood watchman who was acquitted in July for the murder of Trayvon Martin.
Sheriff Don Eslinger said Zimmerman is on his way to Seminole County Jail in Sanford.
Zimmerman was involved in a domestic incident in September with his soon to be ex-wife, Shellie Zimmerman, and her father. He won't face charges for that because Shellie refused to press charges. He was also stopped for speeding in July in Texas. At the time he had a gun in the glove box.
TMZ reports that Zimmerman attacked his pregnant girlfriend, an automatic felony
George Zimmerman arrested again
**UPDATE No. 2**
The 911 call George Zimmerman's girlfriend made to police has been released. She claimed that Zimmerman put a gun in her face and smashed her glass table and sun glasses with a shotgun. then pushed her out of her house. Listen to the call below.
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