
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — Two Florida men, including an underground rap artist known as Splash Zanotti, appeared in federal court Christmas day in connection with a home invasion two months ago, in which authorities said the men terrorized a couple, demanded $20,000 and sexually assaulted a woman.

A third man is set to appear before a judge on Monday.

Federal authorities described Splash Zanotti, whose real name is Kejuan Brandon Campbell, as the ringleader of the group.

A federal criminal affidavit said Splash Zanotti and his two accomplices, Dionte Alexander-Wilcox and Antonio James, forced their way into the couple’s Miramar home at gunpoint while wearing masks on the afternoon of Oct. 11. They told the couple they came to collect a debt, although an official described the man and woman as innocent victims.

Citing court documents, the SunSentinel reported that the terror went on for hours after the three men broke into the couple’s home. They forced the woman to drive from ATM to ATM to withdraw cash. At one point, one of the intruders raped her while her husband went to the garage for a cigarette, a criminal affidavit states.

The three are accused of kidnapping and conspiracy to commit kidnapping, crimes that carry a maximum penalty of life in prison if convicted. Alexander-Wilcox is also accused of being a felon in possession of a weapon. No charges have been filed in the alleged rape.

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