Posted by palomaymarcos on September 17, 2009 at 11:47am
What is SohoTarifa?It is a place of different meeting for different people: liberal, that respects the others and his(her,your) environment ... active, participative people, who is ready to construct between(among) all the most important project of the liberal current world .. and certainly, to enjoy it, related friends to do, to meet in every city in approved points organizing holidays(parties) and events. In addition, together we want to create a Vacation Different exclusive Complex as liberal center naturist in Tarifa, one cultivates / different hotel / camping in a natural paradise only accessibly for associates and friends members collaborators.- Of what does project consist?1. In the first phase, we have tried to know ourselves in Internet. Across the Web we have organized communities of liberal people, opened all those who want to collaborate and where the not participative ones are autoexcluded. This web, at the moment, leads to two networks(nets): • The first one, a social network(net) "light" for Nudists Naturists ( where only it is required to be coherent giving a minimal personal information to announce ourselves strictly between ourselves (individual photo or of pair(couple), profile age, trend hetero, gay, lesb, bi ..) and to take part in groups that define our interests (naturists, liberal, kedadas blindly ... for zones). On having been opened and light, explicit photos are not allowed, mas there of the practice of the exterior(foreign) naturism.• The second network(net) is only for Liberal opened the different options (liberal pair(couple) hetero, bi, gays, lesb ...), for people that he(she) likes to play, to amuse and if it(he,she) attracts, to come to "major" with other friends of Soho. This second network(net) is exclusive for adult, major of 18 years and they are allowed (inside the legality) photos and explicit videoes and a more direct language.In both cases, the managers of the Web, save themselves the right of admission, to avoid abuses for persons who "are a nuisance" or simply they do not have spirit of collaborating, though only it(he,she) is including his(her,your) own(proper) information of profile or taking part in the groups. With this we can assure, that those who yes want to take part in the project, should find around it only persons who, as them, are active and coherent with his(her,your) description, improving the quality of the site(place).2. Secondly, a series of GROUPS are creating SOHO in the regions and the most active cities (Barcelona, American Continent, The Levant, Madrid, Portugal, Seville, etc), with points of meeting in every area coordinated in pairs Muses, which are those that do not hope that they it give each other everything the made one, but they have will and initiative to create and to foment the group Soho locally.There is much for doing, since the liberal ones are in the habit of being disconnected and lost, so the Equal Muses are essential to connect the acquaintances and friends, to organize kdadas and you mention blindly in the points of local meetings, to report of the progress of the project, in order that his(her,your) group could take part in all the activities Soho, and certainly, in order that we all spend(pass) it well. The labor of the Equal Muses is " so importantly " that in exchange grants them free, 5 actions(shares) of the project SohoTarifa.If on having read this you believe that your and your pair(couple) you want to take part as Equal Muse, write to us to nicoleymarcosfenomenal@gmail.com3. Thirdly, a series of POINTS OF MEETING SOHO in every region where they can be organized kdadas of Soho. In I make concrete, in Madrid, we have agreements mas direct (the propietary associates of Soho) with the Private Club Chalet Soho The Cleared grounds, of innovative design, and equipped with a very wide terrace with bars, Jacuzzi, etc.In Tarifa, the Bar of Glasses is Soho Tarifa, point of meeting (normal bar of glasses when there is no Kdada) more ancient of the community Soho, where the amusement continues until high hours after days of the Sun and sports of sea (kitesurf, etc).4. More importantly, to acquire and to reform little by little a physical place for liberal vacations, It(He,She) Cultivates / FINCA/Hotel/CAMPING FINCA/Hotel/CAMPING Sohotarifa Xtrem, in a natural paradise near the sea in Tarifa, with many enterteining activities, special holidays(parties) (carnival, Roman, etc), zones for tod@s (naturists, liberal hetero, lesb, gay ...), and with one of the best beaches Nuditas Naturistas of the peninsula. The hotel in addition includes swimming pool, solarium, Jacuzzis, bars, I dial etc .. and certainly housing in bungalows and camping, for those that come from distant view and want to stay.In view of the adult character of the activities, agreements are prepared by local nearby hotels by if one prefers travelling in family and leaving them in the hotel to approach sól or in pair(couple) to the liberal hotel SohoTarifa. Also it is important to remember that on the squares(seats) having been limited, those persons will possess(rely on) priority socias or collaborators of Soho who more should have taken part, especially in the High seasons / Average or in special holidays(parties) (end(purpose) of year, carnivals ...)- Only Associates?If, it is a question of a very personal activity and the privacy is a good that it is necessary to preserve. Therefore they all coincide with that except exceptions (the Bar of Glasses is opened the public) we want that only it(he,she) is for the associates, persons who as us estimate the luxury of being able to enjoy the freedom in group, without risk of crossing with persons who act without respect to the different thing. Evidently, the associates will be able to represent accompanied of friends invited (pairs(couples), chic@s ….) providing that they answer of them and trust that also are respectful persons and with liberal soul that at least is not scandalized with what they see.Since we wait 2.500 associates and his(her,your) friends reach, we do not believe that this is a limitation as for the persons' variety that we can find and know, but always with the tranquility of the respect to the freedom of the others.- How is it possible to be Amigo-Miembro or Associate of SohoTarifa?There exist several possibilities of belonging(concerning) to the Community SohoTarifa:1. Friends / Members of the Web Naturist. In naturist exists a link to a web where you can appear and if you fulfill the procedure (to be a pair(couple), to put photo, to collaborate ...) you can be invited as member to the liberal web. The only(unique) exception they are the boys sólos, that due to the candidates' quantity are admitted very exceptionally, well for good references of other pairs(couples), good by his(her,your) high collaboration into the development of the project Soho ó to be admitted as associates. The being friend or member of the liberal web, is not sufuciente to accede to the activities - games - Points of Meeting ó facilities of the hotel.2. Pair(Couple) / girl Musa ó fantastic / fantastic Gay/Lesb: they are those friends members that for his(her,your) special collaboration, 2 Actions(Shares) are awarded by person and happen(pass) to be directly Founding Associates Shareholders - his(her,your) labor is to dedicate a time to deciding from time to time the point of meeting - the others to inviting and confirming to - to spread SohoTarifa's knowledge across his(her,your) MSN / E-mail / Chat, to coordinating and supporting other pairs(couples) Musas of other regions, etc. - As prize to his(her,your) labor, additional, they have the stay paid in the National kdadas out of his(her,your) locality and the whole support, contacts and priorities on the part of the Ekipo Soho.3. Associates Fundadores Accionistas: They are those members who have bought between(among) one and five actions(shares) (1.000 € each one) for Pair(Couple) / Girl / Boy and Founders call because they enter as shareholders the first rounds of funding. They enjoy the first level of rights - discounts - free stays (except consumptions - glasses, activities ...) priorities in the Holidays(Parties) Kdadas Citas blindly Games … reservations(reserves) of the Hotel in high season …4. Associates Accionistas: They are those members who will enter later(posterior) rounds, buying between(among) 1 and 5 actions(shares) at the cost of 1.500 € each one. To the being in the second stage the Society already has a major value since we are having more Associates, Web, Facilities and it(he,she) is advanced. All the right(straight) discounts have priorities free stays of the Hotel … equally k Founding but to price mas highly for entering later.5. Associates Cuota: They are the members who pay a quota of subscription of individual form (for boy and accompanist or pair(couple) - 140 € half-yearly). They have the same rights and duties(homework) in general though: the second level in priorities of reservation(reserve) - discounts in stays - (without possibility of closing hotel for friends) … free stays and priorities in you mention blindly and all the activities.The difference is k they pay half-yearly quota, have right neither to benefits nor information of the Society and Functioning of the same one - 2 Have º Level in preferences discounts … and they it stop being when kieren.6. Accionistas: No son miembros socios y por tanto no pueden entrar a las instalaciones ni disfrutar de los servicios por alguna de estas razones:• No son liberales y solo quieren invertir• No son seleccionados y admitidos como socios• Sólo necesitamos su capacidad de inversión ya que se trata de un capital de varios millones de euros• Necesitamos, además de su inversión, su capacidad de gestión en algún área como financiera….Mientras k Soho Tarifa Xtrem se compromete (en máximo dos años) a recomprar las acciones de Socios Fundadores o Accionistas directamente o por la compra de otros socios en el caso de los Accionistas no existe este compromiso de forma k de no comprarlas Soho Tarifa o sus socios tendrían k ser vendidas a otros accionistas.Soho Tarifa Xtrem saves itself the Rights of first refusal and I retract.- Which are the advantages?If you are Associates podreís to belong(concern) to a COMMUNITY increasingly wide of Liberal Different from the whole Spain, Portgal … Members to take part in royal(really) in the Holidays(Parties) of Associates and Friends' Kdadas in the own(proper) and associate points of meeting, and to enjoy the services of the Tourist Complex in Tarifa Stx … and all the discounts in the activities that are programmed.Being A FOUNDER, one is propietary, in a proportional part, of the property of areas, buildings, investments, licenses, … name, goodwill, Web, rights of exemption(franchise), and everything what the society is doing …. Receiving in March of the following year the information (always in Web at the disposal of Founding Associates) and the revenue of the benefits that the societies are generating.Being A Founder he(she) arranges of the same actions(shares) for less money that the associates shareholders since it is done before - he(she) arranges of major discounts and major priority of reservation(reserve) that all the rest and of findes and weeks free (stay) in average(half) and low season as well as to be able to close the hotel for friends or groups in average(half) and low season and everything it k happens to us between(among) all.Being An Associate Quota he(she) arranges of the possibility of enjoying the complex and all the services and establishments that are opened as well as of all the activities. The prices are established like very competitive and in different scales as be High - An Average(Half) or Low season as well as differently for Founding Associates - Associates Quota or friends of associates and in different styles and ways of enjoying (Traditional Room - different Bungalows Sizes - Camping - Chill Out - Jaima ….That I can lose?At worst it is possible to lose the value of the actions(shares) supposing the worst case - the bought was not costing(worth) anything …. But you would not have any responsibility, which would be alone of the managers. In the board of directors Shareholders will be represented part(report) of founding associates - Associates and certainly the Investing Shareholders, trying(getting) that they represent to all the provinces and sexual preferences.- We are interested, how does it make concrete?To give the step, Presentation and information and doc, s in Webs Nudist and Liberally - explanations in Chat in Msn or in and mail nicoleymarcosfenomenal@gmail.comElegíd your option and if it(he,she) is only to be a member (participative assets necessarily), to register in the web and to take part following(continuing) the rules. In addition to manage to be an associate, you have to request the Survey / form us sending an e-mail After refilling the form and to send it, the revenue does route PayPal or transfer to itself always putting and mail with k s has created the account(bill) in Soho (the Nicks repeat themselves very much) .Who manages the group?The web her(it) manages a group of associates, led for, that coordinate the activities of all the pairs(couples) Musas of every region. In addition there is the managing equipment(team) of the Complex formed(trained) by a wide group of collaborators (all associates) led by Frames, Nicole, Ekipo Soho and the former owner of Soho Tarifa Bar. In addition, one exists executive equipment(team) formed(trained) by the initial Shareholders with financial capacity organization administration, marketing - associates architects interior decorators and technical personnel Web. …Last Po, there exist coordinators of the communities Gays and Lesbian (Gay/Lesb Fantastico/a Fantastico/a), members of these groups, in order that every option is treated adequately, according to the peculiarities of every group.The philosophy that for the present we support is to contract neither supplies nor services more than to associates, remunerating as far as possible a part(report) in actions(shares). Because of it it is important on having refilled the form to report in that areas it is possible to collaborate so that they are positive for the Complex and the project. The incentives to the personnel also will have a part in the shape of options of actions(shares). Everything for All of All between(among) All-- For what Tarifa?After a lot of time of search we decide that Tarifa was the ideal place for the complex for several motives:The chosen place is inside a Natural Place with a scanty hotel and great offer demands, the zone enjoys a general liberal spirit, as nature reserve, the space is protected and one prevents the new building to avoid his(her,your) deterioration, in his(her,your) environment, nudists exist innumerable beaches, and finally there is great offer of activities around, from aquatic sports, equine .. etc and in the end, the tracks of ski(skiing) of saw snowed to a little time in car .After doing several consultations and surveys, few sites(places) went out so clearly as better than candidates Tarifa, temperature and ideal climate and a hotel protected from the wind by a grove, which allows to realize interior Playful activities Nudism swimming pool … even in the days of The Levant. Also the access was an important point, from car, train and enclosed plane in Sherry.. The latter is important, so(then) we have in project be able to offer trips in group to tarifas very reduced specially for SohoTarifa from several parts of the peninsula. Existira a shuttle to gather the clients of the hotel directly from the above mentioned airport.-- Since it is possible to come to Tarifa?- Airport Sherry / Gibraltar / Malaga / Cadiz - Train - Ship - Car - motorcycle - bicycle - Walking - Bus - Hitch-hiking - astride - in donkey - To four legs- Bar of Glasses? - Different complex?Once chosen Tarifa we did ourselves with the Management of a bar of glasses that was serving and it(he,she) is using as platform for the whole project - there pass for the bar the associates who encourage to know us in person or to spend(pass) it simply well those who already knew us.From the Bar one started managing the purchase of the liberal Hotel, with all the services in a paradisiac place to 600 m of the beach nudist and in a protected and discreet place. Big plot adding around 5.000 m2 - total capacity about 120 person - proximity to the sea and mountain (walking) - different type of construction - availability of services: interior Swimming pool / exterior(foreign) - Jacuzzi / Sauna - restaurants - interior bars / exterior(foreign) - meadow for concerts and other activities - I Dial Bar … possibilities of rooms / bungalows / Jaima / Chill Out and camping for the youngest and with minor buying power.- Soho Tarifa is bar liberal?The Soho Tarifa is a Bar of Glasses - not a place of environment - opened to all the public - up to opening the big alone hotel by night - later will give service to associates to the midday and from half an evening - It(He,She) Is liberal in the broad sense - the philosophy of our group is the philosophy of the Soho; illness seduction I play dance …. And nice and warm to the bars / Discs of the hotel - the beach - the car …. We try to achieve that the sex is the end of an enterteining and playful rite where one is not ever sure of what is going to happen(pass) and less with whom - to avoid the torrid part of the places of environment. SIMPLY DIFFERENT.- Can I see the Facilities?Just now SohoTarifa Xtrem is available the Bar of glasses in Tarifa (opened the public), the chalet of the Cleared grounds in Madrid (indispensable being associate), and the points of meetings chosen by the pairs(couples) Musas of every region. In addition shortly, we will have some agreements ready(clever) with other establishments of Madrid and Tarifa. Up to the contracts of sale not being closed and management is impossible publicize many options that are negotiated provided that it would harm the negotiations. In the Web there are photos of the Hotel and if it(he) was necessary and with the maximum discretion we would facilitate the information that is considered to be necessary.- That Activities are going to offer?• Interiors: Orientated overcoat to facilitating and promoting the stays of rest and amusement out of high or average season as well as trying(getting) the entertainment of the associates in days of east in high season.• Playful: Nudism, Games, Chupitos, Streep-poker, Articles(Garments,Securities), Board games, Ices, Pasilling, Contests, Dance, Streep, Disguises(Fronts), Gincanas of entertainers, Copas, Bar Coyote, Streep-Karaoke, Passes Models, Session Photos, Book Sensual .... and everything what happens to you.• Leisure: Bar Coyote, Bar Gay / Lesbi, Bar Hetero Liberal, Discobar, Dance Lounge, Experimental Theatre, Cinema, Concerts / Skittles, Live music, Monologues Humor, Sport, Gymnastics / maintenance, Trainer Swimming, professional Massage, Esteticien, Muds, Baths, Wine, Chocoterapia, Weddings (of associates), Web Cam.• Exteriors: Trips (Andalusia Spain Morocco Portugal Gibraltar Others), Tourism (Tarifa Vejer Caños of Mecca Zahara of the Tunas The Palm grove Chiclana Jerez Pto. Sta. Maria Cádiz), Playful Naturist Soho own(proper) Discobar Diferente Soho Tarifa Bar, Gastronomic Route - Route Discotheques - Soho Tent - Ornithology - Holidays(Parties) Beach - Night of Dolphins - Cruise Ship guards - Erotic Speleology - Extreme Sport - Kite Surf - Wind Surf - Sand Board - Skin-diving - Snorkel - Scuba diving - Baptism of sea - Mountain and Beach - riding-, individual Jogging - in Group - with trainer Ciclismo Moto Agua, Body Board - Hiking - Piragüismo of Sea - Climbing - Montanbike - Golf - Quad of Mountain - Kayak - Route 4 x4 - fishing - Underwater fishing - Trip in Globe, Parapente - Parapente - Engine - Allah Delta - Abseiling - Mountaineering - Voley Playa - Voley football, Music - Concerts, Telematic - Services Office, Playful - festive, Swimming pool - Jacuzzi, Holidays(Parties), Notable Dates and everything what you propose...- Definitively?Playful point of meeting and morbid sexual amusement for persons " similar in the different thing ", form(train) a of life, a Club ¨Especial ¨, SIGN!!========================= ANNEXES ==========================BYLAWS The bylaws of the Club Soho Tarifa Xtrem are different from the bylaws of the Joint-stock company - and scanty because Liberales treats himself(herself) about an associates' Club. The philosophy of the club is based on the respect to the others - do not do what might not be able stand you that they were doing you:• Respect - Naturalness - Style – Education• Still(Yet) there being different environments and moments in any case forced situaciones are avoided;• unnecessary Nudisms - exhibicionismos untimely - wrangles / shouts• The personnel of the center will be in any case a shareholder of the society without right to vote. •there will prohibit Themselves Mobile digital Chambers video cameras in all the delicate sites(places) - only an authorized(expert) person of the hotel will record - the Web cam. of the alone hotel will put in Web with keys that will change aleatoriamente monthly.• •• The Hotel will gather and change all the mobiles that could realize photos - guarding them in slogan and facilitating the alternative one without chamber(camera). • In certain zone they are neither photos nor video will be able to be realized except by the personnel of the Hotel that it(he,she) will put at the disposal of the associates after censuring faces on the part of the interested parties. • The personnel of the center of motu own(proper) or by suggestion of founding associates order is authorized to put at any time as well as to avoid the entry of not authorized(expert) persons. • The exclusion for the reasons that belong to an associate does not mean in any case the loss of his(her,your) shareholder's condition.• • The Bylaws of the Society will be at the disposal of all the associates with key in the Web as well as general information - information of the march of the business, apart from activities - availability of rooms / Bungalows / apartments - holidays(parties) - special events - Kdadas and trips.• The Society will possess(rely on) at all time the Right of first refusal on the actions(shares) in case of sale - so that strange associates could not accede to the Club without fulfilling the requirements demanded from all the associates. The Places have the right of admission and of cancellation of holidays(parties), events or activities for different motives of safety - lack minimal appraisal to have the same ones felt - or other motives of major force. SohoTarifa Xtrem will express(emit) at least once a month a bulletin for associates sent route e-mail. One will lead Adicionlmente to all the information to the associatesWe have in www.sohotarifa.comAll the information - List of Places - Pairs(Couples) Muse - Points of Meeting and an Ekipo k in and in him(her) chat in web nudist all the doubts can clarify - receive suggestionsOr sms in 654 862 798 and we call or meeting in cualkiera of the Opened Days k frequently they are realized in all the cities where there are sufficient people been interested in information - amusement - moments of playful games.