Video After The Jump
The FBI is taking the unusual step of ordering a new look at the autopsy of Black motorist Ronald Greene to consider evidence not provided after his 2019 death, including graphic body camera video of Louisiana state troopers stunning, punching & dragging him after a high-speed chase.
The re-examined autopsy is part of a federal civil rights investigation that has taken on new urgency in the nearly two months since The Associated Press obtained & published the video of Greene’s arrest. Federal prosecutors also met with his family last month & made clear they plan to present the case to a grand jury by the summer’s end.
“They wanted to emphasize to the family that they’re serious this time,” the family’s attorney Lee Merritt said. “Their new enthusiasm is based on the public pressure that’s come from the release of the videos.”
The autopsy could be crucial in determining if anyone is charged in the case. The initial examination of Greene’s body two years ago failed to determine whether his most severe injuries were caused by the troopers’ violent use of force or a minor crash that followed the police chase.
Several people familiar with the case told the AP that the FBI recently asked Dr. Frank J. Peretti, who conducted the initial autopsy, to take another look that takes into account a raft of evidence the Louisiana State Police refused to provide the first time, including the troopers’ body camera footage & even the most basic police reports. His review in the coming days, which will focus on the supporting evidence & not require another exam of Greene’s long-buried body, could result in a revised autopsy report.
The materials that weren’t shared for the initial autopsy are just part of the secrecy that has shrouded Greene’s May 2019 death, which state police initially blamed on a crash following a high-speed chase outside Monroe. The ranking officer at the scene of Greene’s arrest denied the existence of his own body camera footage for two years & state police did not open an administrative investigation into the troopers’ use of force until 474 days after Greene’s death.
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Source: AP
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