A man who answered a Craigslist ad for baseball cards wound up with an even greater find when he also got his hands on unreleased material from Tupac Shakur. Turns out the seller's father had worked with the rapper for years.
The items include unreleased songs and several notebooks full of lyrics, notes and ideas for a "Point Tha Finga" music video. The song is from 2Pac's 1993 "Strictly 4 My N.I.G.G.A.Z." album. Official visuals were never shot.
TMZ reports that the items will be sold at auction by Moments in Time. The "Point the Finga" notes are expected to fetch a minimum of $35,000.
However, there could be one major stumbling block. The Shakur family does not want the items sold. Afeni Shakur is very protective of her son's intellectual property and may attempt to prevent the sale.
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