
Muslim activist Raquel Evita Saraswati, who claimed to be a woman of color, was outed by her mom.

Saraswati, 39, is the chief equity, inclusion & culture officer of the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), a Quaker organization that fights globally for peace & social justice.

Members say Saraswati, birth name Rachel Elizabeth Seidel, has been misrepresenting her ethnic background for years. The activist claimed to be of Latino, South Asian & Arab descent.

“I call her Rachel,” her mom, Carol Perone, said. “I don’t know why she’s doing what she’s doing. I’m as white as the driven snow & so is she. I’m German & British & her father was Calabrese Italian. She’s chosen to live a lie & I find that very, very sad.”

Her daughter converted to Islam in high school & at some point started presenting herself as being of a different ethnic identity.

Oskar Pierre Castro, a human resources official who helped AFSC hire Saraswati, said the activist presented herself as a “queer, Muslim, multiethnic woman.”

“In my mind it was, “Great, a person of color, a queer person of color, who happens to be a Muslim, it’s a woman,” all these things, and someone who seemed to get it. I definitely feel conned. I feel deceived.” 

Some AFSC members believe the activist may have a hidden political agenda & is seeking to undermine the group. Claiming that after 9/11, Saraswati appeared on right-wing TV shows, where she was described as a “moderate” Muslim critical of Islamic extremism.

"I assure people that as soon as I am capable, I will provide answers to the recent discussion & attack on me," Saraswati wrote on Facebook. "I understand all the reactions you’re having. I am currently taking the time to get to where I can answer in a way that is most helpful and thorough."

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Source: NextShark

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