Faithful (1)

Massimo Magrini, a well known artist of Bad Sector music project offers his faithful listeners dark ambient high quality music.


In his album “Vacuum Pulse” Massimo keeps on surprising his listeners with the wonders of sound derivation.Bad+Sector+wroclaw.jpgIn fact, he is engaged in studying the problems of analogue electronics and digital signals processing.A friend of mine even wished to write a research paper about unusual music instruments inspired by Massimo Magrini and his unusual manner of electronic playing. Vacuum Pulse is the album which makes listeners feel the atmosphere of space, and imagine space travels. It was released in 1996, and caused real furor, as the end of the Cold War ended the epoch of extensive space researches. His album was the reminder of forgotten distances and travels, reminder of human dream to conquer the Galaxy and find contacts with other civilizations. The space themes of the album deserves particular attention, and may become subjects of an academic writing which will explain the origins of space sounds, and the power of human dream associated with space travels. The album released in the previous century sounds futuristically even for nowadays, however, few remember Massimo Magrini – a talented musician with technical education. Hence, his music taste, the thirst for inventions, as well as technical mind allowed him to create a masterpiece which has been admired for more than 10 years. Few contemporary musicians would boast such popularity.

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