#HIPHOP (46)


Established MC, M Doc Diego representing Rochester, NY and mega producer Manzu Beatz hailing from Italy unleash 'Universal Tongues 3.' Featuring Indigo Phoenyx, Golden, Cut Supreme, Crotona P, Bless Picasso, Napoleon Da Legend, Mav (Da Cloth), and GNyce, the 10-track project serves as the third installment of the 'Universal Tongues' series. The duo delivers an addictive dose of head-nodding Hip Hop, stream below. 

Stream the album on Bandcamp https://manzubeatz.bandcamp.com/album/universal-tongues-3


Watch the official video for “1000” Words below, taken off the album.

Intimidating bars and slick metaphors flow over compelling arrangements as M Doc Diego walks through the thick streets of Rochester, NY. Never off guard, Diego's strapped with sharpened lyrical swords. “Picture perfect I paint a perfect picture the man in the mirror said I been that n*gga," along with the hook echoes. 

Connect with M Doc Diego and ManZu Beatz 

M Doc Diego hails from Rochester, New York, and has worked with Rob Gates (Da Cloth), G Fam Black, Slik Jack, JFliz, PaceWon, Piff Penny, and more. He's also collaborated with producers Masta Conga, Kheyzine, Skinny Bonez Tha Godfatha, KNG Bondalero, and more.  


ManZu Beatz hails from Italy with production credits with Kool G Rap, Bronze Nazareth, Crotona P, Mike Titan, Bubs Styles, RyhmeStyleTroop, Jamal Gasol, and more.



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Pop Da Brown Hornet aka the Staten Island Legend, announces the release of his new summer hit single "Shootin' My Shot" with production by S Eyes Finest. While chilling with his statenfly crew, Pop catches a glimpse of a beautiful smile amid glowing skin. Knowing she can make a blind man look and leave him weak in the knees, Pop still shoots his shot. The record flows with catchy metaphors and fresh storytelling over soulful arrangements. NY basslines invigorate Pop's candid deliverance.



Stream on preferred platforms


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30+ years Hip Hop vet Capital X delivers visuals for "Truth Be Told." The self-produced record serves as the first release from his upcoming album 'Just Beats & Rhymes.' X chops it up below and gives the inside scoop on the controversial video, new album, his signature style and flow to expose harsh truths, his contributions to Hip Hop and communities over the past 30+ years, and more. 

MJ: When people hear the name Capital X there’s a lot that comes to mind and resonates, from Hip Hop culture to activism.  Your career began in the late 70s and the early 80s first as a breaker and then as MC. Talk about your entrance into Hip Hop and your transition from breaker to MC.

X: Though I was from New York, I was actually first introduced to what would become the culture of Hip Hop in Patillas, Puerto Rico in 1977. I was visiting family and my cousin Flex was a member of the Dynamite Kids, an Outlaw Rockin crew. I instantly fell in love with everything about it. I get an adrenaline rush all over again just thinking about it.  Upon returning home to NY, I sought anyone that was into Up-Rockin. I ended up getting down with the SepaRock City Crew. SepaRock was a collective of MCs, DJs, and B-Boys in the South Bronx. They were all originally from the West Indies. So I not only found a crew to throw down with, but I also got to be around MCs and DJs doing their thing. I was also instantly drawn towards the mic, but I loved Rockin so much, I stuck with it. We started working on routines that we would perform locally and we also battled whoever wanted it. I kept dancing till 1982/83. The last few years I was break dancing. I started writing rhymes on the DL. I just pretty much naturally evolved. The mic had a gravitational pull on me. I made my first professional demo as an MC in 1983/84 while I was in California. I was out there breaking and the opportunity presented itself. From that moment forward I considered myself retired from break dancing. I divorced the floor and married the mic.

MJ: You are originally from Brooklyn, NY but moved to Norway back in 2010. How is the Hip Hop scene overseas? How does it differ from here in the States? Also, talk about that major crossover and the decision that led up to it.

X: I was very fortunate to have started touring in Europe around 2005. I was shocked at the Hip Hop scene out here. I felt that the states being so oversaturated took the culture for granted compared to Europe. In Europe, they appreciated every aspect of the culture where everyone and their brother was out to be a rapper in the US and everything else kind of got ignored. In Europe, they pay homage to the pioneers and just have so much respect for the foundation that Hip Hop was built. France and Italy had the best scenes in my opinion with Germany following close. Touring through Italy and France felt like I was living Hip Hop in New York in the 80s all over again. I eventually made my way to Scandinavia. I first rocked in Denmark which also has a dope scene, then I got booked in Norway. There was and still is something about Norway that just does it for me. Though the Hip Hop scene in Norway falls short compared to other European countries in my opinion, I fell in love with the peaceful atmosphere and chill people. Coming from the hectic background I was used to, Norway felt like I found paradise on earth. I remember telling the promoter that booked me as I looked over a fjord for the first time in my life, that if I lived in a place like this, I would become Gandhi-like in no time. The opportunity presented itself for me to move to Norway and it was a no-brainer. I was tired of the killing in the US on the streets and by the states themselves. I was tired of being preyed upon by law enforcement agencies. The stress was killing me for sure. Norway remedied all that, and it healed many of the battle wounds I had sustained throughout my lifetime. 

MJ: You wear many hats as an MC, recording artist, producer, graphic designer, and videographer, as well as CEO of your indie label. What are some challenges, if any, that come with being a one-man army? What are the wins?

X: Great question. I love my freedom. Freedom definitely comes at a high price though. The biggest challenge of being a one-man army as you put it is time management. There just never seems to be enough time in a day. I of course get/seek out help from time to time to lighten the load but for the most part, I enjoy being independent. You have to be good at rolling solo. Years spent in solitary confinement prepared me well for that. The wins are first of all the freedom. Answering to no one but yourself. Taking on all these different aspects truly hones one’s craft of being a creator which is also a win. Not owing anyone anything is another huge win. I remember signing my first deal back in the day. My crew all believed we had made it when we got that check. I felt that yoke being locked around my neck. For me, having less is actually having a lot more. I am not a commodity anymore to anyone. Being this independent allows me to be a true creator. That is the overall win for me. 

MJ: Outside of music you are an activist, which stemmed from your time in prison. During that time you lost out on some major music deals. Upon your release, you went full throttle into creating a lengthy music catalog including 2 albums, an EP, 20 singles, and 17 videos. Talk about the moment of empowerment you thrived on fresh out of the gates, versus giving up on your career.

X: Though there was a time when I hoped to “make it” I never really looked at what I do as a career. For me, this is a way of life. Of course, getting paid to do what one loves is the ultimate goal for many artists. But getting paid or not I love what I do. Not living Hip Hop was never an option for me. During my last prison bid, I worked hard on myself. I transformed myself into who I am today. I was inspired and motivated by Malcolm X and how he transformed himself. I was so obsessed with the life of Malcolm X for many years. Cats started calling me X while I was on Rikers Island and I ran with it. I did look to get signed again when I first got out from my last bid but as a solo artist. That was in 2002. I was quickly reminded of how shady the industry is. I was spitting conscious lyrics and they offered me a deal if I would rather write gangsta raps. I wasn’t about to compromise myself so I walked. Meeting rappers such as Slug of Atmosphere, Ill Bill, and Immortal Technique motivated me to be an independent artist. I started out well, but relocating to Norway leveled me off for some years. Now that I have my feet firmly planted, things are once again starting to pick up. But I never stopped being/living Hip Hop no matter what. 

MJ: This leads us to your new single/video “Truth Be Told” which is taken from your forthcoming album ‘Just Beats & Rhymes.’ You hold no punches when it comes to exposing harsh truths on how Social Media brainwashes and turns humans into robots, attacking capital punishment, calling out rappers who use their music to glorify violence, drugs, and street life, and you even, so boldly, exploit the music industry…Take us through the journey of “Truth Be Told” from the thought to creation, to production, to the final canvas, and to what audiences can expect to take away from the video.


X: When I get on a mic I feel I need to be saying something. One of my biggest influences when it comes to being an MC is Melle Mel. Melle Mel’s verses back in the day hit me so hard, that I can still feel the impact. I can’t rhyme just to be rhyming. There are plenty of lyrical acrobats out there that are way better at doing that than I ever will be. But there aren’t many slanging truths. I always loved the MCs that challenged my mind with what they were saying. Kool Moe Dee, KRS ONE, Rakim, Wise Intelligent, Chuck D, Guru they made me want to seek knowledge and I did, and still do. What better way to share knowledge and wisdom than in a rhyme? I once lived blindly and I see multitudes of people living that way today and it’s painful to watch. The microphone is where I speak the truth, you can take it or leave it. During the pandemic, I got back into production. I had toyed around with production back in the day. I actually sold my E-mu SP-1200 to help me move to Norway. After producing a few tracks for the legendary Lifers Group which is now out and doing their thing, I decided to self-produce an entire album for myself. Truth be Told was one of the first tracks that came to me. I love that you said I “boldly, exploit the music industry”. That’s how it should be, and not the other way around. With so much information out there I find it hard to believe how many artists are still willing to sign deals. To be owned. The demise of so many rappers in the last few years was definitely a motivating factor behind the track. I have also kind of grown tired of hearing the coke and gun bars as well. I lived that life for real and paid dearly for it. Our communities are nearly looking like when the crack epidemic hit back when and I feel as though as artists we can be doing better. Aside from what I have spent on equipment which isn’t much honestly, the recording, release, and video for Truth be Told didn’t cost me a dime. I want artists to know that. I shot the video using my old Samsung Galaxy S9+. I edited it in an outdated version of Adobe Premiere Pro that I jacked from a friend like 15 years ago. Making something from nothing is what Hip Hop is all about. That’s what it was in the beginning and should still be, not no million-dollar budgets. I hope that one person is moved by what I am saying enough to take action at least in their own lives. If I move one person, I am good. 

MJ: Some might consider the video to be controversial, some might consider the video difficult to digest, some might want to sweep it under the rug, and for some, it might open eyes. What do you think about the adverse reactions you might receive?

X: I am used to adverse reactions to all the music I put out. For well over a decade I only spoke about the death penalty, the prison industrial complex, and the crooked criminal justice system. I got more hate mail than fan mail and more death threats than I could count on my fingers and toes. Either way, it goes, I provoke thought and spark up dialogue. I’m good with that. I think it was Plato that said “No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth”. I believe our history reflects that. The bottom line is I would rather be hated and despised for speaking the truth than be loved for spreading lies. 

MJ: Does “Truth Be Told” set the tone or theme for the upcoming self-produced album ‘Just Beats & Rhymes?’

X: Actually it doesn’t. Though there are other tracks that sit well next to Truth be Told, “Just Beats & Rhymes” goes in a few different directions. A few tracks are older rhymes I dug up and felt they still deserved to be heard as they are still very much so relevant. So I created beats for them. The newer rhymes are definitely more about current social issues and topics. I also have a couple that touches upon my personal growth coming into Knowledge of Self. There are even a couple of tracks where I am just having fun with it. But you will still find a gem within those tracks. Overall the album is just what it says it is, Just Beats & Rhymes. No collaborations, no fancy production. I even went as far as using no vocal effects on nearly all the tracks. It’s just straight-up dry vocals not even a hint of reverb. Just Beats & Rhymes will drop later this year.

MJ: As a vetted artist living his life true to the culture, elements, and essence of Hip Hop for over decades, what are two essential gems you can share with the newer generation of Hip Hop?

X: Two gems I would drop here is one: learn the history of Hip Hop. Embrace the roots of this culture we all love so much. Without roots, there will be no real growth. Knowing the true history of Hip Hop is empowering to say the least. Secondly: be yourself. If you have yet to learn who you truly are, work on that, and find out. Dig deep till you reach the real you. Those in our culture that are now in their late 40s, 50s, and 60s are still active, is because they are true to themselves. They are the ones to look up to. It’s not about who has the biggest bank account trust me. 

MJ: Is there anything else you would like to share with the world? 

X: In closing, I would like to say I love this culture of ours. It has given me everything I lacked coming up. It gave me a history, an identity, a purpose, and a reason to live. I don’t have a mansion or fancy cars. I am far from being rich, but because of Hip Hop, I am as wealthy as they come. I don’t have multitudes of fans, but I have some real die-hard supporters and I love every one of them. By society’s standards, I ain’t shit, never was and never will be. But “Truth be Told” I have lived Hip Hop for over four decades. To me, in “My World”, I am a huge success. Never allow others to define who you are, are what your success is, or should be. Peace be unto you all. 

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J. Vybe, a rising Hop Hop artist representing North Shore Massachusetts presents visuals for his latest single "Thoughts Are Things."  Inteligent Dizine Records offers natural soundscapes driven by moody keys and striking drums that highlight J. Vybe's emotive performance. Shot on the beach and boulevard, he delivers his signature conscious lyricism weaved with Quotables. He emanates a sense of empowerment and inspiration as he reminds us to speak our truths into existence, no matter how hard life strikes or how the chips fall. For J. Vbye one thing is certain, "No weapon against me shall prosper.” Watch "Thoughts Are Things" and connect below. 



Connect with J. Vybe

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/j.vybe/

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/J.Vybe1221

Twitter - https://twitter.com/j_vybe1221

Youtube Channel - J. Vybe Vysuals - https://www.youtube.com/@j.vybevysuals986

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Rhyme Assassin, United Kingdom emcee, brings together Hip Hop royalty in a forthcoming global collaboration "Rhyme Apostles." The single will release everywhere music is sold on April 3rd and features Crooked I, Craig G, Reks, Ruste Juxx, K Solo, Chino XL, Keith Murray, Chino XL, Canibus, AFRO, and Antlive Boombap with an intro by Jadakiss and Deep Voice on production. Rhyme Assassin takes audiences on a nostalgic journey as he pushes the essence, elements, and culture of Hip Hop back to the forefront. Check out the interview below where he discusses the single from the creative process to the final canvas, the Hip Hop scene in the United Kindom as well as his contributions to Hip Hop, and more. 

UK indie Hip Hop artist Rhyme Assassin gears up for the release of a major single titled “Rhyme Apostles” set to drop on April 3rd, 2023. The record features hand selected Hip Hop legends and icons including Crooked I, Craig G, Reks, Ruste Juxx, K Solo, Chino XL, Keith Murray, Chino XL, Canibus, AFRO, and Antlive Boombap with an intro by Jada Kiss and Deep Voice on production. This record brings forth a refreshing sense of collaborative unity while offering the essence and elements that push forth the culture. In the interview below, Rhyme Assassin chops it up about the single, the diverse features and their contributions, the Hip Hop scene in the UK, and more.

MJ: Before we jump into your upcoming release of "Rhyme Apostles" let everyone know who you are and where you're from.

Rhyme Assassin: My name is Tichaona Brian Monera. I was born and raised in Zimbabwe. I migrated to the United Kingdom to explore opportunities for further education and personal development. An important part of that was pursuing a career in music. This is something that I have already been doing in Zimbabwe where I gained popularity with hip-hop in the early 90s. Freestyling with my homies after school, I was able to hone my craft to become a recognizable voice on the Zimbabwe music scene.  These were formative moments in my music career. These encounters earned me the name Rhyme Assassin which has become my official MCEE name. The name Rhyme Assassin resonates with the skillful poetic lyrical expression of the music and the excellence of execution of my craft. 

MJ: As a Hip Hop artist from the UK, tell us about the Hip Hop scene over there. 

Rhyme Assassin: Hip-hop has always had a firm grip on the UK music scene with a lot of drill dominating. Hip-hop artists like Stormzy have become household names, generating a huge following worldwide. My estimation is that the UK is on the brink of becoming a hip-hop powerhouse globally. There are many upcoming hip-hop artists….

MJ: What led you to begin a career in rap and lead a lifestyle true to Hip Hop culture?

Rhyme Assassin: The greatest influencers that kickstarted my rap career are the likes of all-time greats such as KRS ONE, Run DMC & Big Daddy Kane, BIG, and 2 PAC. I grew up listening to their music on cassettes and vinyl. Because of my experiences and encounters with these hip-hop moguls, I embrace the hip-hop culture and started living out and expressing this in my lyrical content. My inspiration to write was primarily from Canibus and Krs One. I can even recall the first day I listened to Gangstarr - Moment of truth, Dead Prez - Let's get free and DMX - It's dark and hell is hot. Those were the early days when hip-hop was not playing much on Zimbabwe radio. Our exposure to hip-hop was mainly from folks coming from overseas and bringing cassette tapes back home. I would use my pocket money to rent out hip-hop tapes for a couple of days or more so that I can just listen to the latest hip-hop beats.

MJ: Ok, let's jump into your new single which will be available for download and purchase on April 3rd, 2023. How were you able to link with all the powerhouses and legends? Talk about the thought process of "Rhyme Apostles" to hand-picking features, to the production, and to the final canvas.


Rhyme Assassin: The initial idea was for Rhyme Apostles to have 4 artists. Later, drawing inspiration from the Bible, the thought of the 12 apostles of Jesus dawned on my mind and this became the womb that gave birth to Rhyme Assassin’s 12 apostles on the track. The new single is based on an idea that had been in for quite a while. My vision was to bring together some of the greatest lyricists and recognizable names in hip-hop. Being on the same record with the likes of Crooked I Canibus, Craig G, Keith Murray and a host of other renowned hip-hop legends is an incredible personal triumph. 

Achieving this was monumental. The journey was not a straightforward one. It was long and challenging, but an enjoyable one. The one thing that made it worthwhile is the caliber of people that I was targeting. These were real hip-hop heads, with a genuine love for true hip-hop culture. I was truly humbled by these guys' acceptance and willingness to embrace me and work with me to bring my vision to fruition.

Every single one of them exhibited high levels of professionalism with such amazing humility. Each demonstrated a love and a passion to collaborate with emcees with roots in Africa. The emcees that made it on the record I those that reached out to and they were magnanimous enough to accept the invitation. 

Shout out to those emcees who believed in me and were keen to be part of the project but could not make the financial commitment in time and were unable to be featured. There will always be scope to do collaborative projects with them in the near future. Another noteworthy artist who made an enormous contribution to this project is Deep Voice, a UK producer who created the best used in the debut single. He created the beat some seven years ago along with other beats that I subsequently used. This particular beat was archived until now and it is just the right beat for the project. The bear will be mixed and mastered by yet another creative, P2doah, a Zimbabwean-based producer. We are also currently working on the video for the song.

MJ: What are you hoping audiences take away from the single? 

Rhyme Assassin: The single greatest desired outcome for this project is a greater realization but both artists and music lovers of the incredible power of collaborative music ventures across the industry. The single, Rhyme Apostles, is a clear and powerful demonstration of the synergy resulting from such collaboration. My wish for this single is that it will be timeless in its appeal and not just for a season.

MJ: It's evident with the single, you are on a mission to conserve the authenticity of Hip Hop and push it to the forefront of music. Can you elaborate on that? 

Rhyme Assassin: I am a firm believer in the need for the conservation of the truest essence of Hip hop culture expressed through lyricism. The caliber of emcees on the track have mastered this art and is an inspiration to me as I climb to my place of significance in the game. 

My conviction is that hip-hop culture has a powerful potential to bring about societal and cultural cohesion globally. In that sense, the single has an apostolic assignment - to bring about a fresh crop of hip-hop artists whose focus is beyond their individual musical domains to champion a movement that will produce a generation of like-minded people. The talents and skill sets of the participating emcees are as diverse as their fingerprints are. It is this diversity that I value and celebrates the most in this project. The creative lyricism and different execution styles of the art make this project unequaled by any in hip-hop circles and that is what thrills me.


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Indie Detroit, Michigan rapper Dee Havior unleashes visuals to his new single "Gold Standard." The premise of the video is how people idolize hustlers for risk-taking to ensure they become established.

Dee Havior's lyrical performance embodies past experiences that made him into the artist and man we see today. His goal in the present day is to focus on his career while aiming for gold status.

Part of the hook, “This is gold standard this the paper route how every rebel where I’m from tried to make it out, if you get caught slipping n*ggas take you out" echos Dee Havior's declaration while a sonic backdrop emphasized the mightiness of the record. Watch "Gold Standard" and connect with Dee Havior below.  


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shot & edited by Elev8_photography1


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NY's own Comet MadMen and producer Swab release visuals to "Foreign Wasteland." The track is taken from his latest album 'Authentic Kloth.' 

At the beginning of the video, we see NYC streets taken over by ambulance and police lights which set the tone of the record. Comet follows suit with a lyrical bout that depicts his survival in a foreign wasteland. He stays in a zone with full tunnel vision so he doesn't get consumed by the land of the lost. 

His intricate lyricism and vivid wordplay are gripping and heightened by a sonic backdrop driven by mob vibes and gritty bass. Tony Montana's audio and visual excerpts piggyback Comet's transparent tale and echo throughout the video. 


Grab a copy of the album ‘Authentic Kloth’


Connect with Comet MadMen



Video credits

Filmed by Sphinx392

Directed/ Edited by 

MadMen Visions 

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Hip Hop thoroughbred representing Harlem, Money Stacks, announces the drop of the official video for "The Real Blow" produced by Onaje Jordan and directed by GEE. 

A backdrop of gritty NY boom-bap heightens the bars and wordplay spewed by Money Stacks. His mantra is still the same money over everything, which is why he spits like he's dealing. His resonating punchlines and clear-cut hook are gripping and prove that he's the #1 supplier for that one-of-a-kind real blow. "You got the real blow in my rhymes, they getting the blow in my rhymes," watch the video and connect with Money Stacks below. 



Instagram @moneystacks149er

Twitter @moneystacks 

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D.V. Alias Khryst and producer Zay Skillz team up with Thirstin Howl The 3rd for his new video "The O.G. (Open Grave)." Howl gathers his pack of wolves on location in Harlem, Staten Island, Long Island, Bushwick, and Jersey to witness severe lyrical whip lashings on street OG's. 

“The O.G. (Open Grave) is a term I use to describe the older generations of thugs who haven't matured in life by using their harsh experiences in the hood for the betterment of their families and communities” – Thirstin Howl The 3rd

A backdrop nostalgic of early M.O.P. days heightens Howl's "street" of address proclamation for thugs to flip that mentality into something positive. Watch “The O.G. (Open Grave)” and stream the single on the preferred platforms below.


Connect with Thirstin Howl The 3rd


“The O.G. (Open Grave)” on preferred platforms - http://bit.ly/10iakYZ

Video shot by 3Ways and Rudy Lo Rakaim Allah Escamilla

Connect with D.V. Alias Khryst on Twitter and Instagram @dvaliaskhryst


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/u2QnUOD50Tw" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>


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Mass Konsciousness enlists G MiMs (son of DJ Red Alert) for the eye-opener video "Plannedem-MIC." In the video, G MiMs confronts a mad scientist acting as a doctor in his lab conjuring up the perfect "cure" for the pandemic. That scene along with potent lyricism reminds us that no one is immune from the disease. Whether you are older or young, weak or strong, rich or poor; Covid-19 doesn't discriminate. Watch "Plannedem-MIC" and connect below. 

Plannedem-MIC (1080P) (rumble.com)

Connect with Mass Konsciousness
Website: https://www.Masskonsciousness.com
Email:  masskonsciousness@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100080493709736  
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MKonsciousness 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mass_konsciousness/ 
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/user173459852 
Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/mkonsciousness

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Pop Da Brown Hornet brings audiences into the boxing ring in his new video "MIC Champ." The Staten Island legend jumps right in with reps of intimidating bars laced with momentous punchlines. “I been putting words together since Rapper’s Delight.” A respected rhyme spitter, there's no need for Pop to warm up, stretch, tape up, or gear up before he enters the ring. An echoing hook vibrates throughout the video, “Brown Bomba blast through your armor mic champ knock out your whole camp, competition is nonexistence.”



Connect with Pop Da Brown Hornet

Pop Brown Hornet on Facebook

@popbrownhornet on Twitter


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After the worldwide buzz from his latest album 'Playground of Darkness' Decaf Black is back with a new single/video titled "Cellophane." The track produced by Sha-Rec Music is out now on all streaming platforms. 

The video exudes Call of Duty vibes with Decaf Black in soldier mode playing a game of cat and mouse. His deliverance of quick-witted wordplay is intensified by Sha-Rec's hard-hitting cinematic backdrop. An immediate adrenaline rush along with part of the hook "invisible bully cellophane" resonates and underlines the video's theme. Watch the video below and follow Decaf Black on all platforms @decafblack.

Video by Sound Sick Productions




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Esteemed NY indie Hip Hop artist/entrepreneur Decaf Black recently released a 16-track project titled 'Playground of Darkness.' The album, climbing charts, is out now and features Nikki Black and Kaity with production from Sha-Rec Music, LyteHeadStudios, and Supreme Da Almighty.

Watch “What You Say?” which is the lead single off the album and features Decaf Black’s wife, Nikki Black.


Amid the pandemic, while most of the world was in a frenzy Decaf Black was in the lab finishing up the final touches on 'Playground of  Darkness' along with three videos off the album. The project, highlighted by gritty, boom bap melodies, shows off  Decaf's potent, honest lyricism and raw energy. ‘Playground of Darkness’ is a personal, lyric memoir that audiences can grip. Stream the album and connect with Decaf Black below.

Watch the video for “Reflection” which is one of the more intense tracks off the album, but relatable on so many different levels regardless of ethnicity, gender, or environment.

Stream ‘Playground of Darkness on preferred platforms https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/decafblack/playground-of-darkness

Connect with Decaf Black

Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@decafblack

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/decafblack/?hl=en

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Decaf-Black-511728535548780/

Watch the video for “Funk That” also taken from the album


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For the past 27 years, Staten Island refers to Pop Da Brown Hornet as a Stapleton, as do Hip Hop scenes and communities worldwide. His music ranges from gritty NY Hip Hop to somewhat revolutionary to sexy tracks for the ladies. His ability to deliver a wide range of music that continues to chart globally is a testament to his lyrical skillset. Pop has worked alongside legends and pioneers including Wu-Tang members, Sway, DJ Premier, billboard/platinum producers as well as MCA Records and Sony/Orchard just to name a few. Watch the back-to-back videos below to get a taste of Pop Da Brown Hornet's mastery. 

DayDreaming Ft. The Force M.D.'s

Touchie Feelie

Foreman Mandela

Connect with Pop Da Brown Hornet
Instagram: @popdabrownhornet_10304
Twitter: @popbrownhornet
Facebook: Pop Brown Hornet
YouTube: Bombafire Enterprises

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After the release of his critically acclaimed EP 'Killers In A Coffee House' Japreme Magnetic hits Brooklyn pavement with Rap God Billy Danze to deliver "BK" visuals. Magnetic wastes no time dropping hardcore bars and punchlines, sure to smack the fear into wack rappers. His radiator energy and Danze's hood royalty status overstep lyrically in the concrete jungle, crushing ants with each and every monstrous stomp. Welcome to Brownsville where you build something and then kill something. 

The thunderous track is driven by horns and hard basslines, both of which intensify the gritty vibe. Watch the official video for "BK" below. 

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Blacbird Records along with Maylay Sparks, Clever 1, and K-Sluggah announce the release of their collaborative album ‘Frozen Mugs’ available now on all digital platforms with distribution by PHI Records. The 12-track project includes features from D.J. PH, DJ Too Tuff, Malik B (The Roots), Chukk Rukkuz, Planet Asia, Rocc Spotz, Briefcase Bugg, and Joe “The Butcher” Nicolo.

The dynamic trio of Maylay Sparks (Philly MC), Clever 1 (Chicago MC), and K-Sluggah (Swedish producer/MC) have rubbed mics and stages with Hip Hop legends and music icons for over a decade, so it only made sense they linked to curate and deliver an epic dose of earmilk. Hip Hop purists, prepare to be compelled by an overflowing kaleidoscope of gritty head-nodding production, classic cuts and scratches, edgy wordplay, and raw lyricism…

Stream/download ‘Frozen Mugs’ on preferred platforms below and stay tuned as vinyl, cassettes, and CD’s will be available in August.

https://songwhip.com/maylay sparks



Catch a glimpse into the album by D.J. PH of Zulu Nation, Marseille

Connect below

PHI Records:

Instagram: @phirecords @phienterprises


Instagram: @ksluggah


Maylay Sparks:

Instagram: @rahmaylay



Clever 1:

Instagram: @getclever1

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kymmar.ibnalqatan


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Eye Luc Releases "Balance" Video

Nashville-based Hip Hop artist Eye Luk releases visuals for his single “Balance”, shot by ShootMeDash LLC and currently ranking #13 on ReverbNation Rap charts in Nashville, TN.

Over gritty production blended with worldly tones, Luk aggressively rhymes about balance in life and stresses the need for both the negative and positive to spark energy. Can there be pleasure without pain, love without hate, or gains without losses? Bar for Bar Luk breaks it down sure to leave listeners scratching their heads in wonderment.

Check out Luk’s latest singles “Pray For Me” and “Stand Alone” on Spotify and be on the lookout for his forthcoming album ‘Shadow Work.’

Connect with Eye Luk below.

Twitter @eye_luk

Instagram @Eye.luk

Facebook @Eye Luk Music

Eye Luk on Apple Music Click Here

Eye Luk on YouTube Click Here

ReverbNation @EyeLuk


About Eye Luk

Having overcome that revolving door of incarceration, addictions, and a toxic lifestyle, Eye Luk was able to focus on the craft that he’d been harnessing since the early age of 10. His aim is to use music to share his message in hopes it helps others still lost in the darkness….By stepping out from the shadows to live as a light, Heavens Heathens was founded and is now a cornerstone connecting artists with similar messages of lessons learned from a troubled past. Always raw and real, (although sometimes dark and grimy) you can be sure there’s always a message to be made or a story to be told!

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Leave by Kindness new Hip-Hop Track


The song "Leave" by August Russell A.K.A Kindness. Kindness is August's artist's name. Kindness started performing and singing at a young age that allowed him to develop his skills as a dynamic performer. Kindness is a singer, songwriter, actor, screenwriter and developing his skills to produce plays for the theater houses.

Kindness's new song "leave" is a Christian/Gospel Hip-Hop track. This song can actually be performed in the churches as well as in the clubs. The song mixture is very unique. "Leave" has a poetic delivery, there is a verse in the song that says "give me something to believe in, I am thinking Jesus, I am leaving", Kindness's lyrical content expresses his true belief in his Christian faith. The song has conviction, great meaning, and composition. Leave has the potential to bring people who do not understand the power of Jesus some understanding, meaning, and love. 

The song has a poetic feel. Listen to the song and let us know your thoughts. Get more details on the artist by visiting his website or social media.

Spotify: song "Leave" https://open.spotify.com/album/1ggqWpcl5gk3X0189mC9oh 

Bandcamp: http://www.augustgregorymusic.bandcamp.com.

IG: Augustgregorymusic and @Kindnesstherapper.

Twitter: @Augustgrussell1.

Website: http://www.augustgregorymusic.com.



August G. Russell is a St. Louis Native having been homeschooled and first enrolled in his local performing arts center at the age of five. He expressed a love for the performing arts from a young age, showing a natural talent and ability to be accelerated to higher levels of studies above those of his age group. During this time after having been evaluated, it was noted by a foreign vocal teacher that August had a "gift from God". At age seven, August made his first theater appearance in the Wizard of Oz as a Munchkin at America's largest outdoor theater in the Midwest. He continued to appear for many years in shows such as Peter Pan, Cinderella, Annie, The Sound of Music, The Wizard of Oz again, Oliver!, Joseph, Miss Saigon, and Godspell. 
Performing was the highlight of his childhood each summer having been homeschooled. During his teenage years, August could be found in several performing arts troupes around St. Louis that catered to the Musical Theater community, but additionally performing in and also working with several different theater companies and stage-shows in the St. Louis region. 
August starting having a conviction of Christianity, he felt the need to take a break from the theater scene and focus on finishing his high school education and seek God. August began attending a very Charismatic church in the city that allowed him to increase his enthusiasm and zeal. August then began to show leadership skills among his peers. He has had several different studies ranging from biblical studies at local homeschool institutions to just bible studies that he has found highly intriguing. 
August is a passionate disciple of Jesus Christ. Thereafter, August became a student at St. Louis Community College where he studied basic education in a pursuit to receive his Associate's degree in music. August was accepted to a prestigious performing arts conservatory located in New York and Los Angeles for the study of musical theater in 2016. August traveled to Jerusalem and expresses "seeing the Holy land has inspired me and convicted me in my faith in a reality that I can't put into words but only in actions". August comes from a passionate family with two older sisters, a hard-working and loving mother, and a father. August's goals are to spread love and show the world that he loves God and people and the performing arts. 
August been producing music independently and making a name for himself in the St. Louis music scene. August plans to put out mixtapes, and work on additional projects such as writing and producing original stage plays that for the Christians. He also wants to work on ministry or business. 
Overall, August desires to spread the good news, follow the footsteps of his family who he idolizes by inspirational others as great words were spoken over his life.

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12353179476?profile=originalVA rapper 7city Ghost Blanco collabs with H-Town producer GB36 to drop their debut project, 7city Ghost Files: The Preview. These two bring a very unique and very dope sound to the rap game. Check them out on all major streaming platforms and stay tuned for more heat later this year. Click here to listen on,

7city Ghost Files: The Preview(Song.Link)

Apple Music/iTunes: 7city Ghost Files: The Preview(Apple Music/iTunes)

Spotify: 7city Ghost Files: The Preview(Spotify)

SoundCloud: 7city Ghost Files: The Preview(SoundCloud)

Tidal: 7city Ghost Files: The Preview(Tidal)

Pandora: 7city Ghost Files: The Preview(Pandora)

YouTube: 7city Ghost Files: The Preview(YouTube)

Also follow 7city Ghost Blanco and his team on social media:

IG: @7cityghostblanco







Twitter: @7cg57_blanco


Facebook: @Royal Blanco

@Brandon Nvastpgrinding Williams

@Jay Brown

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Christopher Newson known as Kris Kartel Founder of Kartel Route Multimedia built this company in the year of 2006 with gentlemen by the name of Sunny Mcmullin and another by the name of Asim Robinson. Kris has Known and been dealing with the ins and outs of the industry since 1995. Performing with a group called A.F.C which was in the era of illegal who was brought out by Naughty by Nature and the youngstas also brought out by Naughty by Nature, also Kris Kross. Which means Kris knows the pressure artist has to go through just to be noticed in this industry. Kartel Route Multimedia is an artist development company who teaches artist Management, show booking performing arts, studio recording, and how to form a complete Bio for your own personal marketing. Kartel Route also does promotion and marketing for a known and unknown artist.


Kartel Route is known to take inner-city kids off the street and engage them in music and performing arts. Teaching kids discipline, respect, honor, and loyalty not only for the culture but also for themselves.


Kartel Route since has worked with people such as Mickey Factz, BKCashmere, Newz, Luck da yung godfather, S.Gutta, Hellz Yea, The real Manifest, Rhino da Boss, Bankroll, Six known as Uptown Ricky Decosta, Billionz, B.A.D, E.T.G, P.H.A.T, Domination, Mazaradi Fox, Sha stimuli, Yung G da general, Bmafia, Sadat x, Babalu Machete, General Dv, and companies such as Ill Corp N.A.rock Inc. Mix B studios, Triple X studios, Hood Heat Radio, 8th-day music / Ugf,


Kartel Route is known to have experience with digital recording and promotion, marketing artist developing, show booking, graphics media arrangement and organization, digital publishing, bookkeeping, and formal interview skills. Please check out some of the artist and sites, which Kartel Route has, solicit and promoted some of these artists on.

Follow on all social Media/website:






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