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NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — The “heroic actions” of Tennessee pastor, Ezekiel Ndikumana, who tackled a man waving and pointing a gun during a service “saved a church from further violence,” police said.

No shots were fired during the incident Sunday at Nashville Light Mission Pentecostal Church, Metro Nashville Police said in a statement.

The 26-year-old man, identified as Dezire Baganda, pulled a gun as the pastor was praying with several people at the altar and told everyone to get up as he waved and pointed the gun at the congregation, police said. The pastor tackled the man and then several church members helped to disarm and hold him until officers arrived, the statement said.

Baganda is due in court on November 10. He faces 15 counts of aggravated assault. Additional charges are expected.

Bond is set at $375,000 for Baganda.

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