
Several left-leaning student organizations at Arizona State University are demanding that their administration "withdraw" Kyle Rittenhouse from the university.

The Arizona State University Students for Socialism, Students for Justice in Palestine, Multicultural Solidarity Coalition & MECHA de ASU are all calling on the Arizona State University administration to take action against Rittenhouse by withdrawing him from the university & releasing a statement against him.

The four groups are calling him "Murderer Kyle Rittenhouse."

Rittenhouse was found not guilty on all charges against him as jurors finished deliberations on Nov. 19. He faced charges after fatally shooting 2 people & shooting & injuring a third man during the riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin, on Aug. 25, 2020.

Rittenhouse is a student at Arizona State University online.

The groups also demand that the university administration "reaffirm support for the multicultural center on campus as a safe space from White Supremacy."

Students making the demands also want the administration to redirect funding from the Arizona State University Police Department to the multicultural center and they are demanding "the establishment of a care center on campus."

The groups are also hosting a "Rally & protest to get murderer Kyle Rittenhouse off our campus" on Dec. 1 at Arizona State University.

"Even with a not-guilty verdict from a flawed ‘justice’ system - Kyle Rittenhouse is still guilty to his victims & the families of those victims," the demand letter states. "Join us to demand from ASU that those demands be met to protect students from a violent blood-thirsty murderer."

The Students for Socialism chapter spokesperson contended that the Rittenhouse trial "effectively gives right-winged individuals the license to kill other individuals who protest for human rights."

"Rittenhouse took the lives of innocent people with the intent to do so—by strapping an assault rifle to himself in a crowd of unarmed citizens. That is the textbook definition of intention. The decision made by the court is one of thousands of cases that have been influenced by biased judges, predominantly white juries & mistakes inherent in a judicial system founded off of injustice to begin with," the spokesperson said.

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Source: Fox News

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