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In this clip, Aries Spears opens up about how he's adjusting to the quarantine, and he stated that while he loves his lady, he can't wait to get away. He went on to speak about comedians doing shows without audiences online, which he likened to a crazy person talking to themselves. Aries then admitted that he agreed to do a show without an audience but he's trying to find a way out of the deal.
Aries then shared his thoughts on Harvey Weinstein being sentenced to 23 years on rape charges, and he believes that Weinstein will not serve the full sentence because "he has the complexion for protection." Aries went on to speak about no one taking the stand for Weinstein during his trial, adding that you're "quarantined" socially when you're accused of raping women.
He then shared his thoughts on Bill Cosby and conspiracy theories about Cosby being taken down because he wanted to buy NBC. Aries said that he believes Cosby had the money to buy the network, but they wouldn't sell to him because they would have to relinquish power to a Black man. He then spoke about Cosby being hypocritical of comedians cursing in their shows, which led to an impersonation of Cosby. To hear more, including Cosby debunking stereotypes with his hit TV show.
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