Nicolas Cage got an expensive New Year's gift from Uncle Sam -- a bill for $6.7 million in MORE allegedly unpaid back taxes. According to a federal tax lien filed on December 31, 2009 -- Cage owes $6,712,821.99 in unpaid taxes for 2008. According to Sam Levin, Cage's former financial manager -- who's in a legal war with Nic over the massive financial collapse -- by 2008, the actor had "15 palatial homes around the world, four yachts, a Gulfstream jet and millions of dollars in jewelry and art." Cage claims Levin was incompetent and underhanded and sunk Cage's financial ship. As TMZ first reported,Cage is on the hook for $6,617,550.84 he owed for debts in 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2007 -- making his new grand total $13,330,372.83. It's unclear on how Cage will pay up -- due to the fact that Nic has described his own financial state as "catastrophic." UPDATE: Nicolas Cage just gave TMZ the following statement: "Over the course of my career I have paid at least $70 million in taxes. Unfortunately, due to a recent legal situation, another approximate $14 million is owed to the IRS, however, I am under new business management and am happy to say that I am current for 2009. All taxes will be paid including any to be determined state taxes. TMZ Follow Me
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