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MEMPHIS, Tenn. (WREG) — A family calls for change after a 16-year-old boy was gunned down during a funeral procession in North Memphis Saturday night.

Family members have identified the victim as Emmit Beasley, a student at Southwind High School & an up & coming rapper known as PSO Emmit.

His father Titus Beasley says his son was just trying to enjoy himself.

“My son was a baby just trying to enjoy himself, being himself, just a baby, that’s it. That’s all he was doing was just enjoying himself,” he said.

This year, at least 225 people have been murdered in the city of Memphis. That’s two more than this time last year.

“Gun crimes and violent crime is at the very highest priority of the Memphis police department,” said Chief Davis.

Data from Memphis Police shows that they have arrested more than 3,000 people for illegally having a firearm and seized nearly 4,000 weapons. Despite these proactive measures, Chief Davis says everyone has to commit to addressing crime.

Beasley’s mother Chasity Graham wants justice for her son and says it’s time to put the guns down.

“This was a senseless murder. It’s time to put the guns down. I want justice for my son. It’s justice for PSO Emmit. His life will not be in vain,” she said.

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