[Video] E Heard 'Came From'

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Emanuel (E. Heard) Heard was born October 28,1989 in Selma Alabama. Growing in Selma, E. Heard became inspired to rap at the early age of nine by various artists such as Goodie Mob, Scarface, Master P, 2pac, and the Hot Boyz of Cash Money Records. While in Elementary and Jr. High School, he would always freestyle amongst his peers and get positive feedback from them. While at home he would write rhymes constantly and record his lyrics using the built-in computer microphones. During his early teenage years, he joined a rap group. He also performed in functions outside of Alabama as well. As E. Heard began to perfect his craft, he also developed a passion for producing beats. He made several beats for himself, his group, and various local artists from Selma. He released his first solo mixtape “Doin Numbers” in 2011. He released his sophomore mixtape “How to Get Money” in 2015. During this time he also released serval music videos via YouTube which helped to expand his buzz and fanbase. He is set to release his third mixtape “Go Out Get It” in 2016. His dream is to make it big as major artist so that he could be in a position help and inspire his friends, family members, and hometown of Selma,Alabama. He also wants to continue to collaborate with other aspiring artists while always giving back to the children of his community.

Listen/Download: https://open.spotify.com/track/66HcozoPi14MolZhxcS6SR?si=KrPYtJr8QC20z8iNOrM5hg

Follow E Heard
Twitter: @iameheard
IG: @1eheard

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