Mitchy Slick - Keep Up the Name (feat. Eddie MMack) [Official Music Video]

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Get ready to turn up the volume and vibe out with San Diego's Mayor & Tha Wrongkind Kapo " OG Mitchy Slick " as he drops his latest visual masterpiece, "Keep Up The Name". Teaming up with fellow San Diego and Wrongkind artist Eddie MMack, this collaboration promises to take you on a journey through the streets of San Diego.
This banger is produced by 88 Tha Gang, who brings that knock to the beats and these artists bring the lyrics to the streets. "Keep Up The Name". The raw lyricism from both Mitchy Slick and Eddie MMack's help paint a picture in the minds of the viewers and listeners, captivating audiences worldwide.
Stay updated with the OG mitchy slick via Instagram/FB/YouTube via @Mitchyslickwrongkind & Twitter @OGMITCHYSLICK
And tap with Wrongkind's Eddie MMack
Via Instagram @eddiemmack

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