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Listen to the response to "NO""Yes" is a response to a song about a girl who isn'tletting the guy spit any game. At least he's notgetting anywhere with it, but he's found out that whenher friends are gone, he has a chance. Enjoy!LyricsI already see what it is yo,You could say no, but hit me on the low!My name is yoMy signs virgogoogle me I'm virtualmy social media is viralYou could front for your girls, but hit me on the lowI aint gonna let it go, I'm the one thoughno means yes to a saleman yoI thought I heard no, but I aint seen ya goso say yes to the best - not like the restsnap your fingers, roll ya neck but don't second guesssnap chat or text. Sweat the rolex, condo or lexor call me on the reboundwhen ya jerked by that clownYou're friends are gone, no need to be up tightplay your cards right what's up for tonight?I don't wanna dance? Girl I'm a romancerWhen I see you on the low, you could be my privatedancerand I got more than a salsa and merenguewatch when we lay and let Marvin Gaye playI already see what it is yo,around your friends say no, but hit me on the low!On Google Play 4/17

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