Bob The Give-Herr Loves The Ladies!!

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WATCH BOB O'S INSURANCE (RATED VERSION) Funnier the second time around as Bob The Give-Herr Presents A double dose of Bob O's Insurance. This time Bob Has More Pick up lines and dance moves that will leave you laughing. Everybody from kids to adults love Bob The Give-Herr So Ask yourself are you a people person, Hard Worker, and Love Insurance. Well do I have news for you watching this commercial Just saved you 15 % and you didn't even know it. Bob O's Insurance Rates, are so low that it's worth flashing for! So come right down to Bob O's Insurance Because If you can't trust Bob, than Who can you trust! At Bob O's Insurance we insure the safety of your Money, IN OUR POCKETS!!!.STARTINGBob The Give -Herr. . . Jason "Lil Huero" MadrigalTackler . . . Erika GarcesLittle Girl. . . . Brianna AndradeBaby in Car. . . Jason Felipe Madrigal Jr.Written ByJason "Lil Huero" Madrigal & Erika GarcesDirected ByErika GarcesEdited ByErika GarcesStoryboard ByErika Garces & Jason "Lil Huero" MadrigalProduced ByErika Garces & Jason "Lil Huero" MadrigalIMPERIAL MINDS PRODUCTIONS

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