A Pocketful of Christmas by The New Bardots

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BEST Christmas Song Ever!

With the leaves changing color and the air cooling down in their home state of New Jersey….it signals the time for The NEW Bardots to keep a band tradition alive by releasing a new holiday song …….complete with Tubular bells and an angelic choir mixed with a gentle touch of rock and roll…..this original Christmas song hopes to bring out the spirit of the holidays to the listener….. whether it be children or adults alike. A Pocketful Of Christmas is the fifth holiday song in as many years The NEW Bardots have been a unit…….and is the Title track and single from their upcoming Holiday EP “A Pocket Full Of Christmas” which features all 5 tunes. Enjoy and Happy Holidays!! The NEW Bardots On Bongo Boy Records Directed by :Wayne Olivieri , Larry Gress, Richard Hall Camera: Larry Gress, Richard Hall Green Screen /editor Nickolas Koontz Jr. Invisual Post Shot at Du Cret School of Art, Plainfield, N.J The Band John Croot JR: Keyboards Gar Francis: Guitars Wayne Olivieri: Vocals/Sleigh bells Johnnie Rago: Drums

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